Manga Review | Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love by Abuku

Title: Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love

Sakutarou is a human omega. Though male omegas aren't necessarily uncommon, there is still a bit of a social stigma around men being with other men and carrying children. As if that wasn't difficult enough, Sakutarou also has an unusual fetish: noncon beastmen porn. Since he was small, Sakutarou adored beastmen, but that innocent admiration soon grew into an undeniable attraction. The odds of him finding a human alpha partner who likes omega men are already slim. The odds of him finding a beastman alpha partner who'd be attracted to humans are even slimmer still. Interspecies couples aren't unusual, but marriage and long-term partnerships are rare and seen as a bit strange by the majority.

So, Sakutarou keeps his attractions to himself until he happens to start his heat a few days early. While out on the street, he ends up being picked up by beastman. The beastman carts Sakutarou away to a hotel, where the two have unbelievable sex. When Sakutarou finally comes around, the beastman makes an even more unbelievable claim: he believes Sakutarou is his fated mate. It's everything Sakutarou could've ever wanted, but it's almost overwhelming in how ideal it all is. Can Sakutarou find it in himself to accept who he is and the love that this beastman wants to give him? Or will he self-sabotage and run away from his happiness?

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Manhwa Review | Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits by Donggobi

Title: Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits

Haru is Habibi's pet rabbit. They found each other when they needed each other the most and have been dedicated to one another ever since. However, Habibi doesn't know that she didn't rescue just any rabbit. Haru is actually a member of the rabbit tribe, a tribe of humans that can shift their forms between human and rabbit. Haru is not a pet rabbit, but he loves Habibi like family. So, he spends his days making sure she gets up and ready for work, and then, when she's away, he cleans the house and cooks her meals. When she comes home in the evenings tired and usually drunk, he makes sure she gets to bed, and the whole routine starts over again the next day. It's a lot of work, but Haru does it willingly because he loves Habibi.

Unfortunately, Haru spends most of his time alone in Habibi's house. Feeling bad for Haru, Habibi decides to get a female rabbit to be Haru's bride. Once again, she doesn't realize that the rabbit she gets is another member of the rabbit tribe. She also fails to notice that the rabbit is not a female. It is actually none other than a prince of the rabbit tribe, Neungso. He has been sent out of the Rabbit Kingdom on a quest alongside his brother to determine who will take the Rabbit Kingdom's throne. The quest is simple: Neungso has to find the fabled Moon Rabbit, a god born on Earth, to provide longevity and fertility to the rabbit kingdom.

Haru, the suspected Moon Rabbit, is not at all what Neungso expected, and, as a half-breed (a half-human half-were-rabbit), Neungso feels he was sent to Haru because they knew Haru wasn't the Moon Rabbit. First off, Haru is male, and though the Moon Rabbit can give birth regardless of gender, Neungso can't imagine they would actually be a man. Next, Haru is far too silly (yet perceptive) to be the Moon Rabbit. Not to mention, he's cute… Well, even if he isn't the Moon Rabbit, Neungso can still find him cute, right?

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Manhwa Review | The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake by Sudong

Title: The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake

Hyosin is a runaway — an adult runaway, but a runaway nonetheless. He hails from a noble family, but he just doesn't fit in, so when he gets the chance to buy his way onto a boat and escape, he does just that. Unfortunately, due to his privileged upbringing, Hyosin has a tough time surviving out in the wilds of this foreign place. But luck shines upon him when he happens upon some clothes waving in the wind on a tree branch. Needing some new clothes, Hyosin wastes no time to snatch them up.

But just when he's thanking the gods for this stroke of luck, he finds a pool of water where a beautiful naked man is bathing. The man's name is San, and he isn't alone. His seven aunts, fairies, are also bathing in the pool, and as it turns out, a thief has been stealing their jewelry while they're in the bath. San is immediately suspicious of Hyosin, his appearance being far too convenient as things are being stolen. Hyosin is quick to claim his innocence but also quick to beg for help from San. San lives nearby, and having spent far longer out in the cold than he would like, Hyosin wants nothing more than to stay with San for a while.

San is hesitant, untrusting of most humans as a half-fairy himself. However, after some gentle pressure from his aunts and pitiful pleading from Hyosin, San agrees to let Hyosin (who introduces himself as Chung) stay with him. Things start off rocky between the pair, but over time, they find that opposites do, in fact, attract. But Hyosin is still a runaway, and his brother is right on his heels. As Hyosin knows, his brother will stop at nothing to get Hyosin back — dead or alive.

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Manga Review | Heat x Beat: I May Be an Omega, but I’m Going to Be an Idol! by Ken Homerun

Title: Heat x Beat: I May Be an Omega, but I'm Going to Be an Idol!

Asahi Amaya wants to be an idol. He's longed to become someone that the masses could love and support so he can entertain them and bring them joy in return. His inspiration comes from a long-retired actress and singer who had to leave because she got pregnant. Of course, he admires her talent, but he admires her even more for being one of the few famous omegas. Why would this matter? Because he is an omega.

