OEL Comic Review | Pain Killer (PainKiller) by HamletMachine

Title: Pain Killer (sometimes stylized as PainKiller)

The world is overrun with and there is a group of warriors designated to clear the surface. Juan is one of these warriors. He travels to the surface to fight these creatures, and while many of the monsters do exclusively want to kill and eat these warriors, many also want to dominate them. These monsters crave more than the taste of human flesh, and though Juan tries his best to fight them off, he finds himself in the throes of passion with these creatures.

Of course, he shouldn’t want it. He shouldn’t enjoy it. But after he’s rescued and integrated back into human society, can he ever forget the pleasure he experienced?

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OEL Comic Review | Starfighter by HamletMachine

Title: Starfighter

A Navigator is given the name “Abel,” and he’s paired with a Fighter who is given the name “Cain.” They are part of the Federated Alliance Fleet, a military force that protects Earth and her colonies, including Mars, where Cain is from. As Navigator, Abel’s role is to pilot a ship through , while Cain, the Fighter, acts as the gunman. The two have to work together, especially in this time of war with the looming threat of the Colterons, an alien race that seeks to take over Earth and her colonies, even if it means decimating all human life. However, Abel isn’t initially keen on pairing with Cain, as Cain starts their new partnership by biting Abel’s lips, leaving them scarred.

A scar, Cain says, proves that Abel is his.

Abel is thrown off and not sure their partnership is going to work, but even when he knows he should be hesitant around the unknown Fighter, he can’t help finding himself attracted by his dominance. Ultimately, after only knowing each other for a few hours, the two sleep together. What begins as nothing more than a physical relationship quickly develops into an emotional one, one that Abel is determined to protect while out on the battlefield. What Abel doesn’t know is that this relationship might not have started as randomly as he might have thought, and Cain doesn’t realize just how important Abel will be to him.

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OEL Comic Review | Lucifer’s Garden by HamletMachine

Title: Lucifer's Garden

Elisah is an angel. But though he is an angel, he can’t help being drawn to the forbidden, specifically sex. He finds himself being drawn to the nude and lustful, which his fellow angel Gabriel chastises him for, trying to keep him in line. While out with his fellow , Elisah sees an apple, a vibrant red fruit. He’s drawn to the produce, but when he reaches for it, he’s captured, and his wings are clipped by devils from hell. He is then confined in a cage and chained, taken to a festival of physical pleasures, and presented as a gift to Moloch.

Moloch is initially disinterested until he sees that Elisah is an angel. Moloch fully intends to educate the broken angel on the pleasures of the flesh, sating his desires. And though Elisah has fought against these lustful wants, now that he is in hell, how could he possibly ignore the temptation?

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