Manhwa Review | Business as Unusual by Moscareto

Title: Business as Unusual

Minjun's life revolves around his job. Even when he's off, he's often on the phone fielding inquiries and dealing with issues related to his job. All while he's working, though he puts on a pleasant and helpful front, he's constantly cursing and bemoaning his life. He longs to travel. He longs to do more. He longs to break out of this chaotic and busy hum-drum of a life. But right in the middle of his daily venting and daydreaming, he hears a strangely familiar voice nearby. As he nears, the voice reminds him of someone.

But it couldn't be, could it?

Minjun wanted a change in his life, but this was not what he was expecting.

As it turns out, the person he heard speaking was none other than his ex-boyfriend Jinhwan. Seeing him again brings back so many sweet memories, but those memories are tainted by the cruel way Jinhwan indirectly ended things all those years ago. While Minjun is more than willing to ignore the past and do the bare minimum to keep the peace at work, Jinhwan doesn't seem to have the same plan. It looks like, just like in college, Jinhwan is all too happy to pursue Minjun despite their rocky past.

Their was snuffed out before it could really begin in their early twenties. What are the odds that they could do any better in their thirties?

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Manhwa Review | Shoot My Shot by Solanine and Suhyeol

Title: Shoot My Shot

Officer Jaehui Yoo lives in an extremely small town. While that means his work is relatively peaceful and easy, it has the negative effect of making it nearly impossible to find other gay men. Jaehui would love to get off with someone, but no matter how often he checks his dating apps, there just aren't any options in his small town. He's bemoaning his unfortunate situation when a whiny man is brought into the station. The man throws an absolute tantrum, claiming he doesn't remember where he lives as he's just moved into town. Jaehui approaches to help when the man stops, stunned. Instantly, the man claims Jaehui is the one for him.

The young man's name is Hoon Dokgo. And though Jaehui would love a bedmate, Hoon is a bit too obsessive for Jaehui's taste. But Hoon isn't dissuaded in the least. Every moment of every day, Hoon hunts Jaehui down, hangs around the police station, and declares that Jaehui is his. Unfortunately for Jaehui, this leads to multiple unwanted sexual encounters that he ends up enjoying. Hoon is packing, and while Jaehui may not be interested in the man, he's interested in what the man has to offer. Jaehui is determined to shake off this annoying fly of a man until it's revealed his father is none other than Police Commissioner Youngsik Dokgo.

He doesn't believe Hoon at first, but when they head to his father's house, he encounters not only the commissioner but also his own father. If things weren't already bad enough, it turns out Jaehui's father, Taeha, and Youngsik were lovers in , and they've now found their way back to each other. So, now he's being pursued by what is the equivalent of his stepbrother? Will Jaehui ever find peace, or is he destined for this chaos for the rest of his life?

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Manga Review | Return of the Prince by Junko

Title: Return of the Prince

This is a collection of three BL shorts by .

Return of the Prince (plus A Ring's Tale)

Adult life isn't all it's made out to be for Kou. He works all the time, is constantly berated by his boss, and ends up home alone. While at a relative's wedding, as if to rub salt in his wound, Kou runs into his cousin Fumihiro, whom he always picked on in their childhood. But as an adult, Fumihiro has become a handsome prince and is charismatic on top of that, causing all of their mutual family members to compare them, often leading to insults toward Kou. Frustrated, Kou takes advantage of the festivities and drinks himself silly. Fumihiro offers to care for Kou, leading to a steamy liaison between the two. Though it was only meant to be a one-night stand, Fumihiro seems to have no intention of leaving.


Ritsu Kitagami and Yasuhiro Adachi have been friends for as long as they can remember. Ritsu has always been quiet and considered a bit odd by those around him, but Yasuhiro cares for him all the same. Nothing has changed, even in , or so Yasuhiro thinks. While walking around campus, Yasuhiro sees Ritsu in a screaming match with someone, even going so far as to threaten to fight them. Yasuhiro doesn't even recognize Ritsu. Although Yasuhiro doesn't want to believe it, Ritsu has changed. But has Yasuhiro?

Beside Him

Haijima believes his best friend Shimizu might be in love with him, and in realizing this, he finds that he is in love with him, as well. But then Shimizu comes to school, announcing that he has a new girlfriend, and though Haijima believes Shimizu doesn't really love the girl, over time, he discovers that Shimizu never loved him in the first place. Heartbroken, he goes to their mutual friend, Hachiya, for comfort, only for Hachiya to admit that he loves Haijima. But Haijima still loves Shimizu. What will this mean for their friendship?

