Manhwa Review | Kiss the Bride by Zig

Title: Kiss the Bride

Javier has worked towards one goal: becoming Duke. But even after his father’s death, the position is still out of his grasp. His father left behind a stipulation: Javier must get married to claim his birthright. Javier is disgusted. He has no intention of marrying anyone and having an heir any time soon, but that is the one barrier keeping him from obtaining what he’s been working toward his whole life. He’s unwilling to give up but doesn’t know how to proceed without giving in and marrying a woman. In the middle of his frustration, he catches sight of someone he hasn’t seen in years, Jaewon. Jaewon was someone he played tennis with long ago, and it’s then that it occurs to Javier that while he has to get married, there was nothing in the stipulations that said it had to be a woman. With a new plan in mind, Javier sets out to find Jaewon.

Jaewon, meanwhile, is struggling. He was once a prolific tennis player, but after an unfortunate accident, he can no longer play and deals with chronic pain. What little relief he gets is from smoking weed, which is illegal, but it’s the only thing that keeps him comfortable. While trying to live his life, he finds himself bombarded by news regarding Javier, a man he has fostered a secret love for since they met. Imagine his surprise when he gets home and finds Javier waiting for him in his living room. Instantly, Jaewon internally questions whether or not this is a sign that Javier might love him, especially when Javier tells him they’re going to get married. But Javier draws the line. This is just to get around his father’s posthumous rules.

Jaewon, despite knowing there probably isn’t hope, wonders if this isn’t all because Javier might have feelings for him. So, he makes Javier swear that he won’t have sex while they’re married. Begrudgingly, Javier accepts but promises to make their time a living hell together. Jaewon accepts, and so the two begin their false marriage. Javier is an asshole, but Jaewon can’t stop loving him.

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Manga Review | Re:BIRTH by Asou Mitsuaki

Title: Re:BIRTH

Yukimura Habaki is an alpha and a detective. He’s recently transferred to a smaller precinct in hopes of taking on less work and, in turn, being able to get home in a timely manner. Unfortunately, this also leads to the standard hazing, with the betas in the criticizing him for being an alpha partly due to jealousy. Habaki isn’t bothered by it. Instead, he’s happy that he’ll be able to get off work and get home to his prickly omega partner, En. But things aren’t going to be as peaceful as Habaki had hoped, as there is a serial omega rapist and murderer lurking in the area, and with little to no leads, the pressure is on to catch the killer before he catches wind of En.

En, on the other hand, isn’t worried about being captured. As a former writer turned editor, En spends most of his days working alone at the home he shares with Habaki. The two of them are bonded, but En doesn’t seem at all interested in being with Habaki in any meaningful way outside of his heat. Part of this is due to En’s unfortunate constitution. Usually, when an omega is bonded, they no longer put out pheromones that anyone other than their alpha can smell, but that’s not the case for En. So, despite being bonded, he’s forced to wear a collar to protect himself.

But in reality, none of this is why En is so cold to Habaki. En has a horrible secret he has to keep hidden from Habaki, even if it means putting himself in danger. Guilt and trauma separate En and Habaki. Will they be able to close the gap? Or will the killer circling them break them apart forever?

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Manhwa Review | Define the Relationship by Flona

Title: Define the Relationship

Karlyle is the first son of the noble Frost family. Unfortunately, unlike his younger brother, he wasn’t born a dominant alpha. However, due to some traumatic events in the past, Kyle, Karlyle’s brother, can no longer be the heir to the Frost family. So, even as a subpar alpha, Karlyle feels compelled to fall in line and take over Kyle’s mantle. Unfortunately, this means neverending ruts with strange omegas so he doesn’t fall in love with subpar omegas, a future arranged marriage, and children, whether he wants them or not. The stress and pressure are debilitating, leading to an unfortunate condition where Karlyle is unable to finish with his sexual partners.

This inevitably gets back to his grandfather, the family patriarch, who sends Karlyle to the family doctor. Any illness is considered a weakness, something unacceptable in the Frost noble family. So Karlyle is willing to do anything to fix the issue. But when his doctor suggests having sex with a partner that doesn’t feel like a duty, Karlyle is stunned. That means not having sex with omegas and being the receptive partner with an alpha instead. Karlyle can’t imagine how such a thing would help, but then he meets the suggested partner. His name is Ash Jones, and this actually isn’t the first encounter Karlyle has had with him.

