Manhwa Review | Third Ending by chovom

Title: Third Ending

This review is for Third Ending, the all-ages main story, and Third Ending – Extended, the mature side story. The main story can be read without the extended content.

Yoonseul is being haunted. No, not by a ghost. His past is haunting him. Back in , Yoonseul was unnecessarily cruel to a fellow classmate, and ever since, the boy has haunted his dreams. It’s not every night, but on the nights the boy does show up, Yoonseul is cursed to have a bad day. Whether it’s something as small as spilling his coffee or even more major like having his work files deleted, the day is bound to go wrong when he sees that boy in his dreams.

As expected, after a night of haunting dreams, he spends the day fielding problem after problem, leading to Yoonseul working well into the night. But even when he’s done with work, it happens to be his turn to pick up sandwich bread for his siblings whom he lives with, so his night gets even longer as he goes out to shop. Almost every nearby is closed already, but by chance, a bakery a few minutes away is on the cusp of closing for the day.

Relieved that the end of his day is finally in sight, Yoonseul goes in, grabs the first loaf of bread he sees, and then goes up to pay. But as he’s about to pull out his card, he finds the cashier staring at him. Yoonseul can’t begin to understand why until he realizes that the cashier is none other than Kang Jun, the boy, now a man, who haunts his dreams. Is this just one more curse from his dreams? Or is this the key to finally ending the nightmares for good? Yoonseul wants to know, but Kang Jun doesn’t seem at all interested in getting to know Yoonseul again.

Can Yoonseul win Kang Jun’s favor so he can finally apologize? Or is their past too painful to overcome?

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Manga Review | MADK by Ryo Suzuri

Title: MADK

Makoto has an obsession. It’s one that could never be accepted in society, and so Makoto feels isolated and trapped. As a last-ditch effort to fulfill his grotesque desires, he resorts to the occult, summoning a demon. The demon appears before him, praising his talents. The demon will grant him whatever he wants in exchange for Makoto’s soul. More than happy to trade his corrupted soul, Makoto asks for the one thing he has always wanted but never been able to obtain: the chance to eat someone. The demon is surprised but has no qualms about fulfilling this request.

So begins Makoto’s strange relationship with the demon. For a while, Makoto takes his time, slowly eating the demon’s flesh and savoring it. Eventually, though, even this routine becomes dull. The demon, bored himself, offers an alternative. He tears into his throat and offers Makoto the chance to have intercourse there. It’s horrific and disgusting. But Makoto is all too happy to give it a try. Once the act is complete, Makoto breaks down into despair, realizing he’ll never be able to experience pleasure like that again. Satisfied, he’s ready to be taken by the demon.

But the demon has other plans. Instead of taking Makoto’s soul, the demon named J takes Makoto’s severed head to Hell. There, he proclaims that he will get Makoto a new body and raise him into a fantastic demon, one that could tear J down from his perch as the Archduke of Hell. Makoto is furious, having assumed his life would finally be over. Makoto goes along with J’s plans, both because he hates J and because he loves him.

But the road to the top is long, and everyone in Hell is trying to raise their station. Can Makoto make it to the top without being destroyed? Or was J mistaken in his abilities as a demon?

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Manhwa Review | Scent of a Witch by R

Title: Scent of a Witch

In the Kingdom of Yarke, right along its borders, there is a place called Uren. There, men frequently disappear. Like the silver grass in Uren, rumors have grown that witches live there. They are actually old women but can take the form of beautiful maidens during the full moon. In this way, they lure men into their arms, kill them, and then sacrifice them to help increase their power. All of this is actually true, but one thing the rumors aren’t aware of is the lone man born from and living amongst the witches. He, too, turns into a woman during the full moon but returns to his male form afterward.

It is one full moon night when the only male witch encounters prey that might just be too powerful for him: the third prince, Ryan Yarke. Princes are naturally born with the protection of the palace, so a witch’s power isn’t as potent as it might be with any other person. Still, Ryan is taken by the male witch, and they spend a lustful full moon together. Thankfully, Ryan leaves before daybreak, so the male witch’s identity remains a secret. But the other witches in his coven are upset that he let the prince go. The male witch explains that killing a prince would draw too much attention to them and hopes that the prince never returns.

But even though the prince has returned to the palace, full of enemies, schemes, and , his mind returns to one place: the beautiful witch he met during the full moon. Prince Ryan’s only goal is to ascend the throne by any means necessary, yet a strange woman has somehow bewitched him. Ryan’s visits to his beloved witch become increasingly frequent, drawing the eyes of his enemies in the palace. Meanwhile, the male witch is working up the courage to kill the prince, which he should’ve done from the beginning. But for whatever reason, he’s not sure that he can.

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Manga Review | Jun and the Grim Reaper by Yukihiko Sano

Title: Jun and the Grim Reaper

This is the spin-off to My Demon Cry Baby, Maria.

