Manga Review | Love Nest by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Love Nest

This is the third series in a shared world created by . It is recommended that you read the first and second entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.

Masato treasures his days off, often working late hours during busy seasons at work. Unfortunately, the little peace he has at home is disrupted by his upstairs , who constantly stomp around and make noise. He escapes his home to drown his sorrows at his favorite , where he complains to one of his best friends, Naruse. Naruse pokes fun and comforts Masato at the same time but ultimately ends up making him an offer he can't refuse: to move into one of his houses. Masato is all about it and immediately cancels his lease.

Just as he expected, the house is phenomenal. It has the latest entertainment system, which tickles Masato's fancy. It's impeccably clean. But more important, there are no annoying neighbors. Masato is ready to enjoy his new digs when he's suddenly face-to-face with an unexpected person: Asahi. Asahi is an older man. He's dirty, inconsiderate, and constantly steals Masato's food. What Masato thought was heaven is suddenly hell. He has gone from shitty neighbors to a shitty roommate, and Masato can't wait to find another place so he can escape Asahi.

But as he compromises and grows to learn who Asahi truly is, he finds himself softening up to the older man. But Masato has been betrayed by a straight man before. Though his heart might want Asahi, Masato isn't so willing to let it guide him that way.

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Manga Review | The Man Who Shattered My World by Osamu Moriya

Title: The Man Who Shattered My World

Tachibana is a player, and he's exclusively a top. He has no intention of falling in love or maintaining a romantic relationship, and to ensure his partners are aware of the status quo, he has them agree to a relationship contract. It has several requirements, but the most important one is simple: no falling in love. This serves Tachibana well for the most part. However, while he's on the hunt for a new partner, he finds himself having to reject potential candidates, as they admit that they might end up falling for him. Tachibana is about to call it a night after hunting for a sex partner when a new guy approaches him.

The man is very handsome but very tall and much more masculine than Tachibana usually goes for. Tachibana immediately assumes he's a top and clarifies that he is exclusively a top. But to Tachibana's surprise, the man says he's a bottom. Again, the man is not Tachibana's usual type. However, Tachibana loves to dominate, and what would be more satisfying than dominating this big guy? So, after explaining his contract with the stranger, the two agree to the terms and head to a hotel room together. Everything is going well with his new bedmate, Kuzumi until Kuzumi decides to turn the tables.

The exclusive top Tachibana suddenly finds himself on the bottom and is thoroughly dominated instead. Tachibana is ready to break the contract and forget the whole thing, but Kuzumi has no intention of letting Tachibana go. And as much as Tachibana doesn't want to admit it, he finds himself craving to be taken by Kuzumi again.

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Manga Review | Therapy Game by Meguru Hinohara

Title: Therapy Game

This is the sequel series for Secret XXX, and it's highly recommended that you read that title first before coming to this one.

Minato is out for revenge. While out at a gay drag , Minato was comforted by a drunken and heartbroken Shizuma. Shizuma, though in tears after being cheated on and dumped, felt compelled to comfort Minato, who was sad that his brother was finding love and moving on in life without him. Charmed by the sweet young man, Minato decided to take care of him, leading to them having a steamy night in bed. The next morning, Shizuma calls out for his ex, only to have Minato respond. The sweet and loving Shizuma is suddenly standoffish and embarrassed, admitting he remembers nothing about their night together.

Feeling bamboozled, Minato is furious and embarrassed. He had been vulnerable with Shizuma, only to be forgotten entirely. His initial goal is to scare Shizuma off. But Shizuma wants to take responsibility for anything he did to Minato, which presents a much more satisfying opportunity for revenge. Minato fully intends to take Shizuma up on his offer of taking responsibility, and over time, he wants to drown him in love and affection, wrap him around his little finger, only to break his heart.

What Minato doesn't anticipate is Shizuma stealing his heart in the process.

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Manhwa Review | My Suha by Chahyun

Title: My Suha

As his name “Suha” suggests, Lee Suha is a phenomenal secretary for the talented and dependable Director Park Jiwoon. Unfortunately, no matter how good Director Park is at his job, his role within the family that runs the company prevents him from obtaining the accolades and positions he should. Suha knows just how hard it would be for his boss to fight his way up, having been raised alongside the Director as a family friend. Though it seems impossible, Suha is happy to work alongside the Director and makes every effort he can to ensure his boss can succeed.

When Suha isn't working, though, he's on the hunt for sex partners. Due in part to a toxic sexual relationship he had when he was younger, Suha is wary about getting into anything serious. However, finding new casual partners to meet his needs becomes more challenging over time. One night, while out on the prowl in a gay , Suha ends up with another disappointing hookup in the men's bathroom. Ready to leave and call the night a wash, he bumps into someone he never expected: Director Park.

With their secret night lives exposed, Director Park opens up to his most trusted secretary, suggesting that they should fulfill their needs with each other. Suha has always thought Director Park was attractive, and this offer is almost too good to pass up. But Suha knows mixing business and pleasure isn't the best idea. Can Suha control his urgers? Or will lust and curiosity get the better of him? And if it does, what does that mean for his job and relationship with Director Park?

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Manga Review | My Lovely Bunny by Sakana Tojo

Title: My Lovely Bunny

Uito and Sei have known each other since they were children. And unknowingly to each other, that love grew deeper and deeper until, in middle school, they confessed their romantic feelings at the risk of their friendship. Thankfully, it all worked out, and they have been dating ever since. Unfortunately, in , they try to express their love for each other physically, and while they do get chances here and there, it's nowhere near enough to sate their lust for one another.

Thankfully, with the support of their few trusted relatives, they're able to enjoy their high school . But no matter how much time they spend together, it just never is enough. They can't wait to graduate high school so they can move in together. Until then, they'll take advantage of every opportunity they can. If young love can last a lifetime, Uito and Sei are determined to make theirs go the distance.

