Manhwa Review | Banana Scandal by Dolsha

Title: Banana Scandal

Dojin is a student from Korea who is attending university in the States. He enjoys it, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. Even though he's no longer in Korea, the experience of rumors and judgment is just as rampant in the tight-knit Korean community on his campus. Dojin does his best to stay out of the while still enjoying college life, but when his roommate Taehwan goes off to intern in Hong Kong, Dojin's peaceful college life is thrown into disarray as Taehee, Taehwan's younger brother, comes to stay in their apartment.

It's not so bad at first. Dojin has known Taehee since they were young, and despite being taller and a bit gloomier, he's still the introverted boy who loves cartoons for kids. Taehee, however, is no longer that innocent young boy. While Dojin is sleeping in their room, he happens to hear something odd. It doesn't take much to realize that Taehee is playing with himself behind Dojin's back. Dojin should be repulsed. He should get up and tell Taehee to get out.

But for some reason, all Dojin wants to do is see how Taehee looks in the throes of passion.

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Manga Review | Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love by Abuku

Title: Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love

Sakutarou is a human omega. Though male omegas aren't necessarily uncommon, there is still a bit of a social stigma around men being with other men and carrying children. As if that wasn't difficult enough, Sakutarou also has an unusual fetish: noncon beastmen porn. Since he was small, Sakutarou adored beastmen, but that innocent admiration soon grew into an undeniable attraction. The odds of him finding a human alpha partner who likes omega men are already slim. The odds of him finding a beastman alpha partner who'd be attracted to humans are even slimmer still. Interspecies couples aren't unusual, but marriage and long-term partnerships are rare and seen as a bit strange by the majority.

So, Sakutarou keeps his attractions to himself until he happens to start his heat a few days early. While out on the street, he ends up being picked up by beastman. The beastman carts Sakutarou away to a hotel, where the two have unbelievable sex. When Sakutarou finally comes around, the beastman makes an even more unbelievable claim: he believes Sakutarou is his fated mate. It's everything Sakutarou could've ever wanted, but it's almost overwhelming in how ideal it all is. Can Sakutarou find it in himself to accept who he is and the love that this beastman wants to give him? Or will he self-sabotage and run away from his happiness?

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Manga Review | I Seriously Can’t Believe You… by Jimi Fumikawa

Title: I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Iida is popular. Girls constantly surround him, but he's never had a girlfriend. This intrigues Kon and his friends, who are trying to figure out why such a handsome and popular guy is single. They ultimately end up at one conclusion: maybe he's gay? Unwilling to let go of his curiosity, Kon decides to confess to Iida, hoping to reveal whether or not he's gay. The confession ends in rejection, though Iida is very kind and considerate about it, which Kon is surprised by. Once again, Kon is only further entranced by Iida.

However, what Kon doesn't know is that Iida is gay, and his sudden confession has started Iida on a spiral. Iida didn't know who Kon was before, but now that he's received his confession, Iida can't help noticing him no matter where they are. He's gone through great effort to hide his sexual orientation, including avoiding other men as much as possible. But for whatever reason, Iida just can't seem to escape Kon. I mean, Kon already confessed to him. Would it be so bad if Iida took the plunge and tried to get close to him in return?

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Manga Review | Kiss Me Like You Did That Day by Nana Nanato

Title: Kiss Me like You Did that Day

Miho still remembers Hiroya. Miho is a working adult, a writer who works from home, and he's already gone through a divorce. Yet, Miho can still remember, as clearly as if it were yesterday, the day his only friend from , Hiroya, kissed him. Unfortunately, after their kiss, Hiroya's immediate response was to apologize. As a result, Miho assumed that Hiroya didn't mean it and regretted it. Heartbroken, Miho ran away, deleted Hiroya's number, and never looked back. Yet, Miho constantly thinks of Hiroya and what life might have been like if they had never kissed.

Because of his curiosity and despite his introverted personality, when Miho receives a notice about a high school reunion, he goes, hoping Hiroya will show up. When he arrives, his former classmates are surprised, as Miho was known in high school for being a loner and having no friends other than Hiroya, who hasn't shown up. Miho is just about to give up when Hiroya shows up. The two instantly recognize each other, even after all of this time, but before they can catch up, Hiroya is swarmed. This is just one more reminder to Miho why they could never work out. Hiroya is a social butterfly, while Miho could never even make a friend that wasn't Hiroya. Then, he hears that Hiroya is going through a divorce. Feeling like there was no point in coming, Miho leaves, intending to return to his life without Hiroya.

