Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life

Ryuji’s and Makoto’s relationship didn’t start like your average one; even now, they aren’t a regular couple. Though Makoto has come to accept their irregular beginnings, Ryuji can’t seem to shake his guilt, shame, and insecurities from that time and even long before. Still, Makoto does his best to shower Ryuji with love, and Ryuji, in turn, does his best to keep Makoto thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom. But once Makoto starts working more heavily at his new job, the tenuous happiness they’ve crafted for themselves begins to fray.

Ryuji fears losing the one thing that means anything in his life: Makoto. When they met, Makoto was confined and totally reliant on Ryuji for pleasure, sustenance, and happiness. But now, Makoto has a job that he loves, friends that Ryuji doesn’t know, and doesn’t need Ryuji to feel fulfilled. And though Ryuji has his own career and life outside of Makoto, he doesn’t feel he deserves to love, be loved, or experience pleasure in any form or fashion, instead devoting all of his efforts to pleasing and keeping Makoto happy. But if Makoto doesn’t need him anymore, what does Ryuji have left?

Meanwhile, Makoto only wants to know more about Ryuji, but Ryuji has an insurmountable wall around him. However, one of Makoto’s new coworkers happens to have known Ryuji when they were children. What will Makoto learn about his distant lover?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex

Katsuragi was your usual upstanding salaryman. He was praised in his position at work, had a loving girlfriend, and even made enough money to send his supportive parents on a vacation. Unfortunately, this act of generosity from a filial son ends in tragedy. His parents end up dying in an accident during their trip, leaving Katsuragi to mourn them. This starts a domino effect. While mourning his parents, issues start at work due to Katsuragi’s absence. He resigns out of guilt. Then, his girlfriend leaves him with barely a world. Suddenly, the life Katsuragi worked so hard for and loved is unrecognizable.

Katsuragi is a walking corpse, unable to go on after losing everything that made his life worth living. He’s prepared to end it all when, while standing on the ledge of a building, a stranger grabs Katsuragi, stopping him. The man tells Katsuragi that if he’s going to throw his life away, he might as well give it to him. The stranger is sure he can make Katsuragi want to live again. Scared off the ledge, Katsuragi gives himself over to the man. What he doesn’t realize is that the plans the stranger has for him involve unimaginable pleasure and humiliation, unlike anything Katsuragi has experienced before.

But why Katsuragi? Why him? And what does this man plan on doing with him when it’s all over?

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