It was New Year’s night, and when the countdown began, Karlyle and Ash shared a kiss as total strangers, never to meet each other again. Ash doesn’t seem to recognize Karlyle, which might be for the best. While Karlyle and Ash will be sharing many intimate days together, their contract will inevitably end, and Karlyle can’t afford to fall in love. But can Karlyle keep from falling in love when Ash is such a romantic gentleman?

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Manga Review | Link and Ring by Tsuyuki Yuruco

Title: Link and Ring

Bessho has a secret. It’s not a huge secret, but he carefully protects it for fear of what others might think of him. He loves cute things. They are cute, fluffy, girly things, and though he hides his love for them from the public, including his friends, he still carries some items around with him so he can enjoy them throughout the day. All is going well with his life, and it is getting even better as he meets someone in his department in a class he had anticipated being alone in. The man Bessho sits next to is a little odd, mainly because he openly displays his love of things that Bessho would typically hide. But the two grow close after the man, Makita, loans him a pencil.

Over time, these two grow closer and closer, and Bessho feels himself changing. He wants to show off his love of cute things, tell his friends about his secrets, and, more importantly, confess to Makita. Bessho always hides things that make him happy. Will he hide his attraction to Makita, too? Or will he take the leap and secure his happiness?

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Manhwa Review | Delivery Complete by Lee Sona

Title: Delivery Complete

Eujae Lim is an erotic BL writer. To help inspire him and help him out in the bedroom, he frequently orders various adult toys online. When he receives the delivery notification, he excitedly rushes to his front door to get it. But when he opens the door, he finds nothing. After some investigation with the deliveryman, Eujae finds that his package was mistakenly delivered to his neighbor’s door. No big deal. He heads over, knocks, and requests his package.

But what he gets back is not a perfectly intact package. Instead, it’s open, and his neighbor is giving him quite a look. Horrified, humiliated, and thoroughly embarrassed, Eujae is ready to run and hide. Before he goes, though, his neighbor issues a warning. If another of his pervy packages ends up at his door, he’ll use it on Eujae. Eujae is determined to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Yet the next delivery he gets isn’t at his door, and his neighbor is already waiting for him. Just who is this guy, and why won’t he leave Eujae alone?

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Manga Review | The Black Monk And The Pink Incubus by Sakira

Title: The Black Monk And The Pink Incubus

Rei is an incubus, and he’s got a hot little number he’s planning on bedding and getting some energy from. Unfortunately, his target is not a very willing bed partner. But a little resistance isn’t going to stop him. So, he returns to her, intending to finally get the energy he so craves. Yet, when he tries to get into her bed, he finds a hunky monk there instead.

Rei is shocked and ready to run, but the monk captures him in some bead bondage and ultimately turns him into a succubus. Rei is ashamed and humiliated. And he kind of loves it. Even after it’s all said and done, Rei finds himself craving more. In the end, Rei devotes himself to the monk, Toji, and Toji happily beds the succubus as often as he can. But these two couldn’t be more different if they tried. Surely, they can’t be together forever, right?

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Manhwa Review | Checkmate by TAN

Title: Checkmate

Lee Soohyun’s life has been guided by one thing: his inferiority complex. But this inferiority really only took root when he was in . It was then his position as first in academics was shaken by Jung Eunsung. Suddenly, Soohyun goes from first to second, and when this only source of pride he has left is gone, he becomes nothing more than a pariah among his classmates, who incessantly pick on him for being a social outcast and the fallen first place. Soohyun has no choice but to focus all of his hate and sorrow on the source of all of his trouble: Eunsung.

For the remainder of their high school careers, Soohyun is in a one-sided rivalry with Eunsung, never once able to trump him. So, this grand rivalry ends with a whisper as the two graduate, attend different colleges, and presumably move along with their adult lives. But even after all this time, Eunsung is never far from Soohyun’s mind. So, when Eunsung suddenly makes headlines as an art thief, Soohyun drops everything to reconnect with his rival. He quits his job, gets one as a reporter, and starts hunting down Eunsung and how he fell so far. But Soohyun doesn’t plan on stopping there.

Soohyun wants to save Eunsung from all his problems, only so Soohyun can tear Eunsung down into the mud with him. But Soohyun soon finds out that the art world that Eunsung has been sucked into is much darker and more deplorable than Soohyun could have ever imagined. Will Soohyun even be able to keep himself safe?

