Manga Review | I Seriously Can’t Believe You… by Jimi Fumikawa

Title: I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Iida is popular. Girls constantly surround him, but he's never had a girlfriend. This intrigues Kon and his friends, who are trying to figure out why such a handsome and popular guy is single. They ultimately end up at one conclusion: maybe he's gay? Unwilling to let go of his curiosity, Kon decides to confess to Iida, hoping to reveal whether or not he's gay. The confession ends in rejection, though Iida is very kind and considerate about it, which Kon is surprised by. Once again, Kon is only further entranced by Iida.

However, what Kon doesn't know is that Iida is gay, and his sudden confession has started Iida on a spiral. Iida didn't know who Kon was before, but now that he's received his confession, Iida can't help noticing him no matter where they are. He's gone through great effort to hide his sexual orientation, including avoiding other men as much as possible. But for whatever reason, Iida just can't seem to escape Kon. I mean, Kon already confessed to him. Would it be so bad if Iida took the plunge and tried to get close to him in return?

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Manhwa Review | OmegaComplex by Oneulbom

Title: OmegaComplex

Yoonwoo Lee is your average, run-of-the-mill, beta student… or so he's made everyone believe. Yoonwoo is actually an omega, and though there's nothing wrong with being an omega, Yoonwoo's first love and childhood friend, Taegyeom, was once assaulted by an omega during their time in grade school. As such, he ended up with an intense hatred for omegas. Thankfully, in their youth, Yoonwoo hadn't manifested yet, and he could be there for Taegyeom. But it wasn't long after that he ultimately manifested as an omega, and Yoonwoo made the painful decision to leave Taegyeom behind, pretending to be a beta so he never had to see Taegyeom hate him for something he couldn't control.

It's been years since they ran into one another, though not without great effort on Yoonwoo's side. Though they go to the same university, they've never met, as Yoonwoo even decided on a different major to ensure they never encountered one another. Unfortunately, despite Yoonwoo's careful planning, Taegyeom's department also shows up during a department meetup. Thankfully, Yoonwoo has done some additional planning. To hide his pheromones, he smokes pheromone cigarettes, which are made for betas who want to put out pheromones like alphas and omegas. This does seem to fool Taegyeom, but for how long? It seems Taegyeom has no intention of letting Yoonwoo escape him again.

However, while Yoonwoo's cigarettes might fool Taegyeom, they haven't fooled Yoonwoo's hoobae Dohyun, another alpha. Thankfully, Dohyun is willing to keep Yoonwoo's secret, but he wants Yoonwoo just as much as Taegyeom. Pitted between two alphas, can Yoonwoo keep his identity a secret? Or will he succumb to all the alpha pheromones surrounding him?

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Manhwa Review | Lover Boy by ZEC

Title: Lover Boy

Eunho has loved Jaeha since he was a child. They've known each other for the majority of Eunho's life, but Jaeha, being so much older, moves forward in life, leaving Eunho behind. Yet, no matter how far Jaeha goes, he always seems to find his way back to Eunho. Unfortunately, that changes when Jaeha announces he's getting married. As much as Eunho loves Jaeha, he accepts that they will never be together in the way he wants. So, he swallows his love and sadness and congratulates Jaeha.

Years later, Eunho is now in , and though he's dated someone else, he still longs for the love that could never be with his childhood friend, Jaeha. By seemingly fate, they happen to run into each other. Jaeha is now running his own art studio, providing classes open to the public. But more importantly, he's now divorced. Eunho had to let Jaeha go before, but with this new opportunity before him, he has no intention of letting Jaeha pass him by. Jaeha, however, has had a turbulent past, and though he cares for Eunho, that care and love he has makes him afraid.

He's afraid of hurting the one most precious to him. Will Jaeha be able to find happiness? And can Eunho break through the cold walls Jaeha has built around himself?

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Manga Review | Smoky Nectar by Akira Minazuki

Title: Smoky Nectar

Mitsuru has been friends with Annaka (nicknamed Anna) since they were in preschool, and though their lives have gone in entirely different directions, they remain close. Anna has become a successful real estate agent, while Mitsuru is often in the trenches as a field journalist, reporting on various local news. Mitsuru is currently on a story that leans toward the . Still, he's determined to find the truth, whether based on reality or something harkening back to human imagination. A local woman was recently found dead, her blood completely clotted, and with two suspicious bite marks on her neck. The killer is called “The Biter,” a rumored vampire.

