Manhwa Review | Shoot My Shot by Solanine and Suhyeol

Title: Shoot My Shot

Officer Jaehui Yoo lives in an extremely small town. While that means his work is relatively peaceful and easy, it has the negative effect of making it nearly impossible to find other gay men. Jaehui would love to get off with someone, but no matter how often he checks his dating apps, there just aren’t any options in his small town. He’s bemoaning his unfortunate situation when a whiny man is brought into the station. The man throws an absolute tantrum, claiming he doesn’t remember where he lives as he’s just moved into town. Jaehui approaches to help when the man stops, stunned. Instantly, the man claims Jaehui is the one for him.

The young man’s name is Hoon Dokgo. And though Jaehui would love a bedmate, Hoon is a bit too obsessive for Jaehui’s taste. But Hoon isn’t dissuaded in the least. Every moment of every day, Hoon hunts Jaehui down, hangs around the police station, and declares that Jaehui is his. Unfortunately for Jaehui, this leads to multiple unwanted sexual encounters that he ends up enjoying. Hoon is packing, and while Jaehui may not be interested in the man, he’s interested in what the man has to offer. Jaehui is determined to shake off this annoying fly of a man until it’s revealed his father is none other than Police Commissioner Youngsik Dokgo.

He doesn’t believe Hoon at first, but when they head to his father’s house, he encounters not only the commissioner but also his own father. If things weren’t already bad enough, it turns out Jaehui’s father, Taeha, and Youngsik were lovers in , and they’ve now found their way back to each other. So, now he’s being pursued by what is the equivalent of his stepbrother? Will Jaehui ever find peace, or is he destined for this chaos for the rest of his life?

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