Sex Worker/Prostitute x Customer
A relationship made up of a sex worker or escort and their customer. This requires the relationship to evolve beyond a monetary relationship into a personal and emotional one.
Manhwa Review | Define the Relationship by Flona
Stoic Alpha Enters an Intimate Contract With a Romantic Alpha
Manhwa Review | Blind Play by YD
Man Faking Disability Meets a Serial Killer, and They Kiss
Manhwa Review | Frenzy Train by Meuhwagwa
Contraband-Smuggling Bottom Has to Sex His Way Through a Train
Manga Review | Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love by Long Utsumi
Doctor Takes in Live-In Lover
Manhwa Review | Breathing the Same Air by YUUJI
Title: Breathing the Same Air
Haeshin lives alone, and he prefers it that way. Having grown up being raised by a womanizing single father, Haeshin was used to people coming in and out of his life on a whim, and rather than deal with the same thing in his adulthood, Haeshin would prefer the solace of singledom. This also befits his sexual preference for solo anal stimulation, which he does frequently just before bed to ensure he gets a good night’s rest. Unfortunately, his peaceful, homebody lifestyle ends when his former stepbrother comes to live with him.
Haeshin never wanted to live with Sangheon, but after his father, who still pays part of his rent, comes to Haeshin with Sangheon’s mother in tow, Haeshin can’t help but enthusiastically agree. It probably wouldn’t be such a bad living arrangement if Sangheon and Haeshin didn’t hate each other due to their strained relationship as children. It’s even worse as adults, with Sangheon being messy, a smoker, and prone to destruction, which is entirely counter to Haeshin. Will Haeshin be able to regain his peace, or will he be stuck fighting against Sangheon for the rest of his life?
Manga Review | Reward Me with Your Body, Sir by Reo Ohno
Title: Reward Me with Your Body, Sir
Ookami is doing his best to please his clients, but his secretaries are making it difficult. They are often incompetent at best and unreliable at worst, making Ookami’s working life impossible. He is desperate for a solution and willing to hire anyone just so long as they don’t get in his way. As a result, Ookami looks to… an unconventional source. He checks out an app to rent a boyfriend.
There is a seemingly neverending supply of potential boyfriends, which means an unending supply of potential secretaries. At a cursory glance, Ookami lands on Mao. He’s beautiful, and, for no reason in particular, he is Ookami’s first choice. When they meet in person, it starts out more awkward than he would like. Mao immediately tries to jump Ookami’s bones, which almost puts Ookami off this plan altogether. But once Ookami sees Mao all cleaned up and in action, he knows he made the right choice.
That is until Mao asks for a reward afterward.