Mitsuru is actively seeking the killer, and as usual, he reaches out to Anna, who has a multitude of connections, looking for some information. Anna doesn't have much and spends most of the time insisting that Mitsuru stop inserting himself into such a dangerous scenario. What Mitsuru keeps to himself is that Anna is suspected of being “The Biter,” and while he is looking for additional information from Anna, he's also hoping that he'll be able to prove Anna's innocence. Anna is his closest friend, and Mitsuru wants nothing more than to protect him the only way he can. But if Anna is “The Biter,” what would that mean for their relationship?

More importantly, is Mitsuru safe?

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Manga Review | Kiss Me Like You Did That Day by Nana Nanato

Title: Kiss Me like You Did that Day

Miho still remembers Hiroya. Miho is a working adult, a writer who works from home, and he's already gone through a divorce. Yet, Miho can still remember, as clearly as if it were yesterday, the day his only friend from , Hiroya, kissed him. Unfortunately, after their kiss, Hiroya's immediate response was to apologize. As a result, Miho assumed that Hiroya didn't mean it and regretted it. Heartbroken, Miho ran away, deleted Hiroya's number, and never looked back. Yet, Miho constantly thinks of Hiroya and what life might have been like if they had never kissed.

Because of his curiosity and despite his introverted personality, when Miho receives a notice about a high school reunion, he goes, hoping Hiroya will show up. When he arrives, his former classmates are surprised, as Miho was known in high school for being a loner and having no friends other than Hiroya, who hasn't shown up. Miho is just about to give up when Hiroya shows up. The two instantly recognize each other, even after all of this time, but before they can catch up, Hiroya is swarmed. This is just one more reminder to Miho why they could never work out. Hiroya is a social butterfly, while Miho could never even make a friend that wasn't Hiroya. Then, he hears that Hiroya is going through a divorce. Feeling like there was no point in coming, Miho leaves, intending to return to his life without Hiroya.

But Hiroya chases after him. He begs to have dinner, which Miho concedes to. Over food, the two share stories about their lives and apologize for the pain they caused each other. Throughout their conversation, Hiroya mentions needing to move out of his ex-wife's home. When Miho mentions having an empty room because of his divorce, Hiroya asks Miho if he can move in. Though Miho knows this might be a bad idea, the prospect of rebuilding his relationship with Hiroya is too tempting, so he agrees to let Hiroya move in. What will living in close quarters mean for these two? Will they be able to get along, or will their relationship fall into shambles like before?

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Manhwa Review | Scandalous M by Kimdan

Title: Scandalous M

Chanbit is a superstar. He's a beloved actor at the top of his game. He exudes perfection, and everyone loves him because of that. What the world doesn't know that Chanbit's longtime friend and now-manager Baekyung knows is that Chanbit is gay, an insatiable sexual dynamo, and a masochist on top of that. Baekyung does his best to fulfill these desires so that Chanbit doesn't risk his public image, but Chanbit frequently seeks satisfaction elsewhere. But what Chanbit doesn't know is that Baekyung isn't just bothered by his sexual escapades because he's his manager. He hates it because Baekyung is hopelessly in love with Chanbit.

Chanbit can't fathom anyone loving him beyond the love his fans have for him because of a traumatic relationship he had in college. That relationship also awakened in him a need to be dominated, and he generally enjoys . As a result, he spends a lot of his off time hunting for partners to satisfy his needs. So, most of Chanbit and Baekyung's relationship is spent with Baekyung trying his best to protect and satisfy Chanbit while hiding his feelings, and Chanbit doing everything he can to keep a safe distance from love and , focusing entirely on sex. This tenuous relationship works until a new CEO is announced for Chanbit's agency.

It is none other than Youngha Do, the man who abandoned and traumatized Chanbit in college. They've grown so much since then, so surely Youngha isn't interested in Chanbit anymore, right? Wrong. Youngha is back and fully intends to tie Chanbit to him through any means necessary — through violence, sex, and blackmail. Chanbit wants to protect his career, so he willingly goes along with everything Youngha wants, except for one thing: firing Baekyung. All the while, Baekyung tries his best to figure out what is going on with Chanbit, unaware that his charge is selling himself to the CEO to protect his career and Baekyung.

