Manga Review | MADK by Ryo Suzuri

Title: MADK

Makoto has an obsession. It’s one that could never be accepted in society, and so Makoto feels isolated and trapped. As a last-ditch effort to fulfill his grotesque desires, he resorts to the occult, summoning a demon. The demon appears before him, praising his talents. The demon will grant him whatever he wants in exchange for Makoto’s soul. More than happy to trade his corrupted soul, Makoto asks for the one thing he has always wanted but never been able to obtain: the chance to eat someone. The demon is surprised but has no qualms about fulfilling this request.

So begins Makoto’s strange relationship with the demon. For a while, Makoto takes his time, slowly eating the demon’s flesh and savoring it. Eventually, though, even this routine becomes dull. The demon, bored himself, offers an alternative. He tears into his throat and offers Makoto the chance to have intercourse there. It’s horrific and disgusting. But Makoto is all too happy to give it a try. Once the act is complete, Makoto breaks down into despair, realizing he’ll never be able to experience pleasure like that again. Satisfied, he’s ready to be taken by the demon.

But the demon has other plans. Instead of taking Makoto’s soul, the demon named J takes Makoto’s severed head to Hell. There, he proclaims that he will get Makoto a new body and raise him into a fantastic demon, one that could tear J down from his perch as the Archduke of Hell. Makoto is furious, having assumed his life would finally be over. Makoto goes along with J’s plans, both because he hates J and because he loves him.

But the road to the top is long, and everyone in Hell is trying to raise their station. Can Makoto make it to the top without being destroyed? Or was J mistaken in his abilities as a demon?

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Novel Review | Yes, No, or Maybe? – Center of the World by Michi Ichiho

Title: Yes, No, or Maybe? – Center of the World

This is the sequel to Yes, No, or Maybe?.

Kei and Ushio’s relationship has been going well for a while now, and so has Kei’s job. Unfortunately, Kei finds his confidence rocked by the announcement of a new pseudo-news show in the same time block. Initially, he’s not all that worried, as the rival show is much more relaxed and focuses less on news and more on the hosts’ commentary. But then he finds out the main host, Kizaki Ryou, once interviewed for Kei’s role. The realization that Kizaki might be motivated by revenge shakes Kei to his core. But nothing shocks him more than when he’s removed from hosting his show to being a field reporter.

It’s chaotic and stressful work with people who aren’t as reliable as the ones in the studio. The stress of work soon spills over into Kei’s relationship. Kei knows he should just apologize to Ushio so they can move on, but his unrelenting pride, along with his random work schedule, makes it difficult. As if things couldn’t get any worse, his show also loses its market share to Kizaki’s new show. Kei’s perfectly crafted life is falling apart, and he has no idea how to fix it.

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Manga Review | Kind of a Wolf by Machi Suehiro

Title: Kind of a Wolf

This is the spin-off of Fox-Colored Jealousy. While they are self-contained stories, this title references characters and situations from the first, so it’s recommended to read Fox-Colored Jealousy before reading this title.

Hayato is a bright, excited, and extroverted man. But when his friends ask him to go out and hang out, he surprisingly declines, opting to spend pretty much every day at home alone. But, unfortunately for his neighbor Shiroki, a TA at his , Hayato spends his time at home playing video games online, where his exuberant personality comes out in full force. He yells, hoops, and hollers, resulting in a less-than-peaceful evening at Shiroki’s apartment next door. Frustrated, Shiroki goes over and lets his young neighbor know how disruptive he is.

Thankfully, Hayato seems to take Shiroki’s words to heart, and the evenings are peaceful once more. Shiroki is enjoying his quiet evening with his cat Furball on the night of a full moon when Furball decides to go on an impromptu adventure. Furball jumps over to Hayato’s balcony and slips into Hayato’s apartment. Panicked, Shiroki runs over to Hayato’s apartment and knocks on the door, but no one answers. Desperate, he tries the doorknob and finds that it’s unlocked. When he sneaks inside, he fully intends to just grab Furball and leave, but then he sees Hayato. Hayato is in bed, moaning and groaning.

