Manhwa Review | Rent Boy by Studio Stellas

Title: Rent Boy

Anton Arnault has finally come of age. Unfortunately, his celebration isn't all that fun. Since he is a child of mixed blood, most attendees (the upper crust) don't see him as the heir to the Arnault fortune but as an invader into their exclusive world. They foresee his rise to power as the end of the prestigious Arnault name. They don't try to hide their disdain and mockery of him either, and all Anton can do is shoulder their judgment and do everything he can to prove them wrong.

Unfortunately, the coming-of-age party isn't the end of the ritual. Now that he is of age, it's time for him to visit the Cyrene Salon, a pretty facade, hiding behind it an exclusive brothel where the upper crust can explore all manner of pleasure hidden from the eyes of general society. Anton must also visit and give up his virginity to one of the many workers there to finally enter the noble world as a man. Wanting to establish himself in this society, he requests the top sex worker in the brothel, who turns out to be a young man named Arwin. Anton is instantly smitten and finds himself drawn in again and again just for Arwin.

Unfortunately, Anton isn't the only one bewitched by Arwin. As it turns out, Arwin is also his father's favorite, and Klaus Arnault isn't above challenging his son for the affection of Arwin. Can Anton maintain his foothold as heir to the Arnault family, or will he lose it all just to be with Arwin?

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