Manga Review | Delivery for You! by Teku Rin

Title: Delivery for You!

Izumi Fukaya is a shut-in. When he’s not working at the local laundromat, he spends his days playing games or ordering hero figurines on the computer. The only exception to this rule is when he gets a delivery. Then, he rushes down, ready to bask in the coolness of his deliveryman, Ryouta Tsuchiya. Tsuchiya is the optimal man, and Fukaya loves the brief moments in which he gets to lay his eyes on his cool manliness.

But as he sees Tsuchiya over and over again, Fukaya begins to see the flaws within himself. In an effort to better himself, Fukaya tries going on a run, but only a few kilometers later, he’s panting and shaking, unable to go on. He’s feeling awful about himself, regretting ever trying something new like this. And whether by a cruel joke of fate or something else, Fukaya ends up being found and helped by none other than Tsuchiya. Fukaya is once again entranced.

Are these feelings because Fukaya wants to become more like Tsuchiya? Or does he just want Tsuchiya?

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