Kyoji is a grim reaper, but he’s also a virgin. And he has just the person in mind to give his virginity to. He wants Jun, but Jun is an autosexual – attracted to himself above anyone else. Still, Kyoji is determined, and as a being, he has all the power and time to pursue Jun. Jun is steadily worn down, but to Kyoji’s surprise, it’s not his front virginity that Jun is going to take. Jun is very much a top, and he’s all too happy to play with the grim reaper, despite his complaints.

Kyoji is disappointed but pleased that this has given him an in with Jun. Determined to fuck Jun, Kyoji starts spending night after night hanging out with Jun, where the two talk about anything and everything. This has the unfortunate side effect of hurting Kyoji’s job performance. As it turns out, being a grim reaper isn’t all that different from being an worker, with goals and KPIs. Unlike an office worker, though, poor performance for Kyoji means reincarnation into a lower lifeform – in this case, an ant.

He needs to get his job back on track but wants to be with Jun, too. Can he balance a budding relationship and his job? Or will he lose it all and become nothing more than a literal ant?

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Manhwa Review | Rix Vanus by Chanseong

Title: Rix Vanus

The royal family’s third child, second son, Rix Vanus, has just returned home after defeating the demon king, a monstrous demon who had been consuming human hearts to gain power. The people celebrate him as a hero, but those nobles who hoped he would die quietly return to plotting how best to remove him from power. Rix isn’t worried about trying to survive, though. After killing the demon king, Rix was cursed with dreams full of sexual assault and rape at the hands of his closest friends and family. He’s grown weak, trying his best to avoid sleep, and the dreams are beginning to mix with reality, causing him to avoid and rebuff any support from those he holds dear. Rix is ready to run off and either find a cure or die trying, but while sleeping in the woods, he encounters a glowing wolf that makes all terrible dreams disappear.

When he wakes up, he reencounters the wolf. The wolf explains that he is a divine beast named Nuah, and he has the ability to stave off the curse for a period of time. But the only way to do it is if Nuah has sex with Rix. Rix is not keen on that idea; sex is no longer a pleasurable experience after the endless nights of rape-filled dreams. Still, Rix is desperate, and he ends up agreeing. As Nuah promised, the dreams stop for a time, but only for a while. He still has to find a cure, and with Nuah by his side, it seems like it might be a real possibility. In exchange, all Nuah wants is to see a festival. Rix finds Nuah to be silly and not all that divine for a divine beast, but over time, those are the things he falls in love with.

But love could never happen between a divine beast and a human. At least, that’s what Rix believes. Nuah, though, is under no assumptions about who can or can’t fall in love.

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Novel Review | Yes, No, or Maybe? – Center of the World by Michi Ichiho

Title: Yes, No, or Maybe? – Center of the World

This is the sequel to Yes, No, or Maybe?.

Kei and Ushio’s relationship has been going well for a while now, and so has Kei’s job. Unfortunately, Kei finds his confidence rocked by the announcement of a new pseudo-news show in the same time block. Initially, he’s not all that worried, as the rival show is much more relaxed and focuses less on news and more on the hosts’ commentary. But then he finds out the main host, Kizaki Ryou, once interviewed for Kei’s role. The realization that Kizaki might be motivated by revenge shakes Kei to his core. But nothing shocks him more than when he’s removed from hosting his show to being a field reporter.

It’s chaotic and stressful work with people who aren’t as reliable as the ones in the studio. The stress of work soon spills over into Kei’s relationship. Kei knows he should just apologize to Ushio so they can move on, but his unrelenting pride, along with his random work schedule, makes it difficult. As if things couldn’t get any worse, his show also loses its market share to Kizaki’s new show. Kei’s perfectly crafted life is falling apart, and he has no idea how to fix it.

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Manga Review | He Calls Me Every Night by Bond Mitsuya

Title: He Calls Me Every Night

Sumito Tokitsu has returned to his rural hometown after being sent to his grandmother’s house to attend school while his father works back in the city. He isn’t excited or upset, having very little recollection of his time there, and his relationship with his parents is tenuous at best. But his relationship with his grandma is very close, and he’s glad to be doted on for a change. Unfortunately, his peaceful days are followed by less-than-peaceful nights. When he leaves his window open one night, he ends up with an uninvited guest. The guest doesn’t seem to want to steal or hurt Sumito, but he has an odd obsession with touching him instead. What’s even stranger is how much Sumito enjoys their nightly romps.

The village Sumito has returned to praise a being known as the crow demon. It’s a silly story that Sumito doesn’t put much stock in until he meets his nightly visitor at school. The stranger introduces himself as Gaku, the next head of the crow demons. Sumito quickly dismisses such a claim, even as Gaku shows off his wings. But after some magical nudging, Sumito has no choice but to accept that crow demons are real. However, what he can’t accept is that, by Gaku’s claim, Sumito is his fiancee. Sumito has no intention of marrying a strange demon, but as a love rival makes himself known, Sumito finds himself wanting to defend his unwanted position; all the while, his body reacts to Gaku like it knows something Sumito doesn’t.

