Manhua Review | Modern Wizard Hunting Project by Luma

Title: Modern Wizard Hunting Project | The Modern Story of Majo

Ye Zhu is a wizard, though not by choice. and witches were created when certain individuals grew to hate their own kind, separated themselves from society, and made contracts with magical beasts. As a result, wizards and witches naturally exude bad luck on humans around them. Unfortunately, Ye Zhu really likes humans, and unlike his fellow witches and wizards, he tries to stay around humans and work a job alongside them.

Ye Zhu even went so far as to adopt and raise a human child he called QiQi. Unfortunately, QiQi eventually leaves him, and Ye Zhu spends the rest of his time alone… until a QiQi lookalike appears at his job. However, this lookalike is an adult man named Ye Shengqi. He’s the new manager at work and seems to know Ye Zhu, but Ye Zhu has no clue who this man is. What’s worse, this new manager has no sense of personal space, and Ye Zhu has to put in extra effort to make sure he doesn’t catch any of the bad luck Ye Zhu lets out.

Can Ye Zhu save Ye Shengqi from himself? And who is this strange man who can’t keep his hands off Ye Zhu?

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Manhwa Review | The Big Apple by Harusari

Title: The Big Apple

Joachim is in the relationship of his life with his hot hunk, Juergen. Unfortunately, they can’t be in a full-fledged relationship because Joachim has a huge secret. As far as his lover Juergen knows, Joachim works at a small finance company. In truth, though, Joachim, codename Sniper, works for the SIA. This secret government agency handles various undercover issues involving assassinations, mafia, magic, and all manner of things the average Joe isn’t even aware of in their day-to-day life. Every day, Joachim risks his life as the only sniper in the SIA, and he can’t say a word to Juergen without risking his life.

After a particular deadly mission where Joachim nearly lost his life, things are finally put into perspective. Joachim has to leave Juergen for his sake, especially before his next mission, which is pretty much a suicide mission. Joachim comes up with a plan to tell Juergen that he must return to Sweden and, as such, can’t be together with him anywhere, though. Juergen takes it well, which Joachim is simultaneously thankful for and hurt by… until Juergen decides to confine Joachim to prevent him from leaving him. If Juergen can’t be with Joachim normally, he’ll lock him up so he’ll never leave. With Joachim’s deadly mission coming up, he has to find a way to escape, even if he doesn’t want to.

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