But Shiroki is fixated on the pair of ears and a tail attached to Hayato.

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Manga Review | Hitorijime Boyfriend by Memeco Arii

Title: Hitorijime Boyfriend

Kensuke Oshiba has a problem. His life has been relatively peaceful despite being haunted by a painful event in his past when his best friend left him behind to attend a different middle school. He’s thankfully made friends since then, but that sad memory comes back to the forefront of his mind when that friend, Asaya Hasekura, suddenly transfers to his high school. He’s no longer that little boy Kensuke played with in elementary school. He’s now a handsome young man, taller than Kensuke, and he’s the talk of the school. Kensuke intends to just ignore Hasekura, but then they end up in the same class. Could things get any worse?

Thankfully, Hasekura seems ready to bury the hatchet, which Kensuke is all too happy to do. With their friendship rekindled, Kensuke’s life is back on track. But little does Kensuke know that Hasekura has no intentions of staying just friends.

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Manga Review | Love Nest by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Love Nest

This is the third series in a shared world created by . It is recommended that you read the first and second entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.

Masato treasures his days off, often working late hours during busy seasons at work. Unfortunately, the little peace he has at home is disrupted by his upstairs , who constantly stomp around and make noise. He escapes his home to drown his sorrows at his favorite , where he complains to one of his best friends, Naruse. Naruse pokes fun and comforts Masato at the same time but ultimately ends up making him an offer he can’t refuse: to move into one of his houses. Masato is all about it and immediately cancels his lease.

Just as he expected, the house is phenomenal. It has the latest entertainment system, which tickles Masato’s fancy. It’s impeccably clean. But more important, there are no annoying neighbors. Masato is ready to enjoy his new digs when he’s suddenly face-to-face with an unexpected person: Asahi. Asahi is an older man. He’s dirty, inconsiderate, and constantly steals Masato’s food. What Masato thought was is suddenly hell. He has gone from shitty neighbors to a shitty roommate, and Masato can’t wait to find another place so he can escape Asahi.

But as he compromises and grows to learn who Asahi truly is, he finds himself softening up to the older man. But Masato has been betrayed by a straight man before. Though his heart might want Asahi, Masato isn’t so willing to let it guide him that way.

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Manga Review | The Man Who Shattered My World by Osamu Moriya

Title: The Man Who Shattered My World

Tachibana is a player, and he’s exclusively a top. He has no intention of falling in love or maintaining a romantic relationship, and to ensure his partners are aware of the status quo, he has them agree to a relationship contract. It has several requirements, but the most important one is simple: no falling in love. This serves Tachibana well for the most part. However, while he’s on the hunt for a new partner, he finds himself having to reject potential candidates, as they admit that they might end up falling for him. Tachibana is about to call it a night after hunting for a sex partner when a new guy approaches him.

The man is very handsome but very tall and much more masculine than Tachibana usually goes for. Tachibana immediately assumes he’s a top and clarifies that he is exclusively a top. But to Tachibana’s surprise, the man says he’s a bottom. Again, the man is not Tachibana’s usual type. However, Tachibana loves to dominate, and what would be more satisfying than dominating this big guy? So, after explaining his contract with the stranger, the two agree to the terms and head to a hotel room together. Everything is going well with his new bedmate, Kuzumi until Kuzumi decides to turn the tables.

The exclusive top Tachibana suddenly finds himself on the bottom and is thoroughly dominated instead. Tachibana is ready to break the contract and forget the whole thing, but Kuzumi has no intention of letting Tachibana go. And as much as Tachibana doesn’t want to admit it, he finds himself craving to be taken by Kuzumi again.

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OEL Comic Review | Pain Killer (PainKiller) by HamletMachine

Title: Pain Killer (sometimes stylized as PainKiller)

The world is overrun with and there is a group of warriors designated to clear the surface. Juan is one of these warriors. He travels to the surface to fight these creatures, and while many of the monsters do exclusively want to kill and eat these warriors, many also want to dominate them. These monsters crave more than the taste of human flesh, and though Juan tries his best to fight them off, he finds himself in the throes of passion with these creatures.