But Hiroya chases after him. He begs to have dinner, which Miho concedes to. Over food, the two share stories about their lives and apologize for the pain they caused each other. Throughout their conversation, Hiroya mentions needing to move out of his ex-wife's home. When Miho mentions having an empty room because of his divorce, Hiroya asks Miho if he can move in. Though Miho knows this might be a bad idea, the prospect of rebuilding his relationship with Hiroya is too tempting, so he agrees to let Hiroya move in. What will living in close quarters mean for these two? Will they be able to get along, or will their relationship fall into shambles like before?

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Manga Review | Sayonara Game by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Sayonara Game

This is the 1st entry in a shared world created by . Each entry or series is self-contained but it's recommended to be read in order for the best experience.

Arimura Ikuo adores his younger sister and wants what's best for her. As the exams near, he's determined to ensure she has the best chance at getting into the college of her dreams. Unfortunately, his plans go awry when his kohai, who has been tutoring his sister, has to bow out. Thankfully, the friend has another mutual classmate he offers to tutor her in his stead. He is Yosuke Ito, another of Arimura's kohai who also played on their high school baseball team. While Arimura fondly recalls much of his high school baseball career, he doesn't remember Yosuke, but that doesn't matter all that much. As long as Yosuke can help his sister study, he's happy with almost anyone.

Yosuke is a bit standoffish and quiet but is otherwise acceptable. With his sister squared away, Arimura can focus on his own issue: his work crush. Arimura is popular and successful at his job, but he's not all that confident when it comes to . So, when he finds out the object of his affection is being pursued by the chief at work, he encourages her to be with his rival rather than try and fight for her. Though it was his decision, he's heartbroken and bemoans his poor luck in finding love. As it turns out, Yosuke happens to be at his house, and he has been most days as he helps Arimura's sister prep for exams. But Arimura also notices Yosuke's attention is often on Arimura himself. And, in turn, Arimura finds himself watching Yosuke. The tension is high, and Arimura soon realizes this is another crush.

Unfortunately, his rival in love this time is his very own sister. His sister has been doing her best to seduce Yosuke, and though Arimura isn't willing to give his sister over to someone, he also finds himself not wanting to give Yosuke up to anyone, either. Can Arimura stop his self-sabotaging ways, or will he say ‘sayonara' to another potential partner?

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Manhwa Review | Your Eyes, My Words by Morphish

Title: Your Eyes, My Words

Hwane has lived his whole life quietly, following what was expected of him. In , he was exceedingly studious and a thorough monitor for rule breakers. He never spoke out or shared much about himself, even to those he considered his closest friends. That is until he met Jinha. Jinha, a troublemaker and Hwane's underclassman did everything he could to evade Hwane, but Hwane, the ever-diligent monitor, did everything he could to catch him. One of Jinha's best methods was suddenly kissing Hwane, leaving him stunned just long enough for Jinha to get away.

This game of cat and mouse goes on for days. Hwane catches up to Jinha, only for Jinha to kiss him. Then, the day comes when Hwane corners Jinha in the stairwell. Jinha goes in to kiss him, and Hwane closes his eyes, only for the kiss to never come. When Hwane opens his eyes, he finds Jinha staring at him. It's then they both realize that they enjoy the kissing more than the chase, and so begins a ritual of meeting before class, kissing, and then going their separate ways. This went on and on all the way until Jinha found a girlfriend, and Hwane graduated.

It was a time of fleeting moments, but Hwane never forgot Jinha. No matter how many partners he had after, none of them could compare to his first tenuous . All of these memories and feelings come rushing back up to the surface as, while getting fitted for a custom suit, he runs into Jinha once again. They're both adults. They never really had a relationship. Yet, the moment they meet again, they are drawn to one another, both seeking to relive that youthful attraction from their pasts.

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Manga Review | Hotaru Dies Tomorrow by Fuyu Saikawa

Title: Hotaru Dies Tomorrow

Saneatsu is in love, but not with a real person. He's in love with the main character of his favorite novel, the somber and hypersexual Hotaru – a cat-eyed beauty with dusty pink hair. Every partner he's ever had has never been able to compare to her, resulting in Saneatsu being dumped over and over again. He's lonely, but he longs for Hotaru and no one else. To his surprise, he runs into a young man with cat eyes and dusty pink hair. He kisses the man before he can control himself and asks him out.

