Manga Review | Discover My Secret by Gesshi Natsumura

Title: Discover My Secret

Takumi and Akihiro (Aki, for short) have been good friends for a long time. When they found out they would go to the same following high school, it was an easy decision for them to move in together. As they expected, their lives as roommates go super smoothly. They share responsibilities, take turns fixing dinner for each other, and are just overall glad to spend time together. Aki loves this setup, though it is a bit painful, as it’s a stark reminder that this is as far as their relationship can go. Aki has been secretly harboring an unrequited love for Takumi for as long as he can remember. Aki is supposedly fine with their friendship, happy to just be close to Takumi and live this platonic domestic lifestyle with his best friend.

That is until his birthday. Aki has finally reached the age where he can drink, and his friends, Takumi included, take him to a where he tries as many drinks as possible. By the time the day is done and they’ve opened all the gifts, Aki is completely sloshed. Takumi takes Aki home and tries to put him to bed, but in his drunken state, Aki can’t hold back his feelings anymore. As Takumi gets close, Aki kisses Takumi, leaving him stunned. Will their relationship be able to survive this sudden revelation? Or has Aki’s drunken honesty ruined their friendship forever?

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