But he doesn't let anyone know, as omegas are heavily judged for their biology, often going into heat and, as such, “seducing” others. Asahi makes it all the way through auditions and is placed in a new unit dubbed B-Marks, but on the day he meets his fellow , he finds out one of them is an alpha. Instantly, the two recognize each other, and Asahi is forced to confess that he is an omega. Thankfully, his management will let him stay in the group, but he has to keep his identity as an omega secret.

Asahi will do anything to keep his dream alive, but Madoka, the alpha, is a huge obstacle. Can Asahi keep his secondary gender a secret while his groupmate constantly causes him to go into heat? Or will he end up just like his inspiration, forced to quit altogether?

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Manhwa Review | Your Wish Is My Command! by Sagold

Title: Your Wish Is My Command!

Chiwoo longs to be with Hwan. Unfortunately, Hwan and Chiwoo were raised together as brothers after Chiwoo's parents passed away when a bridge collapsed. Chiwoo has always felt guilt as a result. He feels guilt for having survived when his parents died. He feels guilty for troubling Hwan's mom when she was already a single mother. And, of course, he feels guilt for sullying his relationship with Hwan, making it lustful when he knows it's anything but for Hwan. So, as soon as he can, he moves out of Hwan's home to live independently, but even with distance, he still finds himself drawn to Hwan.

Chiwoo orders a special toy for himself to try and sate his lust, but upon opening it, the toy lights up and summons a strange pink creature. As soon as it appears, it introduces itself as Sunny, and his goal is to grant Chiwoo's wish. Chiwoo can hardly believe it, and already, he imagines his one true wish coming true: being in a romantic relationship with Hwan. But surely it can't be that easy, and, of course, Sunny explains how his wish could come true. If Chiwoo joins Sunny in his war against his counterpart, Moony, Chiwoo will gain magical powers, which he will use to fight sent by Moony.

Before he can even decide, a tentacle monster attacks, but to Chiwoo's surprise, the monster isn't as interested in destruction as it is in defiling Chiwoo. Thankfully, before he loses his innocence, he gets Sunny's power and defeats the tentacle creature. Having experienced the power of a magical guardian prince, Chiwoo sees this as a one-way ticket to having his dream come true. But what Chiwoo doesn't know is that the power of light he uses isn't so different from the power being used against him.

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Manhwa Review | Vargoth’s Magical Toys by sodapie

Title: Vargoth's Magical Toys

Eunwoo only has one goal: to become a viral vlogger. Unfortunately, there's not much to see or do to go viral in his small, rural town. To add insult to injury, with the appearance of portals to other worlds, numerous magic shops and magic items are making their way into Eunwoo's world. But out in the country, Eunwoo can only long for them as he watches other vloggers review them on the very platform he's trying to gain fame on. He would love nothing more than to leave his small town, but with no job and, in turn, no money, that is an impossibility. It's a painful reality that Eunwoo is currently stuck in.

Desperate to make a change, Eunwoo looks for a job that won't jeopardize the time he spends on his videos but pays well enough so he can start saving for the future he longs for. To his surprise, while on the hunt, he discovers a new magic shop has opened in his small town! Seeing this as a sign and an amazing opportunity, Eunwoo jumps at the chance. But when he turns up to the shop, expecting magic and intrigue, he finds the magic… but it's in the form of sex toys. This wasn't at all what he expected.

But the pay is right; the job is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and his boss, Arte Vargoth, is a charmer in more ways than one. While it isn't what Eunwoo expected, this is the first step to his ideal future.

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Manhua Review | Monstrous Heart by SYball

Title: Monstrous Heart (Tapas) | Ogus's Law (all other platforms)

Johnathan Su is a human. Yet, he has been accepted into the prestigious monster academy: Augustine Academy. Why would a human be able to apply to such a place, and why would he even want to attend such a place when many ' primary source of energy and sustenance is humans? Johnathan's mother is drowning in debt. While he could easily move on in life and leave her to deal with it, he would never do such a thing. Unwilling to let his mother go into further debt, putting him through , he can attend Augustine Academy for free and allow the monsters there to learn about humans through his presence there.

There are safety precautions in place in the form of laws that prevent the monsters in the academy from harming human students, but that doesn't mean the danger is gone. Still, Johnathan finds the risks worth it and attends all the same. Within just a few days, he's assaulted and attacked by various monsters. Eventually, he learns about the Pal system, where a human partners with a monster. This partnership opens both individuals up to more opportunities, including the ability to leave campus, and requires the monster to become an unofficial bodyguard for their human.

