OEL Comic Review | Obnoxious Hero-kun by Amanduur

Title: Obnoxious Hero-kun

Hiro is the perfect man, at least in his own mind. He has a slew of women vying for his attention, all of whom he dubs his “girlfriends.” He’s got it all except one thing: experience. While he is popular with the ladies, he has yet to take the next step with any of them. He hasn’t even kissed anyone yet! This is a well-kept secret… except from the aloof Takashi, one of Hiro’s classmates. Somehow, Takashi can see right through Hiro’s confident performance.

Hiro is determined to put Takashi in his place and ends up in a standoff with Takashi, daring Hiro to kiss him. This starts what Hiro sees as his ultimate friendship. After the kiss, Hiro finds himself watching Takashi all the time, in what he can only guess is admiration and the burgeoning flames of friendship. Meanwhile, Takashi seems all too keen to grow closer to Hiro in private but just as often pushes Hiro away. When Hiro discovers Takashi’s fetish gear collection, will this tie them closer together, or will it keep them apart?

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Novel Review | Limerence by Jiang Zi Bei

Title: Limerence

Pei Ran and Luo Qingshan have been together since , three years and counting. Luo Qingshan is extroverted and overly affectionate, while Pei Ran is the opposite, more shy and reserved, and has mysophobia, making him averse to most of Luo Qingshan’s affections. This often leads to them disagreeing or Luo Qingshan pleading and begging Pei Ran to relent, but they are otherwise comfortable. However, Pei Ran will give in as much as possible when Luo Qingshan’s birthday comes around.

As much as he hates it, he goes out to a karaoke place with Luo Qingshan, along with a group of his friends. Everyone is drinking and smoking, two things Pei Ran has trouble being around. Another person who happens to be there is Su Nian, Luo Qingshan’s close friend, who is more forward and affectionate with Luo Qingshan than Pei Ran would like. After a lot of drinking, Luo Qingshan heads to the bathroom. After a while, Pei Ran checks on him, only to find him and Su Nian kissing outside the bathroom.

Stunned, Pei Ran isn’t sure what to do until Luo Qingshan’s roommate Yan Zhun comes by and gets Pei Ran out of there. Comforted by Yan Zhun, Pei Ran spares no time to gather all of Luo Qingshan’s things and break up with him the next time they meet. Luo Qingshan isn’t ready to give up just yet, going out of his way to get close to Pei Ran and beg for his forgiveness. Pei Ran holds firm, thanks in part to the friendship he’s found in Yan Zhun, but it isn’t long before Yan Zhun makes it clear: he likes Pei Ran more than a friend.

Fresh out of a painful breakup, with an ex still hot on his heels and a love rival in Su Nian who bad-mouthes him any chance he gets, can Pei Ran find it in himself to fall for someone else? Or has the well of love been poisoned for good?

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OGL Comic Review | Star Collector by Anna Backhausen

Title: Star Collector

Fynn is far from a model student. He’d much rather spend his time smoking and lazing about than going to class, and he does so quite often. He is even less inclined to attend class when his girlfriend breaks up with him. She was very kind about it, but her reasoning has Fynn rather stumped. She implies he might be interested in other things, only being with her because it’s easier to go with the flow. He can’t imagine what other things that might be as he mourns the end of their relationship.

That is until he sees a guy with a telescope after spending a night on the nearby hillside to smoke. The young man is named Niko, a new student at his school. Fynn isn’t interested in the stars, but he is definitely into Niko. For the first time in a long time, Fynn makes a concerted effort to attend class, all because he wants to learn more about Niko. Can he draw Niko’s gaze away from the skies and onto him? More importantly, is his interest in Niko love or just curiosity?

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Manga Review | Restart After Growing Hungry by cocomi

Title: Restart After Growing Hungry

Yamato and Mitsuomi have been together for three years, having only known each other for four years. They spend almost every moment they can together, and though they’ve never labeled their relationship, they don’t question what they mean to each other and are just content being in each other’s presence. That is until they attend their friend Harada’s wedding together. During the reception, it becomes clear that word of their relationship has gotten around, but thanks to Harada and Yamato, the pair avoid being outed among their peers. Still, with so many people aware and such great effort being taken to diminish their role in each other’s lives, Mitsuomi can’t help but wonder how Yamato sees their relationship.

It gets even more confusing when Mitsuomi’s mother brings up the new partnership system their prefecture has accepted. While it doesn’t function the same as marriage, it does help legitimize same-sex couples in the local government’s eyes. Mitsuomi doesn’t see much point in it since it doesn’t provide any benefits that traditional marriage does, but he can’t help but bring it up to Yamato just to see his reaction. Shockingly, Yamato seems put off by the idea and makes it clear that he is happy with their relationship as it stands. That was no different than Mitsuomi’s own reaction, but for some reason, hearing it from Yamato hurts Mitsuomi.

Just what are they to each other, and does Yamato actually love Mitsuomi like Mitsuomi thinks he does?

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Manga Review | Restart After Coming Back Home by cocomi

Title: Restart After Coming Back Home

Mitsuomi, from the time he was a teen, has had one goal: escape his small town and make it in Tokyo. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, as time and time again, Mitsuomi’s anger gets the better of him. Once again, he gets fired and has no other choice but to return home to stay with his parents. While he has always avoided staying in the countryside and taking over his family’s business, at the age of twenty-five, with no other direction in his life, that might be his only option, if his dad will even give him the opportunity.

