Title: My Cat and My Bed
Hiroki has never had pleasurable sex. Not due to a lack of trying, that is. He desperately wants to know what it feels like to have good sex with someone, and in his desperation, he calls an escort service. While hoping for the best, he’s not expecting much, and his nerves make it hard to look forward to the big event. Fortunately, Hiroki has been assigned one of the best escorts from “Stray Cat.”
Haru is the perfect escort boyfriend. His specialty? Pampering his clients. He loves to make his customers feel dependent on him, and he has yet to find someone he can’t woo into being his regular. When he meets Hiroki, shy and nervous, he goes through the standard script. He asks Hiroki to call him baby, showers Hiroki with compliments, and then makes sure to please him in bed. Hiroki is pleased with the service and falls in line with all of Haru’s other regulars.
But for some reason, Haru wants to pamper Hiroki outside of work hours.