Manga Review | The Black Monk And The Pink Incubus by Sakira

Title: The Black Monk And The Pink Incubus

Rei is an incubus, and he’s got a hot little number he’s planning on bedding and getting some energy from. Unfortunately, his target is not a very willing bed partner. But a little resistance isn’t going to stop him. So, he returns to her, intending to finally get the energy he so craves. Yet, when he tries to get into her bed, he finds a hunky monk there instead.

Rei is shocked and ready to run, but the monk captures him in some bead bondage and ultimately turns him into a succubus. Rei is ashamed and humiliated. And he kind of loves it. Even after it’s all said and done, Rei finds himself craving more. In the end, Rei devotes himself to the monk, Toji, and Toji happily beds the succubus as often as he can. But these two couldn’t be more different if they tried. Surely, they can’t be together forever, right?

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Manhwa Review | Checkmate by TAN

Title: Checkmate

Lee Soohyun’s life has been guided by one thing: his inferiority complex. But this inferiority really only took root when he was in . It was then his position as first in academics was shaken by Jung Eunsung. Suddenly, Soohyun goes from first to second, and when this only source of pride he has left is gone, he becomes nothing more than a pariah among his classmates, who incessantly pick on him for being a social outcast and the fallen first place. Soohyun has no choice but to focus all of his hate and sorrow on the source of all of his trouble: Eunsung.

For the remainder of their high school careers, Soohyun is in a one-sided rivalry with Eunsung, never once able to trump him. So, this grand rivalry ends with a whisper as the two graduate, attend different colleges, and presumably move along with their adult lives. But even after all this time, Eunsung is never far from Soohyun’s mind. So, when Eunsung suddenly makes headlines as an art thief, Soohyun drops everything to reconnect with his rival. He quits his job, gets one as a reporter, and starts hunting down Eunsung and how he fell so far. But Soohyun doesn’t plan on stopping there.

Soohyun wants to save Eunsung from all his problems, only so Soohyun can tear Eunsung down into the mud with him. But Soohyun soon finds out that the art world that Eunsung has been sucked into is much darker and more deplorable than Soohyun could have ever imagined. Will Soohyun even be able to keep himself safe?

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Manhwa Review | Love or Hate by Youngha

Title: Love or Hate

Haesoo is in a rut. He used to be highly praised as a young writer, considered a prodigy, and expected to do amazing things even at a young age. But after some good progress with writing smutty stories in a column, his work has become stale, and his column is gone. Frustrated but unsure what to do, Haesoo works freelance for a gossip magazine. His professional life seems to mimic his personal one, too. He’s also in a relationship rut with none other than famous actor Choi Joowon. But to Haesoo, Joowon isn’t an actor: he’s his stepbrother and casual sex partner.

The two have gone from mortal enemies in their teens to each other’s firsts, only to become whatever this cold and casual situationship is as adults. Haesoo loves Joowon, but he hates him, too. He hates that Joowon is more successful than he is, that Joowon still has this hold on him, and that he won’t ever love him. Haesoo jumps from relationship to relationship, but in the end, he runs back to Joowon – or Joowon runs back to him. It’s a neverending cycle of pleasure and pain that Haesoo can’t see a way out of.

That is until he’s tasked with interviewing mysterious and provocative photographer K. K, whose real name is Song Taekyung, is strange. He stares at Haesoo as if he’s looking at something Haesoo wants to keep hidden. But there is a strange magnetism between the two of them that Haesoo just can’t seem to shake. Is the photographer Haesoo’s chance to break out of this rut, both professionally and personally? Or will his obsession with Joowon hold him back?

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Manga Review | Jun and the Grim Reaper by Yukihiko Sano

Title: Jun and the Grim Reaper

This is the spin-off to My Demon Cry Baby, Maria.

Kyoji is a grim reaper, but he’s also a virgin. And he has just the person in mind to give his virginity to. He wants Jun, but Jun is an autosexual – attracted to himself above anyone else. Still, Kyoji is determined, and as a being, he has all the power and time to pursue Jun. Jun is steadily worn down, but to Kyoji’s surprise, it’s not his front virginity that Jun is going to take. Jun is very much a top, and he’s all too happy to play with the grim reaper, despite his complaints.

