OGL Comic Review | Star Collector by Anna Backhausen

Title: Star Collector

Fynn is far from a model student. He’d much rather spend his time smoking and lazing about than going to class, and he does so quite often. He is even less inclined to attend class when his girlfriend breaks up with him. She was very kind about it, but her reasoning has Fynn rather stumped. She implies he might be interested in other things, only being with her because it’s easier to go with the flow. He can’t imagine what other things that might be as he mourns the end of their relationship.

That is until he sees a guy with a telescope after spending a night on the nearby hillside to smoke. The young man is named Niko, a new student at his school. Fynn isn’t interested in the stars, but he is definitely into Niko. For the first time in a long time, Fynn makes a concerted effort to attend class, all because he wants to learn more about Niko. Can he draw Niko’s gaze away from the skies and onto him? More importantly, is his interest in Niko love or just curiosity?

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