Title: Love Nest 2nd
This is the fourth series in a shared world created by Yuu Minaduki. It is recommended that you read the first, second, and third entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.
Masato and Asahi have moved love nests. After much care and hard work, Asahi has renovated a floor in his building, creating the perfect little home for him and Masato. His business office is on the floor just below, so even when Asahi is at work, he’s never too far from his feisty lover. Things are nice. Things are going well. At least, they are on the surface. Though Asahi and Masato have a happy and healthy relationship, Asahi’s insecurities and Masato’s fears still bubble just beneath the surface.
Masato, fearful of prejudice and what his mother might think if she found out he was gay, refuses to admit to being with Asahi in public. Asahi is willing to do whatever makes Masato feel comfortable, but this inadvertently leads to others trying to flirt with and set up Asahi, leaving Masato at a loss. On the other hand, Asahi still fears being seen as defective due to his infertility and is always expecting the day Masato might leave him. As if he isn’t stressed enough, his father has developed alcohol-related dementia, and though Asahi was abused by his father, he can’t just abandon him.
These two undoubtedly love each other, but is love enough to get them through this?