Manga Review | The Demon And The Goblin’s Love Story by Tengoku

Title: The Demon And The Goblin's Love Story

Kurama is a demon who protects the mountain he lives on. His existence is a lonely one, as he’s often joined only by the animals that call the mountain home too. But he spends his time fulfilling his duties, patrolling the mountain, and ensuring everything is as it should be. On one such patrol, however, he finds that his mountain is not as it should be. There’s trash and garbage littering the mountainside. Enraged, Kurama takes his time to clean it all up, then he goes on the hunt to find just who caused it.

Much to his chagrin, he discovers a gang of taking refuge in a cave on the mountain. Kurama has dealt with goblins before, and it has never gone well. Still, this is his mountain to protect, so he takes the bag of trash and confronts the goblins. Immediately, he’s introduced to their leader, Hijiri, who apologizes on his people’s behalf. They have no intention of harming the mountain and hope Kurama will allow them to stay. It’s a pleasant surprise, to say the least.

While Kurama is pleased that his mountain will be protected, he’s more taken by Hijiri. For the first time ever, Kurama is hopelessly in love with the goblin leader. But how can an awkward demon win over someone so charming?

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