Manhwa Review | Recipe For Disaster by COM

Title: Recipe For Disaster (Lezhin) | Curious Recipe (TappyToon)

Taesoo is a student. His life isn't exactly what he expected it would be, but it's not too bad. He enjoys time with his friends, runs the taekwondo club, and makes the best out of everything. However, things get a bit more complicated when a new neighbor moves in. The man is very extroverted, which already turns Taesoo off, but somehow, this man knows Taesoo's name. As it turns out, this stranger isn't a stranger at all. It's his childhood friend, Junghyuk, who used to be a chubby, bullied boy that Taesoo spent much of his time protecting.

Junghyuk is unrecognizable. He's buff and unnervingly handsome. But more important than all of that, he bakes. Taesoo has an unquenchable sweet tooth, and while he's a bit disturbed by how touchy-feely Junghyuk is, he craves more of those sweet treats Junghyuk makes. But while Taesoo is dealing with the obsessive man in front of him, another more obsessive man lurks in the background, waiting to strike.

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OEL Comic Review | Achilles and the Boy Next Door by Twoony

Title: Achilles and the Boy Next Door

Adrian Brent is a physical therapist. He does his best to keep a peaceful life of solitude, and not just because he's an introvert. Adrian's real identity is actually Achilles, the Greek warrior from legend. For whatever reason, Achilles hasn't aged a single day and, as a result, has experienced all manner of history, both violent and peaceful. Tired of all of the loss that unending life comes along with, Achilles would love nothing more than to work, make money, and live a quiet life. But these plans go out the window when a new neighbor moves into Adrian's building.

This new neighbor is none other than vibrant and extroverted social media influencer Harper Holmes. Adrian doesn't know him, but many people do, which leads to all manner of people coming and disrupting the peace, whether it be obsessive fans or raucous party-goers. Whoever Harper is, Adrian is ready for him to move along so he can go back to his quiet life. But no matter how hard Adrian tries, he can't seem to escape Harper and all of his chaos. After an unexpected wrist injury to Harper ignites Adrian's medical inclinations, the two end up spending far more time together than Adrian would prefer.

Unfortunately for Adrian, as they spend more time together, he finds himself drawn into Harper's orbit. But can a man who lives forever allow himself to be hurt by love's brevity once again? More importantly, can Adrian figure out why it seems Harper can read his very thoughts?

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Manhwa Review | Banana Scandal by Dolsha

Title: Banana Scandal

Dojin is a student from Korea who is attending university in the States. He enjoys it, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. Even though he's no longer in Korea, the experience of rumors and judgment is just as rampant in the tight-knit Korean community on his campus. Dojin does his best to stay out of the while still enjoying college life, but when his roommate Taehwan goes off to intern in Hong Kong, Dojin's peaceful college life is thrown into disarray as Taehee, Taehwan's younger brother, comes to stay in their apartment.

It's not so bad at first. Dojin has known Taehee since they were young, and despite being taller and a bit gloomier, he's still the introverted boy who loves cartoons for kids. Taehee, however, is no longer that innocent young boy. While Dojin is sleeping in their room, he happens to hear something odd. It doesn't take much to realize that Taehee is playing with himself behind Dojin's back. Dojin should be repulsed. He should get up and tell Taehee to get out.

But for some reason, all Dojin wants to do is see how Taehee looks in the throes of passion.

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Manhwa Review | Miscreants and Mayhem by Brothers Without a Tomorrow

Title: Miscreants and Mayhem

Nanmu has been punishing himself for years. He's in a leadership position in a gang, having been adopted from a cult by the leader of the gang alongside his two closest friends, who he considers his brothers. Unfortunately, Nanmu committed one of the greatest sins, having fallen in love with the leader's, his adopted father's, mistress. To be with her and adopt her son as his own, Nanmu willingly gave his body over to the gang, where he was ruthlessly raped and passed around by all the members. In a desperate attempt to rescue him, his two brothers offer to take the punishment with him. Instead, their father commands Nanmu's brothers to have sex with him instead. It's a perverse and painful situation, but one that Nanmu believes he deserves, especially when he ultimately loses the woman he did this for, along with the child he considered his son.