While bemoaning his fate, Mitsuomi meets an unfamiliar face, which is odd for his hometown. The young man is Yamato, adopted by Mitsuomi’s long-term neighbor and farmer who never did have children of his own. Yamato is the same age as Mitsuomi, but his life seems completely put together, with Yamato helping his adoptive father out in the fields and making deliveries around town, all with a smile on his face. However, no matter how well-integrated Yamato is in this rural town, everyone still whispers, questioning his reliability as an outsider.

Mitsuomi can’t stand the judgment and makes it his mission to befriend Yamato. But no matter how hard Mitsuomi tries, there are walls around Yamato that he just can’t seem to tear down. More importantly, this mission of friendship has evolved into something deeper for Mitsuomi. He doesn’t just like Yamato as a friend. He’s steadily falling in love.

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Manga Review | A Strange & Mystifying Story by Tsuta Suzuki

Title: A Strange & Mystifying Story

Aki’s family is cursed, specifically on his mother’s side. Unfortunately, the curse isn’t limited to his mother’s side. His father, who married in, suffered from the same affliction and ended up with the same fate as Aki’s mother and many other family members over the years: death. The only one left is Aki’s grandfather, who is frail and sick, just like all of his family members who passed before him. In his final moments, Aki’s grandfather tells Aki about someone who can help him survive the curse but doesn’t provide much more information before he passes.

On his own, Aki is doing his best to get through life but grows frail as he is struck with an incurable disease he attributes to the curse. After passing out and being unable to return to work, Aki is desperate to keep himself alive and beat the curse. As he is on the cusp of succumbing to the curse, he follows his grandfather’s advice and finds a bone hidden away. Disheartened by the useless discovery, Aki is ready to accept his fate when he gets blood on the bone, causing it to grow and expand with more bones, flesh, muscles, and skin until it takes the form of a half-man, half-god.

As it turns out, Aki’s family acquired a guardian deity. The reason Aki’s grandfather was able to live to old age is that this guardian deity helped consume the curse, prolonging his life. Aki can hardly believe it until the deity reaches into his body and pulls out a part of the curse, providing instant relief. Unfortunately, the best way for this deity to find the curse is to be intimate with the person. Now that Aki has completed the contract by giving the deity a name, Setsu, he has to suffer through the uncomfortable touch to keep himself alive. Even as he continues to claim he dislikes it all, he finds himself looking forward to the pleasure he can receive from Setsu. Once Setsu isn’t needed anymore, he’ll turn back into bone. Once the curse is cured, can Aki return to a life without Setsu?

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Manga Review | A Home Far Away by Teki Yatsuda

Title: A Home Far Away

Alan never feels more uncomfortable than he does when he is at home. His parents are intensely religious to the point that they are stunted into praying their lives away at home, blaming even the most slight inconvenience on sin and the devil. This would be bad enough, but Alan suffers from a chronic disease that his parents blame on some sin he has committed and believes that prayer and repentance will heal him. Alan’s life is suffocating, but he has nowhere else to go.

One evening, having stayed out past curfew, Alan refuses to go home, though he knows he will be punished when he gets home. Instead, he hangs out on the front steps of a restaurant. While sitting there, he’s approached by one of the workers, Hayden, who offers to let him out of the cold after his nose starts bleeding, which is a common symptom of his disease. The two share a deep conversation that continues daily, where Hayden reveals that he’s a drifter and will be moving on soon. Alan is heartbroken, but what can he do?

The day Hayden is set to leave, after a desperate and emotional confession from Alan, Hayden offers him a chance to escape with him. Of course, there’s a chance, even if they run, that Alan will never find happiness, but at least it would be his choice. So the two escape together, trying to find any small moments of joy they can cultivate for themselves while their dark pasts loom over them.

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Manhwa Review | No Love Zone by Danbi

Title: No Love Zone

Eunkyum is a newbie at his company. He’s been there a year, but his level of responsibility is still pretty low, much to his dismay. While he pines for better opportunities at work, he also longs for better in his love life. Unfortunately, his relationship history has been fraught with shitty men. His current partner is no different, always asking him for money and ignoring him most of the time. Still, Eunkyum will take what he can get… until he sees his beau out in the streets with a wife and child in tow.

Eunkyum is heartbroken. At least work isn’t so bad… until he meets his new manager Jihyuk. Jihyuk is exactly Eunkyum’s type, tall, dark, and handsome. Too bad he seems to have it out for Eunkyum, tossing all of the scut work onto his plate and criticizing every little thing he turns in. So his love life is in shambles, and his professional life isn’t going so hot either. Can Eunkyum catch a break? And will he figure out why Jihyuk is trying so hard to put him down?

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Manga Review | Mr. Mini Mart by Junko

Title: Mr. Mini Mart

Nakaba has become a NEET. He dropped out of school due to intense bullying and has spent every day at home ever since. He would be in right now, but the thought of returning to that situation is too much to bear. But being stuck in his room for the rest of his life is neither feasible nor ideal. So when the opportunity to work at a relative’s comes up, he takes this chance to get back out into the world and start a new life for himself.

Unfortunately, it isn’t all that simple. His coworker, Yamai, is a big tough guy, and even though they are close in age, Nakaba can’t help feeling intimidated by him. Nakaba also can’t help hating him, even just a little bit. That is until he catches Yamai saving a kitten in a busy street. Yamai smiles so gently and tucks the kitten into his jacket. Nakaba isn’t sure he’s looking at the same person. Now that he knows that prickly exterior is hiding a much softer inside, Nakaba wants to get to know this sweet Yamai. But will getting close to another person lead him to a devastating end like his school life had?

There’s only one way to find out.

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