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Manhwa Review | Knock on Wood by Ga-myeong

Title: Knock on Wood

Eunchae is as superstitious as they come. He wholeheartedly believes in horoscopes and fortune tellers, and when he's offered a backscratcher made of the remnants of a tree that was struck by lightning multiple times for a premium price, he jumps at the chance. Because of the tree, the backscratcher has the power to knock away bad luck, and Eunchae plans to take full advantage. Apparently, the power of the backscratcher is made stronger when performed by someone with the word “tiger” in their name, which means his old childhood friend Jiho fits the bill.

Though hesitant, Jiho comes to Eunchae's house and proceeds to hit him with the backscratcher. After a few days of this routine, Jiho becomes curious. He asks Eunchae to hit him with the backscratcher. Eunchae hits Jiho once, and surprisingly, Jiho moans. Thinking it was just a one-off, Eunchae hits him again, and Jiho moans. But Jiho isn't the only one reacting. As Eunchae hits Jiho and he listens to his moans, Eunchae finds himself aroused. What new kinks is this situation creating for these friends?

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Manhwa Review | Room to Room by Lee Aru

Title: Room to Room

Dowan fell in love with Chamin the first time he saw him. But Chamin is straight, and Dowan is happy to simply live within his orbit as a friend. Unfortunately, this comfortable distance is strained when Dowan, while looking for a new roommate, is overheard by Chamin. As it turns out, Chamin wants to move closer to campus but isn't allowed to live alone due to his parents' worries. Hoping Chamin's parents will say “no,” Dowan gives Chamin all the details.

Unfortunately for Dowan, Chamin's parents were all too happy to approve the move, and now Dowan faces his crush day in and day out. Everything is going well, but Dowan suffers as he sees and hears Chamin talking to and about his girlfriend. He's happy that Chamin is happy, but Dowan's heart aches all the same. Then, the day comes when Chamin's girlfriend breaks up with him. Depressed and hurt, Chamin is all too happy to run into Dowan's arms for comfort, and Dowan is happy to comfort him.

But when Chamin starts coming to Dowan's bedroom at night, asking to have sex, that distance Dowan so carefully puts between him and his crush falls away.

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Manhwa Review | Love is an Illusion! – The Queen by Fargo

Title: Love is an Illusion! - The Queen

Seung-ah has been tied to alpha Do-gyeom, one of his best friends and first love, for twenty years, all by choice, initially as her friend but ultimately as her secretary. Unfortunately, this has given Seung-ah a front-row seat to all of Do-gyeom's sexual conquests and escapades. Seung-ah does his best to keep his longing for Do-gyeom under wraps. His only comfort is that Do-gyeom has no intention of getting into a relationship or marrying, meaning he can always be the closest one to Do-gyeom, even when he feels he has no right to be.

He's pretty content with this arrangement until Do-gyeom, after seeing her brothers getting married and starting families, decides that she wants to start her own family, too. Suddenly, it's not enough that Seung-ah has to chase away one-night stands; now, he has to chase away the one-night stands and try to find her a worthy spouse. To his surprise, that person manifests in an unrelenting female omega, an employee of Do-gyeom, and a one-night stand. Seung-ah was willing to give Do-gyeom over to a worthy omega of the same class and power, but this was just too much for him to bear.

Unable to see his long unrequited love get married to someone beneath her, who isn't Seung-ah himself, he runs to their longtime friend Mujin, who is happy to comfort Seung-ah in any way he can.

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Manga Review | He’s a Predator by Yuji Toriba

Title: He's a Predator

Yuma's work-life balance is all out of whack. He spends more time at work than he does at home, and even when he is at home, he's so stressed about work that all he can manage is falling asleep before heading in the next day. His only real reprieve is with his childhood friend Yasuharu, who dotes on and cares for Yuma. Yuma cares for Yashuharu, but there is one thing about Yasuharu that disturbs Yuma. Yuma has a bad habit of saying that he wants to die, and this habit is at an all-time high with all of the work stress. Whenever he says this phrase around Yasuharu, Yasuharu always responds with:

“I'll eat you.”

It's undoubtedly just a joke, but the way Yasuharu says it so seriously, Yuma can't help being bothered by it. Still, Yuma's phrase might become a reality when, after returning home from a long and strenuous day of work, Yuma passes out on his floor, but not before calling Yasuharu and asking him for help. Yasuharu comes to the rescue, ensuring Yuma is fed, rested, and gets the medical attention he needs, all of which Yuma is thankful for. But Yasuharu doesn't intend to stop here. Yasuharu demands that Yuma move in with him so Yashuharu can care for him.

Though Yuma is hesitant, the offer is too good to pass up. But is Yasuharu's offer as innocent as it seems?

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