Many years have passed, yet Nanmu is still punishing himself with painful sex between his two brothers. As if that isn't already hard enough, the men of his gang are steadily being assaulted, bludgeoned with a hammer, and left for dead. Nanmu struggles to find the culprit until one of his men calls him for help. When he arrives, he sees a familiar face, a beauty like the one he lost long ago. But it's not the woman he was in love with. It's her son, Pil-gyun, and Pil-gyun is looking for the man he calls ‘dad' – Nanmu. But Pil-gyun has no intention of being a filial son.

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life

Ryuji's and Makoto's relationship didn't start like your average one; even now, they aren't a regular couple. Though Makoto has come to accept their irregular beginnings, Ryuji can't seem to shake his guilt, shame, and insecurities from that time and even long before. Still, Makoto does his best to shower Ryuji with love, and Ryuji, in turn, does his best to keep Makoto thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom. But once Makoto starts working more heavily at his new job, the tenuous happiness they've crafted for themselves begins to fray.

Ryuji fears losing the one thing that means anything in his life: Makoto. When they met, Makoto was confined and totally reliant on Ryuji for pleasure, sustenance, and happiness. But now, Makoto has a job that he loves, friends that Ryuji doesn't know, and doesn't need Ryuji to feel fulfilled. And though Ryuji has his own career and life outside of Makoto, he doesn't feel he deserves to love, be loved, or experience pleasure in any form or fashion, instead devoting all of his efforts to pleasing and keeping Makoto happy. But if Makoto doesn't need him anymore, what does Ryuji have left?

Meanwhile, Makoto only wants to know more about Ryuji, but Ryuji has an insurmountable wall around him. However, one of Makoto's new happens to have known Ryuji when they were children. What will Makoto learn about his distant lover?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex

Katsuragi was your usual upstanding salaryman. He was praised in his position at work, had a loving girlfriend, and even made enough money to send his supportive parents on a vacation. Unfortunately, this act of generosity from a filial son ends in tragedy. His parents end up dying in an accident during their trip, leaving Katsuragi to mourn them. This starts a domino effect. While mourning his parents, issues start at work due to Katsuragi's absence. He resigns out of guilt. Then, his girlfriend leaves him with barely a world. Suddenly, the life Katsuragi worked so hard for and loved is unrecognizable.

Katsuragi is a walking corpse, unable to go on after losing everything that made his life worth living. He's prepared to end it all when, while standing on the ledge of a building, a stranger grabs Katsuragi, stopping him. The man tells Katsuragi that if he's going to throw his life away, he might as well give it to him. The stranger is sure he can make Katsuragi want to live again. Scared off the ledge, Katsuragi gives himself over to the man. What he doesn't realize is that the plans the stranger has for him involve unimaginable pleasure and humiliation, unlike anything Katsuragi has experienced before.

But why Katsuragi? Why him? And what does this man plan on doing with him when it's all over?

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Manhwa Review | The Sweet Swindler by Pppallet

Title: The Sweet Swindler

Unyul, also known as Yul, is known as a standoffish asshole on campus. And this is not without purpose. Yul has experienced painful betrayal from his closest friends and confidants in the past, so much so that he was forced to drop out of his old and transfer to his current one. So, to avoid getting too close to anyone, he acts in such a way that everyone despises him, and that works just fine for him. His only true friend is his roommate and fucky buddy Gongju. Unfortunately, Gongju is also a bit of an insufferable asshole, but that's why they get along so well. Plus, Gongju is very talented in bed, so they have a perfectly balanced relationship.

But while attending Gongju's gardening club, he meets a freshman named Seoha. Yul is instantly attracted to him, and though he knows this will likely end up in him getting hurt, he can't help trying to forge at least a friendship with the young man. It's a big surprise for Yul when Seoha begins to reciprocate his feelings. Yul sees this as his chance to finally be in a relationship with a kind and honest guy. But Gongju doesn't seem to be willing to end their situationship. Stuck between the man he's in love with and the man he loves to bed, Yul isn't sure he can choose.

And what Yul doesn't realize is that beneath all of the sweetness, there can be a sour center, just as there can be a sweet middle to a bitter treat.

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Manga Review | Sweet Apartment In Paradise by Sakana Tojo

Title: Sweet Apartment In Paradise

The man known as Demon hunts down criminals and enacts deadly vigilante justice. In this world, it's common to sell and buy people. People buy spouses, children, friends, and more, and it's perfectly legal and often a positive experience for all involved. But there is a dark underworld where those who may not qualify to buy others or those with more depraved desires traffic these people as merchandise, torturing and using them as they see fit. Police often don't intervene, as there are people within their ranks just as corrupt and depraved as the illegal owners. As a former victim of these criminals, Demon is determined to kill all who harm those purchased by them, and after one such killing, he rescues a young man named Sui.