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Manga Review | Enter the Beast by Owal

Title: Enter the Beast

Hajime Sato is an worker. Work has been unbearable with neverending overtime. His only comfort in this trying time is the prospect of seeing his favorite porn actress Chihiro when he gets the chance to go home. He's already thinking about her newest release while on the train heading back home for the first time in a long time, but then he hears her. Looking around on the train, he finds there is only one other person, and he has headphones in. But the headphones are doing nothing to deafen the sound of porn coming from the stranger's phone.

Hajime is beyond embarrassed for the strange man, watching porn in the middle of the day, but he's even more embarrassed for himself. No matter how hard he tries to hold back, he can't help getting a boner hearing his beloved Chihiro's voice. The man ends up catching Hajime in this precarious situation. The man takes Hajime off the train at the next stop, taking him into the bathroom to “relieve” themselves while listening to Chihiro.

Hajime's stunned, embarrassed, but relieved all the same. At least it's over, and he'll hopefully never run into this weirdo ever again. Little does Hajime know this stranger, coincidentally named Chihiro, has no intention of leaving Hajime alone.

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Manhwa Review | Aporia by Seontae

Title: Aporia

Goo Ja-wook is hopelessly in love with the infamous Yoon Gyum. Their relationship began by pure chance. Ja-wook just happened to be scoping out the exclusive club for enthusiasts, not because he was interested in BDSM, but because his company was being hired to design the space for an upcoming renovation and subsequent event. Ja-wook innocently took a seat at the to take down notes and sketch up plans when he was approached by none other than Gyum. Gyum was immediately smitten with Ja-wook, assuming he was a club patron as well, and intent on finding out how compatible they are in the bedroom, invited Ja-wook up to his room. Far too enraptured by Gyum to realize what he's walking into, Ja-wook happily agrees.

After a steamy night, Ja-wook wants nothing more than to be with Gyum, but rather than be asked out officially, Gyum has a different arrangement in mind. Gyum intends to form a dom-sub relationship with Ja-wook. The main stipulation? They never pry into the other's personal lives. What Gyum doesn't realize is that Ja-wook has no interest in being a sub, much less a masochist, but he does have a vested interest in Gyum. Ja-wook agrees for no other reason than that he wants to be with Gyum in any way he can, even if at the risk of his pride and health.

So begins Ja-wook's nosedive into the world of BDSM.

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Manga Review | Discover My Secret by Gesshi Natsumura

Title: Discover My Secret

Takumi and Akihiro (Aki, for short) have been good friends for a long time. When they found out they would go to the same following , it was an easy decision for them to move in together. As they expected, their lives as roommates go super smoothly. They share responsibilities, take turns fixing dinner for each other, and are just overall glad to spend time together. Aki loves this setup, though it is a bit painful, as it's a stark reminder that this is as far as their relationship can go. Aki has been secretly harboring an unrequited love for Takumi for as long as he can remember. Aki is supposedly fine with their friendship, happy to just be close to Takumi and live this platonic domestic lifestyle with his best friend.

That is until his birthday. Aki has finally reached the age where he can drink, and his friends, Takumi included, take him to a where he tries as many drinks as possible. By the time the day is done and they've opened all the gifts, Aki is completely sloshed. Takumi takes Aki home and tries to put him to bed, but in his drunken state, Aki can't hold back his feelings anymore. As Takumi gets close, Aki kisses Takumi, leaving him stunned. Will their relationship be able to survive this sudden revelation? Or has Aki's drunken honesty ruined their friendship forever?

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Manga Review | I Love my Best Friend by Washio Tobi

Title: I Love my Best Friend

Yoichi has been in love with Shige for as long as he can remember. Shige was the first person he came out to in , and though Shige was accepting and Yoichi also planned on confessing his feelings at the same time, Shige also made it clear he didn't understand why a man would love another man. Knowing that confessing to Shige would probably mean the end of their relationship, Yoichi buries his love. If he can't be with Shige romantically, he at least wants to maintain their friendship. It's painful, but being with Shige any way Yoichi can is worth it.

But his efforts are dashed when Shige approaches him with an odd request: “Let me eat your dick.” Apparently, after suddenly noticing the man in the porn he was watching, he wondered if the woman actually enjoyed giving oral sex or not. Wanting to see for himself if it's as enjoyable as it seems, Shige wants to try it out on the only person he believes he can trust and who might enjoy it: Yoichi. To say Yoichi is shocked would be an understatement. He's so shocked that he can't resist when Shige goes on with his plan.

After all is said and done, can Yoichi continue to be friends with Shige? Or has this physical relationship gone one step too far? One thing's for sure: No matter how hard he's tried, his love for Shige has never been buried.

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Manhwa Review | Stigma by Marloong

Title: Stigma

Sehyun's life is shrouded in darkness. He has little to no hope due to the terrible trauma he has experienced at the hands of his guardian, Michael. The only way he can find any semblance of peace is by plunging into the dirty underbelly of the city he lives in, having unsafe sex with strangers, and confirming to himself what everyone believes: he's trash. He has come to accept this lifestyle until he runs into Boris.

Boris is rude and standoffish, but when he finds a line to an open stall where Sehyun is being endlessly assaulted, he can't just walk away. Stepping to the front of the line, Boris fights off as many waiting men as possible. Once he's cleared them all out, he takes a worn Sehyun to a nearby hotel and lets him rest there. It is then that Sehyun admits that he wanted that to happen, which disgusts Boris. Still, Sehyun can't help being drawn to this bristly white knight.

Sehyun is far from a damsel in distress, but could he still be someone worthy of Boris?

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