Of course, he shouldn’t want it. He shouldn’t enjoy it. But after he’s rescued and integrated back into human society, can he ever forget the pleasure he experienced?

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OEL Comic Review | Starfighter by HamletMachine

Title: Starfighter

A Navigator is given the name “Abel,” and he’s paired with a Fighter who is given the name “Cain.” They are part of the Federated Alliance Fleet, a military force that protects Earth and her colonies, including Mars, where Cain is from. As Navigator, Abel’s role is to pilot a ship through , while Cain, the Fighter, acts as the gunman. The two have to work together, especially in this time of war with the looming threat of the Colterons, an alien race that seeks to take over Earth and her colonies, even if it means decimating all human life. However, Abel isn’t initially keen on pairing with Cain, as Cain starts their new partnership by biting Abel’s lips, leaving them scarred.

A scar, Cain says, proves that Abel is his.

Abel is thrown off and not sure their partnership is going to work, but even when he knows he should be hesitant around the unknown Fighter, he can’t help finding himself attracted by his dominance. Ultimately, after only knowing each other for a few hours, the two sleep together. What begins as nothing more than a physical relationship quickly develops into an emotional one, one that Abel is determined to protect while out on the battlefield. What Abel doesn’t know is that this relationship might not have started as randomly as he might have thought, and Cain doesn’t realize just how important Abel will be to him.

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OEL Comic Review | Lucifer’s Garden by HamletMachine

Title: Lucifer's Garden

Elisah is an angel. But though he is an angel, he can’t help being drawn to the forbidden, specifically sex. He finds himself being drawn to the nude and lustful, which his fellow angel Gabriel chastises him for, trying to keep him in line. While out with his fellow , Elisah sees an apple, a vibrant red fruit. He’s drawn to the produce, but when he reaches for it, he’s captured, and his wings are clipped by devils from hell. He is then confined in a cage and chained, taken to a festival of physical pleasures, and presented as a gift to Moloch.

Moloch is initially disinterested until he sees that Elisah is an angel. Moloch fully intends to educate the broken angel on the pleasures of the flesh, sating his desires. And though Elisah has fought against these lustful wants, now that he is in hell, how could he possibly ignore the temptation?

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Manga Review | Change World by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Change World

The sequel to Sayonara Game.

Ito and Arimura are in love and happy together. Their work often keeps them apart, but they find even the briefest moments to meet up and enjoy each other’s company. Arimura wants more time with Ito and wants to move in together, but Ito isn’t ready. Secretly, Ito takes cooking classes, tries to get over his hatred for peppers, and just generally tries to better himself so he can be confident in his ability to be a good partner for Arimura before they move in together. Everything is going well for the most part except for one thing: Ito’s coworker.

Hozumi is way more touchy-feely than Ito would prefer, and he seems to have an intense fixation on him. Thankfully, Ito can ignore him for the most part until he and Arimura run into him outside of work. As it turns out, Hozumi knew Arimura in , and after seeing Arimura and Ito interacting (and specifically seeing how Ito lends his precious engraved pen to Arimura), Hozumi puts two and two together. He knows Ito and Arimura are an item. When he’s alone with Ito next, he lets Ito know that he is gay, too, and though he’s sure Arimura and Ito are happy right now, he has no doubt that Arimura will leave Ito for a woman sooner or later. So, he feels that Ito should be with him instead.

Ito is sure Arimura wouldn’t do that to him, but when Hozumi tells Arimura what he told Ito, Arimura begins to spiral. Arimura is terrified that Ito will believe Hozumi, and he feels he might be unable to prove his love to Ito. This insecurity builds and builds to the point that their once peaceful relationship threatens to crumble. Meanwhile, Ito is presented with an opportunity to work in the United States for a few years. So, even if they survive this tumultuous time, could their relationship survive the long distance?

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