Manhwa Review | Recipe For Disaster by COM

Title: Recipe For Disaster (Lezhin) | Curious Recipe (TappyToon)

Taesoo is a student. His life isn’t exactly what he expected it would be, but it’s not too bad. He enjoys time with his friends, runs the taekwondo club, and makes the best out of everything. However, things get a bit more complicated when a new neighbor moves in. The man is very extroverted, which already turns Taesoo off, but somehow, this man knows Taesoo’s name. As it turns out, this stranger isn’t a stranger at all. It’s his childhood friend, Junghyuk, who used to be a chubby, bullied boy that Taesoo spent much of his time protecting.

Junghyuk is unrecognizable. He’s buff and unnervingly handsome. But more important than all of that, he bakes. Taesoo has an unquenchable sweet tooth, and while he’s a bit disturbed by how touchy-feely Junghyuk is, he craves more of those sweet treats Junghyuk makes. But while Taesoo is dealing with the obsessive man in front of him, another more obsessive man lurks in the background, waiting to strike.

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