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Manga Review | Delivery for You! by Teku Rin

Title: Delivery for You!

Izumi Fukaya is a shut-in. When he’s not working at the local laundromat, he spends his days playing games or ordering hero figurines on the computer. The only exception to this rule is when he gets a delivery. Then, he rushes down, ready to bask in the coolness of his deliveryman, Ryouta Tsuchiya. Tsuchiya is the optimal man, and Fukaya loves the brief moments in which he gets to lay his eyes on his cool manliness.

But as he sees Tsuchiya over and over again, Fukaya begins to see the flaws within himself. In an effort to better himself, Fukaya tries going on a run, but only a few kilometers later, he’s panting and shaking, unable to go on. He’s feeling awful about himself, regretting ever trying something new like this. And whether by a cruel joke of fate or something else, Fukaya ends up being found and helped by none other than Tsuchiya. Fukaya is once again entranced.

Are these feelings because Fukaya wants to become more like Tsuchiya? Or does he just want Tsuchiya?

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Manhwa Review | Park Hanhoo’s Manager by KIM TAC

Title: Park Hanhoo's Manager

Baek Chansol has finally moved back to his home country. The only reason he left was because, as a teenager, the infamous serial killer August murdered everyone at his orphanage, leaving him as the sole survivor. Fearing August might return to finish the job, Chansol was carted out of the country. But Chansol didn’t spend that time hiding. He’s spent all of his time looking for information about August because he plans to get revenge for the family he destroyed, and now that he’s back in the country, his first step is to get a job at weapon manufacturer UM.

Why? Because there is an employee there that supposedly has been hunting for information on August, too, and Chansol wants to steal as much of that information as possible. But that isn’t the only mission Chansol has. Before Chansol had to escape the country, he had a friend named Park Hanhoo. Chansol promised Hanhoo he would be by his side forever, but he obviously had broken that promise. So, Chansol wants to find his one and only friend to finally make amends for this broken promise. While Chansol is determined to achieve both goals, his new boss at UM might make it rather difficult.

Han Yooem is violent and unrestrained. He happily confines people, is willing to stab someone on a whim, and even tests out UM weapons on random citizens. Plus, most of UM’s top clients are either the government or mafia members, so every day is a risk for Chansol. But maybe the strangest of all is Yooem’s weird obsession with Chansol. Everything seems to be a game to Yooem, and even when he’s aware of all of Chansol’s plans to steal and invade his privacy, Yooem only encourages him. Just what is Yooem up to? And will Chansol ever be able to find August and his friend?

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Manga Review | Can an Otaku Like Me Really Be an Idol!? by Wacoco Waco

Title: Can an Otaku Like Me Really Be an Idol!?

Takumi Suzuki is living a double life. By day, he’s an idol otaku who keeps to himself at school. By night, he goes online as Rumepi, singing idol songs and sharing his love for . He never intended to pretend to be a girl online, but because of his small stature and high tone of voice, all of his viewers just assumed he was, and Takumi couldn’t bring himself to correct them. Takumi’s love of idols is very public, in more ways than one, but this obsession leaves him pretty lonely in class. While cleaning his classroom solo, Takumi puts up a desk, only to discover some idol merch left behind. It isn’t his desk, which means that someone else in the class is a secret idol fan like him.

Wondering who it is, it isn’t long before Takumi’s fellow idol fan’s identity is revealed as they rush back in to get their missing merch. It is none other than Misaki Hayakawa, one of the popular boys in his class and none other than Takumi’s crush. Takumi is ecstatic. He can’t control himself and ends up spewing all manner of questions and compliments regarding idols and the merch, but Misaki is not interested in fanboying over their shared love. Instead, Misaki wants Takumi’s deepest, darkest secret. Why? So he can blackmail Takumi with it and ensure his secret love of idols stays a secret.

Takumi is very open about most of his preferences, so Misaki decides to create something. Misaki takes Takumi home, forces him into some girl idol costumes, and then takes pictures. But once Misaki sees Takumi dressed as a girl, he is mildly attracted to him. Likewise, Takumi, dressed as a woman, alone with his crush, finds himself wanting to take Misaki right then and there. Just what is stirring between these two idol otaku?

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