Johnathan initially intends on becoming the pal to a bunny demon, but the bunny turns out to be a serial killer, having murdered numerous humans and demons alike in revenge for them abandoning him or bullying him. Johnathan, after coming upon his latest kill, ends up being his next victim. Before the bunny can successfully kill and consume Johnathan, Lucian Yu, the infamous black fox demon, swoops in and kills the bunny. Unfortunately, Johnathan's wound is to his heart, and he's facing death. Despite his better judgment, Lucian hands over one of his three hearts to Johnathan, keeping him alive while also intrinsically tying these two together for the foreseeable future.

It's hard enough being a human and a blacklisted species of monster, but beneath the pristine veneer of Augustine, numerous plots are stirring that could alter the monster world forever.

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Manga Review | Playboy Beast by Minomushi Momonoki

Title: Playboy Beast

The world has evolved. Through various human experimentation, a second species of human has been created through a mixture of animal and human DNA: demi-beasts. Unlike pure humans, demi-beasts undergo animalistic breeding periods known as heats once they reach puberty. Males long to impregnate females, while females want to be impregnated by males. Unfortunately, for panther demi-beast Riku, though he's long since passed the age of puberty, he's yet to have his first heat.

It's not that big of a deal, but as Riku gets older, it becomes more and more concerning, especially when female demi-beasts begin approaching him. Desperate to initiate a heat, Riku ends up dating a fox demi-beast female, hoping to coax out his sexual urges by going on dates with her, but no matter how hot she might be, he just doesn't feel compelled to go into heat. Things only become more complicated and frustrating when Riku's living situation changes. He ends up being roomed with an albino lion demi-beast named Touma.

While Touma initially appears to be a run-of-the-mill book nerd, he turns out to be a bit more of a delinquent. Touma sneaks off campus overnight and has a casual sexual relationship with the school nurse. He's everything Riku wishes he could be, or so he thinks. After Touma finds out about Riku's perpetual virginity, Touma is all too happy to toy with Riku's innocence and get Riku's heat started. As it turns out, Touma isn't everything Riku wants to be, but everything that Riku wants.

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Manga Review | Midnight Stranger by Bohra Naono

Title: Midnight Stranger

Roi is a goat spirit born from the wants and desires of humans. While the purpose of his existence is to protect and heal humanity, his looks scare all of the people around him. Unwilling to trust in this being, the humans end up sacrificing Roi in a fire to the gods, hoping they will gain favor for their offering. Instead, they end up calling upon the god of fire, Xiu. Xiu is far from impressed by the human's offering, scaring them off with his power. Now that Roi has been sacrificed to Xiu, Xiu has no intentions of letting the goat spirit go, instead rebuilding his form into something cute for Xiu to enjoy.

Centuries pass, and the importance of gods in the modern world has faded. Xiu and Roi are still hanging out in the human realm, with Xiu becoming an idol to pay for their lifestyle among the humans. On the other hand, Roi continues to work for his master, Xiu, whom he cares for much more than a servant should. But as much as he loves Xiu and follows his every command, Roi can't help but still be drawn to the humans who betrayed him so long ago against Xiu's advice. So, during the night, in the cute goat form, Xiu made for him, Roi goes out to rid humans of illness and spirits.

While this is Roi's purpose for living, would he be able to live if Xiu found out he was still protecting humanity?

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Manga Review | Married to the Dragon God by Shogo Ikegami

Title: Married to the Dragon God

Tsuwabuki, the illegitimate child of the head of the wolf family to a lion-dog mistress mother, is a lion-dog. His life as a young child starts out well enough with the protection of his mother, but when she dies, his worth to the family severely declines. Though he's related to the legitimate children of the family head, he is treated just like any other servant, except by his half-sister, who bullies him incessantly just because she can. Tsuwabuki does his best to ignore her taunts, serving the wolf family as best he can while honoring the god of the mountain they live on, just as his mother taught him when he was a small child. He's perfectly content with his life, though he secretly longs for a bit more freedom and the affection he lost when his mother passed.

The members of the wolf family are considered the divine messengers of god, so it only makes sense that they are called upon to offer a bride to the god in order to heal him of his impurities. The god specifically requests the youngest child, who happens to be Tsuwabuki's cruel older sister. She doesn't want to marry the god and is disgusted by the idea of having to cleanse the impure god, as it requires having sex. Instead, she demands that they offer Tsuwabuki, as he is also a child of the wolf family. Without a word, Tsuwabuki accepts his new role.

After being taken underwater, a gateway to where the mountain god Shuro resides, Tsuwabuki is married and bedded. Though Tsuwabuki doesn't feel worthy of being Shuro's bride, Shuro assures him that no one else could be worthy enough to be by his side. Still, Tsuwabuki is sure that there is a better bride for Shuro. As it happens, his elder sister is sacrificed to marry Shuro after the wolf family is destroyed. Tsuwabuki is sure his sister would be better for Shuro, but deep inside, Tsuwabuki loves Shuro and wants him all to himself.

Does Shuro really need Tsuwabuki? And even if he doesn't, can Tsuwabuki let Shuro go?

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