Title: Dear My Killer Tune
Harutaka has one obsession in life: The Lazy Rats. When he was very young, his dad had VHS tapes with their concerts on them, and he has been in love with them ever since. He’s part of their fan club and attends as many concerts as possible. When he’s not working as a hairdresser, he spends his off days organizing all his new merch. His life revolves around The Lazy Rats. While he loves the entire band, his favorite is the guitarist Reiichi Himemiya. The moment he got the chance to take a picture with Himemiya, he broke down in tears, creating one of his greatest treasures in the form of his lock screen.
But this moment wasn’t just memorable for Harutaka. As it turns out, Himemiya remembers it too. So, when Himemiya comes to Harutaka’s salon to get a haircut, rather than asking for the owner as he intended, he wants to get a haircut from Harutaka instead. Harutaka can barely speak; how could he do his hair? Somehow, someway, Harutaka gets through it and leaves Reiichi looking refreshed. Harutaka is perfectly happy with this new memory and is pleased with his work, but this one-time meeting with Reiichi leads to another, and another… and another.
Suddenly, he is spending most days with his favorite musician, and the feelings he once attributed to being a fan have evolved into something more.