Most people Demon rescues fear him, traumatized and afraid, never knowing kindness from their owners or strangers alike. But Sui is different. When Demon reaches out for Sui, Sui takes his hand. Demon himself has experienced very little kindness and acceptance in his life, and this one moment sparks a need in him that he didn't even know he had. But Sui needs to heal, and Demon refuses to take advantage of him like his owner did. Usually, Demon has a network of good and vetted owners to take in these strays, but as fate would have it, no one is available. So, the two begin to live together.

Over time, Demon learns just how terribly Sui has been treated. He's been sexually abused and assaulted, his body has been drugged to stop growing, and he's been trained to want to be abused lest he be punished and abandoned. Yet, Sui trusts Demon, and the two steadily form a bond. Sui even gives Demon his first real name: Angie. The two care deeply for one another, but can these traumatized and broken people learn to relish their newfound freedom together? Or are their painful pasts too much to overcome?

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Manhwa Review | Master’s Pet by Shroomi

Title: Master's Pet

Marquess Joseph Howard has been trying to grow out of his gambling and father's shadow. Unfortunately, that becomes immensely more difficult when his younger half-brother, his father's love child, is brought to his home. The mother of the child requests compensation for raising the child, named Collin, as was promised by Joseph's father before his death. Still compelled to escape his father's past promises and debts, Joseph agrees to pay off the woman, who then leaves young Collin behind for Joseph to raise. Joseph isn't interested in his half-brother, but unlike Joseph, who looks nothing like the long history of Howard Marquess before him, Collin is a spitting image of his deceased father. Joseph is immensely jealous and feels Collin is just a physical representation of his inadequacy as the new marquess.

But Joseph is determined to better the Howard name, so he reluctantly takes in his half-brother. Joseph prepares the young man for his noble education but finds that he is traumatized and wild. In order to make things a bit easier, Joseph brings in another servant, an enslaved man named Ein. He intends for Ein to get close to Collin and help him integrate into his new life within the Howard household. But Ein has a painful past, one that still haunts him and that he openly fears. Joseph is willing to help Ein escape his past forever, but at a cost. During the day, Ein serves and teaches Collin, but Ein acts as Joseph's bedmate at night.

Ein wants to serve in hopes of one day finally breaking free from his past, but when young Collin falls for him, an intense threatens to tear everything apart. Ein is willing to give his body to his masters. But will he end up giving over his heart, too?

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Manhwa Review | No Reason by Salty

Title: No Reason

Jung-hoon is the right-hand man to the boss of the notorious Sung Jin gang. He's beloved by his underlings, whom he often spends time with and jokes with, though not without strict expectations for them. Though Jung-hoon's primary focus is always the gang and his men, he does enjoy spending his free time bedding beautiful men, and he's particularly weak to a pretty face. Things get a bit more complicated when one of the newest recruits happens to be stunning. Unable to control himself, Jung-hoon talks the young man, Hyunjae, into going back to his place with him, where he begins to try to top him. However, when Hyunjae accepts Jung-hoon's advances, he turns the tables on him and tops Jung-hoon instead.

Though Jung-hoon prefers to top, after doing it with Hyunjae, he is more than willing to bottom, and so begins a casual situationship between the two. After a year of working together, it's clear to everyone under Jung-hoon that he has a soft spot for Hyunjae, but even without the preferential treatment, everyone generally despises Hyunjae, maybe none more than Jung-hoon's right-hand man. It's still unclear where Hyunjae came from and how he became so proficient at killing at such a young age. Jung-hoon's judgment is clouded by the affection he feels for the young man, and he assumes he was made for the business, so he ignores his men's warnings.

Unfortunately for Jung-hoon, by the time he realizes he has put his trust in the wrong place, the entire gang is wiped out, leaving him as the sole survivor. For what reason, he doesn't know until Hyunjae confines him and throws him to his underlings. It's clear Hyunjae wants nothing more than to ruin Jung-hoon, but why? What does he have to gain from it? Jung-hoon can't ponder over it for long as he spirals into neverending darkness.

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