Kyoji is disappointed but pleased that this has given him an in with Jun. Determined to fuck Jun, Kyoji starts spending night after night hanging out with Jun, where the two talk about anything and everything. This has the unfortunate side effect of hurting Kyoji’s job performance. As it turns out, being a grim reaper isn’t all that different from being an worker, with goals and KPIs. Unlike an office worker, though, poor performance for Kyoji means reincarnation into a lower lifeform – in this case, an ant.

He needs to get his job back on track but wants to be with Jun, too. Can he balance a budding relationship and his job? Or will he lose it all and become nothing more than a literal ant?

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Manhwa Review | Frenzy Train by Meuhwagwa

Title: Frenzy Train

Sovian Darnell is on a mission. He’s destitute, but he’s intent on changing his future, all thanks to a marble he has hidden in a private place. All he has to do is smuggle the marble down to the south of the country, and then he’ll be set for life. Literally and figuratively, he’s sitting on immense wealth, but the only way he’s going to get it is if he can make it onto the train heading to the south. Thankfully, he does, but onboard, he runs into a strange man who introduces himself as Zerkin Sicario.

Zerkin is strangely forward with Sovian. While Sovian would like nothing more than to escape to economy class and hole up there until they get to the south, Zerkin doesn’t seem willing to just let Sovian go. Zerkin offers Sovian some cool water, a rarity on the train, which apparently only has warm water. Despite his better judgment, Sovian accepts the water but discovers his body permanently changed upon drinking it. He craves for someone to touch him, and he finds himself getting wet.

Thankfully, Zerkin is there to take care of him, but just as quickly as Zerkin appears, he disappears. And along with him, Sovian’s precious marble. Sovian has no choice but to hunt for Zerkin, but he has to traverse the entire train to get to him, which is full of men looking to take advantage of Sovian’s new constitution.

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Manga Review | Kind of a Wolf by Machi Suehiro

Title: Kind of a Wolf

This is the spin-off of Fox-Colored Jealousy. While they are self-contained stories, this title references characters and situations from the first, so it’s recommended to read Fox-Colored Jealousy before reading this title.

Hayato is a bright, excited, and extroverted man. But when his friends ask him to go out and hang out, he surprisingly declines, opting to spend pretty much every day at home alone. But, unfortunately for his neighbor Shiroki, a TA at his , Hayato spends his time at home playing video games online, where his exuberant personality comes out in full force. He yells, hoops, and hollers, resulting in a less-than-peaceful evening at Shiroki’s apartment next door. Frustrated, Shiroki goes over and lets his young neighbor know how disruptive he is.

Thankfully, Hayato seems to take Shiroki’s words to heart, and the evenings are peaceful once more. Shiroki is enjoying his quiet evening with his cat Furball on the night of a full moon when Furball decides to go on an impromptu adventure. Furball jumps over to Hayato’s balcony and slips into Hayato’s apartment. Panicked, Shiroki runs over to Hayato’s apartment and knocks on the door, but no one answers. Desperate, he tries the doorknob and finds that it’s unlocked. When he sneaks inside, he fully intends to just grab Furball and leave, but then he sees Hayato. Hayato is in bed, moaning and groaning.

But Shiroki is fixated on the pair of ears and a tail attached to Hayato.

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Manhwa Review | The Housekeeper’s Load by kang pu con

Title: The Housekeeper's Load

Choi Woojin is an erotic novel translator. Unfortunately, being a virgin, he has a hard time envisioning the scenes and understanding the emotions in them. But just because he’s a virgin doesn’t mean he doesn’t have an imagination. Unfortunately, all of his lustful imaginings feature one person: his housekeeper, Kim Ha-yeon. As Ha-yeon’s boss, Woojin knows the housekeeper is off-limits. But ethics can’t touch his imagination, and little does Woojin know that Ha-yeon is beginning to look at him differently, too.

