Manhwa Review | Scent of a Witch by R

Title: Scent of a Witch

In the Kingdom of Yarke, right along its borders, there is a place called Uren. There, men frequently disappear. Like the silver grass in Uren, rumors have grown that witches live there. They are actually old women but can take the form of beautiful maidens during the full moon. In this way, they lure men into their arms, kill them, and then sacrifice them to help increase their power. All of this is actually true, but one thing the rumors aren’t aware of is the lone man born from and living amongst the witches. He, too, turns into a woman during the full moon but returns to his male form afterward.

It is one full moon night when the only male witch encounters prey that might just be too powerful for him: the third prince, Ryan Yarke. Princes are naturally born with the protection of the palace, so a witch’s power isn’t as potent as it might be with any other person. Still, Ryan is taken by the male witch, and they spend a lustful full moon together. Thankfully, Ryan leaves before daybreak, so the male witch’s identity remains a secret. But the other witches in his coven are upset that he let the prince go. The male witch explains that killing a prince would draw too much attention to them and hopes that the prince never returns.

But even though the prince has returned to the palace, full of enemies, schemes, and drama, his mind returns to one place: the beautiful witch he met during the full moon. Prince Ryan’s only goal is to ascend the throne by any means necessary, yet a strange woman has somehow bewitched him. Ryan’s visits to his beloved witch become increasingly frequent, drawing the eyes of his enemies in the palace. Meanwhile, the male witch is working up the courage to kill the prince, which he should’ve done from the beginning. But for whatever reason, he’s not sure that he can.

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