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Manhwa Review | Love So Pure by Plan B

Title: Love So Pure

Jihyun isn’t the best student. He’d prefer to just have sex, sleep, and work at his part-time job as a bartender, but his mother wants nothing more than for her son to get an education. So, after taking extended periods off, he’s forced to return to or risk being expelled entirely. But it isn’t necessarily that he hates school that he took so much time off. In reality, Jihyun has gone through a traumatic event with an ex-boyfriend, where much of his personal and private information was leaked, forcing him to leave or risk being bullied and ostracized by his peers. With so much time having passed, Jihyun is hopeful that most people who knew about the situation have graduated or, at the very least, moved on from campus.

Still, he’s not looking forward to waking up early and attending class. However, some of that frustration is alleviated when he finds that one of his classmates, Yohan, is a hulking beefcake – his soldier, as he likes to refer to him. Jihyun would love nothing more than to climb around that giant tree of a man, but he’s pretty sure Yohan is straight. Thankfully for Jihyun, Yohan finds himself entranced by Jihyun, too. But the two want very different things. Yohan, a softy at heart, wants to woo and date Jihyun, and while Jihyun, deep down, would love a relationship, he feels he is incapable of having one due to his trauma. Can these two find common ground, or will they perpetually be stuck in situationship limbo?

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Novel Review | Ang Ang : Hard-Boiled Love by Gwendolyn

Title: Ang Ang : Hard-Boiled Love

Kim Gyuwon has seen all manner of horrors, having worked as a mercenary for most of his adult life. He’s big and buff and has a cool and calm demeanor. Add on the scars on his face, and he’s feared by most people who come into contact with him. What people don’t know, though, is that contrary to his external appearance, Gyuwon is soft and submissive inside. He also longs to be in a gay, dominant/submissive relationship with someone. Specifically, he wants to be a sub. But Gyuwon knows that the odds of finding a man who wants to dominate someone who looks like him are slim. So, as a last-ditch effort to find happiness in his personal life, he quits his job and takes a job as a bodyguard for the infamous Yoon family in hopes that he will be able to save up money, get plastic surgery, and finally seek out a dom for himself.

Gyuwon’s charge is the youngest son of the Yoon family, Yoon Hwayoung. Hwayoung, as his name suggests, is gorgeous, and he is beyond beloved by his family. Though Gyuwon knows he’d be underserving of having such a partner, romantic or otherwise, he can’t help finding himself attracted to him. The two get along just fine for a time until Hwayoung makes Gyuwon swear to him that Hwayoung’s personal life is private and shouldn’t be reported to his family. Gyuwon was only hired to protect him, so he agrees. What Gyuwon doesn’t realize is that they are about to take a trip to a place called Dungeon, and it is none other than an underground gay club.

Gyuwon is simultaneously stunned and excited. Never has he seen something like this, much less from someone like Hwayoung. He once again hopes to find a dom like Hwayoung, but little does Gyuwon know that Hwayoung is acutely aware of Gyuwon’s preferences. Furthermore, just as Hwayoung is Gyuwon’s type, Gyuwon is exactly the kind of person Hwayoung wants to dominate. Hwayoung fully intends to make Gyuwon’s dreams a painful and pleasurable reality.

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Manga Review | Spend Wisely by Niyama

Title: Spend Wisely

Manami Godai is a loan shark, no better than a financial gangster. Unfortunately, as much as he would like to be, he’s not really cut out for this job. His main problem? His attraction for those he’s supposed to extort for money. Too many times, he’s fallen for someone, and they’ve run away without paying him a dime. Not to mention his soft heart, often letting those he feels sorry for forgo making payments if they’re sorry enough. This has resulted in Manami being in debt to those above him. Determined to pay off his own debt, he fully intends to get payment from his biggest debtor: the Kanekura family.

The father, who was the principal debtor, had disappeared, leaving behind his two sons, whom Manami intends to extort for the remainder of his debt. When Manami and his right-hand man find the Kanekura household, they find a humble shack in disrepair and an unkempt yard. Manami’s heart is already stirring, feeling for the people here, but he holds firm and tries to get in contact with those who live there. There are supposedly two brothers and their grandmother living there, and upon first contact, Manami meets the younger brother.

The young man is cute but far too young for Manami’s liking. It’s not long after, however, that he meets the older brother, who couldn’t be any closer to Manami’s type. While he needs money, he wants Makoto Kanekura, and after some gangster-level coercion on his part, he gets just that. And he makes Makoto an offer he can’t refuse: every time they have sex, Manami will take off $300 from the debt. Makoto, an upstanding and honest guy, still intends to pay back the debts with cash, but he can’t help coming to Manami time and time again for more.

The pleasure he gets from Manami is priceless.

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