Meanwhile, Woojin’s good friend Kang Sol, whom he usually asks for advice on sex-related matters, is having a great time teasing Woojin and his secret attraction to his housekeeper. While Woojin and Ha-yeon are figuring out their weird relationship, Sol ends up running into Ha-yeon’s little brother, Kim Jae-ho. With Woojin, his favorite person to tease, occupied by a chaotic love life, Sol sees a lot of promise in Jae-ho. But Jae-ho isn’t interested in this weird man. Undeterred, Sol continues to pursue Jae-ho whenever they run into each other, and in a cruel twist of fate for Jae-ho, they run into each other a lot.

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Manhwa Review | Subscribers Only by Just

Title: Subscribers Only

1st Couple (Seasons 1 and 2)

Hanseok Choi is a workaholic. He spends every waking and even sleeping moment in the , leaving him no time for his personal life. His friend, and coworker, is determined to help Hanseok relax a bit, so he shows him an anonymous online account that posts solo . The man is exactly Hanseok’s type, and soon, when he isn’t working, Hanseok finds himself checking up on the man known as mil_tea. But his attention is soon diverted elsewhere once more when a new hire, Doyoon, starts at work, and by happenstance, Hanseok catches sight of a tattoo that mil_tea also has.

2nd Couple (Seasons 3 and 4)

Chakyeong Shin is known as Valenti online, a popular cammer. While playing on camera, Valenti often listens to someone he calls Threesome, though whose actual username is Story Awesome. Story Awesome’s voice sends Chakyeong right into bliss, and many times, he hunts for partners solely based on how closely they can mimic his voice. But when he’s not having fun on camera, he’s renowned interior designer Chakyeong Shin, and for a time, he plans on teaching a class at his old . While in the middle of class, he sees a beefcake. This man is exactly Chakyeong’s type, named Woojin, and judging by the books hanging out of his bag, he’s a big fan of Chakyeong’s work.

He’d love to leverage that and get the burly student into his bed, but he realizes this fan behavior is a two-way street when he hears him speak. Woojin is a fan of Chakyeong. But Chakyeong is also a fan of Woojin, who is none other than Story Awesome himself.

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Manga Review | You Just Can’t Beat A Guy With A Double Face by Saori Nobana

Title: You Just Can't Beat A Guy With A Double Face

Kaname is your classic delinquent, and that’s precisely what he wants to be. Kaname was inspired by movies where men used their fists to protect others. That has set up his life on a trajectory of violence, but he sees it as a way to protect himself and those he holds dear with his fists, just like those he admired in those films. Unfortunately, he has yet to find someone worth protecting, and he’s constantly fighting with the school’s A+ student, Katagiri. It’s another day of arguing with the “perfect” student in class, leaving Kaname frustrated on his way home.

Unfortunately, Kaname runs into some other looking for a fight. With three against one, things aren’t looking good for Kaname until a stranger with glasses comes in to beat them off. Soma is this stranger’s name, and if anyone is worthy of Kaname’s protection, it’s Soma. But as Kaname tries to get closer to Soma, Soma does something that Kaname couldn’t have anticipated. Soma kisses Kaname. Kaname can’t begin to understand why. But what’s even weirder is that Katagiri has started avoiding him at school.

Just what is going on?

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Manhwa Review | Business as Unusual by Moscareto

Title: Business as Unusual

Minjun’s life revolves around his job. Even when he’s off, he’s often on the phone fielding inquiries and dealing with issues related to his job. All while he’s working, though he puts on a pleasant and helpful front, he’s constantly cursing and bemoaning his life. He longs to travel. He longs to do more. He longs to break out of this chaotic and busy hum-drum of a life. But right in the middle of his daily venting and daydreaming, he hears a strangely familiar voice nearby. As he nears, the voice reminds him of someone.

But it couldn’t be, could it?

Minjun wanted a change in his life, but this was not what he was expecting.

As it turns out, the person he heard speaking was none other than his ex-boyfriend Jinhwan. Seeing him again brings back so many sweet memories, but those memories are tainted by the cruel way Jinhwan indirectly ended things all those years ago. While Minjun is more than willing to ignore the past and do the bare minimum to keep the peace at work, Jinhwan doesn’t seem to have the same plan. It looks like, just like in college, Jinhwan is all too happy to pursue Minjun despite their rocky past.

Their was snuffed out before it could really begin in their early twenties. What are the odds that they could do any better in their thirties?

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