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Manhwa Review | My Suha by Chahyun

Title: My Suha

As his name “Suha” suggests, Lee Suha is a phenomenal secretary for the talented and dependable Director Park Jiwoon. Unfortunately, no matter how good Director Park is at his job, his role within the family that runs the company prevents him from obtaining the accolades and positions he should. Suha knows just how hard it would be for his boss to fight his way up, having been raised alongside the Director as a family friend. Though it seems impossible, Suha is happy to work alongside the Director and makes every effort he can to ensure his boss can succeed.

When Suha isn't working, though, he's on the hunt for sex partners. Due in part to a toxic sexual relationship he had when he was younger, Suha is wary about getting into anything serious. However, finding new casual partners to meet his needs becomes more challenging over time. One night, while out on the prowl in a gay , Suha ends up with another disappointing hookup in the men's bathroom. Ready to leave and call the night a wash, he bumps into someone he never expected: Director Park.

With their secret night lives exposed, Director Park opens up to his most trusted secretary, suggesting that they should fulfill their needs with each other. Suha has always thought Director Park was attractive, and this offer is almost too good to pass up. But Suha knows mixing business and pleasure isn't the best idea. Can Suha control his urgers? Or will lust and curiosity get the better of him? And if it does, what does that mean for his job and relationship with Director Park?

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Manhwa Review | Breathing the Same Air by YUUJI

Title: Breathing the Same Air

Haeshin lives alone, and he prefers it that way. Having grown up being raised by a womanizing single father, Haeshin was used to people coming in and out of his life on a whim, and rather than deal with the same thing in his adulthood, Haeshin would prefer the solace of singledom. This also befits his sexual preference for solo anal stimulation, which he does frequently just before bed to ensure he gets a good night's rest. Unfortunately, his peaceful, homebody lifestyle ends when his former stepbrother comes to live with him.

Haeshin never wanted to live with Sangheon, but after his father, who still pays part of his rent, comes to Haeshin with Sangheon's mother in tow, Haeshin can't help but enthusiastically agree. It probably wouldn't be such a bad living arrangement if Sangheon and Haeshin didn't hate each other due to their strained relationship as children. It's even worse as adults, with Sangheon being messy, a smoker, and prone to destruction, which is entirely counter to Haeshin. Will Haeshin be able to regain his peace, or will he be stuck fighting against Sangheon for the rest of his life?

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Manga Review | The Guy Next Door’s Just My Type by Yuita Honda

Title: The Guy Next Door's Just My Type

Takanashi is a hardworking programmer. He's tired and worn out, but he's proud of what he does, and as long as he can get home and get a good night's sleep, he's okay with working as much as he does. Unfortunately, he lives next to playboy Akemi. Akemi being a playboy means he has a new girl at his house almost every night, and those women get loud, making it impossible for Takanashi to get a good night's sleep.

The first time, Takanashi finds it funny. The second time, it's a bit annoying but more impressive than anything else. By the tenth night or more, Takanashi is livid. After asking Akemi to keep it down, only for his request to be ignored, Takanashi realizes he has to take extreme actions. So he goes over to Akemi's apartment, fully intending to put Akemi in his place.

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Manga Review | My Demon Cry Baby, Maria by Yukihiko Sano

Title: My Demon Cry Baby, Maria

Satoru is in mourning. His unrequited love, Jun Mariya, has passed away before Satoru ever got the chance to talk to him, much less confess to him. In the throes of sorrow, Satoru crumples up and marks all over the love letter he had intended to give to Jun someday before throwing it aside. Then, he lies there, expressing his want to die. Out of nowhere, a voice calls out to him, offering to take his life. It is a fluffy little black smoke cloud, claiming to be a demon, having been summoned from Satoru's inadvertent scribbling of a summoning circle.

Satoru is surprised, of course, but intrigued, as the demon offers him a wish in exchange for his life span, which the demon will steadily feed on for the remainder of Satoru's life. Satoru can only think of one wish: to see Jun. The demon takes this opportunity to lure Satoru even further, suddenly shifting into Jun's exact likeness. Satoru is shocked but is more than happy to make this deal so he can be with Jun. Similarly, the demon is delighted to make such an easy deal.

What the innocent demon doesn't realize is that Satoru has some depraved plans for this demonic lookalike, and he has every intention of acting on them until his dying breath.