The man, to Saneatsu's surprise, agrees, and the two start an intensely sexual relationship – exactly what Saneatsu would expect from being with his beloved Hotaru. This Hotaru's name is Nao, and his entire personality, likes and dislikes, reactions, and commentary all align with his beloved Hotaru. This is everything Saneatsu could have ever wanted in a relationship. But is Hotaru really the one Saneatsu wants to be in a relationship with?

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Manga Review | Return of the Prince by Junko

Title: Return of the Prince

This is a collection of three BL shorts by .

Return of the Prince (plus A Ring's Tale)

Adult life isn't all it's made out to be for Kou. He works all the time, is constantly berated by his boss, and ends up home alone. While at a relative's wedding, as if to rub salt in his wound, Kou runs into his cousin Fumihiro, whom he always picked on in their childhood. But as an adult, Fumihiro has become a handsome prince and is charismatic on top of that, causing all of their mutual family members to compare them, often leading to insults toward Kou. Frustrated, Kou takes advantage of the festivities and drinks himself silly. Fumihiro offers to care for Kou, leading to a steamy liaison between the two. Though it was only meant to be a one-night stand, Fumihiro seems to have no intention of leaving.


Ritsu Kitagami and Yasuhiro Adachi have been friends for as long as they can remember. Ritsu has always been quiet and considered a bit odd by those around him, but Yasuhiro cares for him all the same. Nothing has changed, even in , or so Yasuhiro thinks. While walking around campus, Yasuhiro sees Ritsu in a screaming match with someone, even going so far as to threaten to fight them. Yasuhiro doesn't even recognize Ritsu. Although Yasuhiro doesn't want to believe it, Ritsu has changed. But has Yasuhiro?

Beside Him

Haijima believes his best friend Shimizu might be in love with him, and in realizing this, he finds that he is in love with him, as well. But then Shimizu comes to school, announcing that he has a new girlfriend, and though Haijima believes Shimizu doesn't really love the girl, over time, he discovers that Shimizu never loved him in the first place. Heartbroken, he goes to their mutual friend, Hachiya, for comfort, only for Hachiya to admit that he loves Haijima. But Haijima still loves Shimizu. What will this mean for their friendship?

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Manga Review | The Mountain Bird Cries at Dawn by amam

Title: The Mountain Bird Cries at Dawn

Yamato Edogawa is set to become the fifth head of the Edogawa family, a prestigious crime organization that has maintained their territory for generations. Unfortunately for student Yamato, his position in the crime family has made his social life nonexistent. For this reason, among many others, Yamato has no intention or drive to become the next head. The only thing (or person) keeping him tied to his mafia family is the love of his life, his attendant Yoshiteru Fujiwara (aka Yoru).

As the head of the family, Yamato's father is relatively absent, and after his mother leaves them, Yamato is often on his own. From the time he was very small, where his parents should have been, a young Yoru was there instead. This connection to Yoru has grown from an innocent crush to an insatiable lust that Yamato has no idea how to sate. One day, after running away from home to prove his resolve not to follow in his father's footsteps, Yamato ends up alone in a hotel room with Yoru. Not wanting to miss this chance, Yamato makes a deal with Yoru:

I'll go back if you have sex with me.

And to his surprise, Yoru agrees. Will this ensure that Yamato becomes the mafia's next head as he's meant to be? Or will it only irreparably change their relationship forever?

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Manga Review | Starting a Family with My Silly Omega by Haruchika

Title: Starting a Family with My Silly Omega

Haruto Yotsuba is an omega, and, as it turns out, his childhood friend is an alpha named Souta Asahi. The two have had a sexual relationship for a while now, under the guise that all omegas have to be intimate with alphas to reach adulthood safely. But unbeknownst to Haruto, this is all a lie. Souta has loved Haruto since they were children, and he has no intention of letting anyone else have him. So, Souta took advantage of Haruto's innocence and laid claim over him with his body.

But no matter how ignorant Haruto is, he won't fall for this trick forever, and with other suitors waiting in the wings, Souta has to work fast to ensure that his silly omega stays his.

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