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Manhwa Review | Vargoth’s Magical Toys by sodapie

Title: Vargoth's Magical Toys

Eunwoo only has one goal: to become a viral vlogger. Unfortunately, there's not much to see or do to go viral in his small, rural town. To add insult to injury, with the appearance of portals to other worlds, numerous magic shops and magic items are making their way into Eunwoo's world. But out in the country, Eunwoo can only long for them as he watches other vloggers review them on the very platform he's trying to gain fame on. He would love nothing more than to leave his small town, but with no job and, in turn, no money, that is an impossibility. It's a painful reality that Eunwoo is currently stuck in.

Desperate to make a change, Eunwoo looks for a job that won't jeopardize the time he spends on his videos but pays well enough so he can start saving for the future he longs for. To his surprise, while on the hunt, he discovers a new magic shop has opened in his small town! Seeing this as a sign and an amazing opportunity, Eunwoo jumps at the chance. But when he turns up to the shop, expecting magic and intrigue, he finds the magic… but it's in the form of sex toys. This wasn't at all what he expected.

But the pay is right; the job is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and his boss, Arte Vargoth, is a charmer in more ways than one. While it isn't what Eunwoo expected, this is the first step to his ideal future.

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Manhwa Review | Perfectly Broken Love by SUMA

Title: Perfectly Broken Love

Ma Dongjae loves BL. He reads everything he can get his hands on and swoons over the romantic storylines, hoping to have his own happily ever after someday. Unfortunately, he seems to only be attracted to straight men. Even worse, most of the time, these men turn out to be bigots, so when he confesses, they respond in the worst ways possible. Thankfully, Dongjae isn't one to take any insults sitting down. He has no problem putting assholes in their place, but the latest instance ends up happening in a very public place, drawing the attention of someone nearby. While Dongjae is mourning another horrible rejection in private, the “someone” who happened to see it all go down follows Dongjae.

There, the stranger wastes no time coming on to Dongjae, letting Dongjae know that he's gay and is more than willing to be with Dongjae. Dongjae is beyond turned off by this man's persistence. Thankfully, Dongjae gets away from the pervert without much trouble. Unfortunately, attending his new class, it turns out the stranger is in the same class. Dongjae is trying to come up with some way of dropping out of the class when one of their classmates brings up the recent public rejection Dongjae just experienced. Dongjae is uncomfortable, ready to get into another fight if need be, when Tae-jun, the stranger, jumps in, telling the classmate off for bringing up something like that in class.

Tae-jun seems like a completely different person, and Dongjae finds himself attracted to this new version. But when Dongjae tries to get close, Tae-jun appears to want nothing to do with him, completely counter to what Dongjae experienced only a short time prior. After spending time with each different variation of “Tae-jun,” Dongjae learns that Tae-jun has DID, and while Tae-oh, the personality that initially hit on Dongjae, is gay, Tae-jun, the personality Dongjae actually likes, is not. Brokenhearted, Dongjae is preparing to move on when Tae-oh makes him an offer: I'll help you with Tae-jun if you let me touch you. It's an uncomfortable offer, but one that Dongjae is tempted to accept, imagining all of those BL happily ever afters.

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Manga Review | Wails of the Bound ;β by Keri Kusabi

Title: Wails of the Bound ;β

This is the sequel to Wails of the Bound.

No longer feeling compelled to protect his chief anymore, Miyabi, having finally met his alpha partner and being marked, Shingo Utou decides to take a promotion, putting him into the chief position of division two. Utou hopes his time of pining after and protecting omegas, who could never love him in return because he's a beta, is finally over for the foreseeable future, but then he meets the new hire: Sumito Sasabe.

Sasabe is an omega, and though he's not planning on disclosing his secondary gender at work, he has to disclose it to his bosses. Sasabe hates being an omega, as any success he has is always attributed to his ability to seduce and pleasure. But he hates betas even more as they can do nothing for him, unable to mark him and protect him from other alphas, so he'd rather hate them so he doesn't mistakenly fall in love with one.

Utou is having flashbacks of working with Miyabi, and after talking to his boss, it's clear that the intent of hiring Sasabe is to replace Miyabi and what he offered the company: his body. Utou has no intention of seeing another omega be used by clients again. But every time Utou tries to help, Sasabe sees him as just another predator trying to take advantage of him. Still, as time goes on and the two grow closer and closer, they find themselves falling for each other. But Sasabe's role in the company is already becoming that of a sex worker, and he's desperate to take that opportunity away. A beta can't mark an omega, so there is only so much Utou can do for Sasabe. Thankfully, there is an alpha from another company lingering around that Sasabe could use.

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