Manhwa Review | Define the Relationship by Flona

Title: Define the Relationship

Karlyle is the first son of the noble Frost family. Unfortunately, unlike his younger brother, he wasn’t born a dominant alpha. However, due to some traumatic events in the past, Kyle, Karlyle’s brother, can no longer be the heir to the Frost family. So, even as a subpar alpha, Karlyle feels compelled to fall in line and take over Kyle’s mantle. Unfortunately, this means neverending ruts with strange omegas so he doesn’t fall in love with subpar omegas, a future arranged marriage, and children, whether he wants them or not. The stress and pressure are debilitating, leading to an unfortunate condition where Karlyle is unable to finish with his sexual partners.

This inevitably gets back to his grandfather, the family patriarch, who sends Karlyle to the family doctor. Any illness is considered a weakness, something unacceptable in the Frost noble family. So Karlyle is willing to do anything to fix the issue. But when his doctor suggests having sex with a partner that doesn’t feel a duty, Karlyle is stunned. That means not having sex with omegas and being the receptive partner with an alpha instead. Karlyle can’t imagine how such a thing would help, but then he meets the suggested partner. His name is Ash Jones, and this actually isn’t the first encounter Karlyle has had with him.

It was New Year’s night, and when the countdown began, Karlyle and Ash shared a kiss as total strangers, never to meet each other again. Ash doesn’t seem to recognize Karlyle, which might be for the best. While Karlyle and Ash will be sharing many intimate days together, their contract will inevitably end, and Karlyle can’t afford to fall in love. But can Karlyle keep from falling in love when Ash is such a romantic gentleman?

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Manhwa Review | Blind Play by YD

Title: Blind Play

Ah-in wants one thing: love. Coming from an abusive home, eventually orphaned due to his abusive father’s death, and then experiencing intense prejudice due to being an orphan, true love is something Ah-in has never experienced and desperately wants. He does have a boyfriend, but even in this relationship, Ah-in knows the love is one-sided. His boyfriend, a student, frequently exchanges money with Ah-in for sex and affection. Ah-in is fully aware of this arrangement, yet he still wants love from him. So, he continues to pay his boyfriend, hoping one day that this fake love will become something real.

Unfortunately, his boyfriend’s tastes are pretty rich, and Ah-in’s only means of affording his expensive expectations is selling his body. In Korea, the only way to become a licensed massage therapist is to be visually disabled. So, Ah-in pretends to be blind and picks up customers under the guise of giving them a massage, only to have sex with them. He makes good money doing so and gets some nice items he gives his boyfriend as gifts after stealing them from his clients. Most of his customers are in upper society, so he doesn’t worry much about his safety.

But then he gets picked up by prolific author Seo Ilmo. Ah-in isn’t worried at first, but then the author begins to test him, holding out his hand, trying to point him around places, offering things to him without a word, as if he knows Ah-in isn’t actually blind. It’s uncomfortable but not the worst thing in the world, and Ah-in does his best to keep up the charade. But Ah-in is really put to the test when he enters Ilmo’s apartment, only to find a rotting corpse on the couch. It’s the ultimate game of cat and mouse as Ilmo tries to scare Ah-in into revealing his is fake so he can kill him. At the same time, Ah-in maintains the ruse, determined to survive each and every encounter while trying to expose Ilmo for the murderer he is.

It’s a deadly game of lust and blood. Who will win?

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Manga Review | MADK by Ryo Suzuri

Title: MADK

Makoto has an obsession. It’s one that could never be accepted in society, and so Makoto feels isolated and trapped. As a last-ditch effort to fulfill his grotesque desires, he resorts to the occult, summoning a demon. The demon appears before him, praising his talents. The demon will grant him whatever he wants in exchange for Makoto’s soul. More than happy to trade his corrupted soul, Makoto asks for the one thing he has always wanted but never been able to obtain: the chance to eat someone. The demon is surprised but has no qualms about fulfilling this request.

So begins Makoto’s strange relationship with the demon. For a while, Makoto takes his time, slowly eating the demon’s flesh and savoring it. Eventually, though, even this routine becomes dull. The demon, bored himself, offers an alternative. He tears into his throat and offers Makoto the chance to have intercourse there. It’s horrific and disgusting. But Makoto is all too happy to give it a try. Once the act is complete, Makoto breaks down into despair, realizing he’ll never be able to experience pleasure that again. Satisfied, he’s ready to be taken by the demon.

But the demon has other plans. Instead of taking Makoto’s soul, the demon named J takes Makoto’s severed head to Hell. There, he proclaims that he will get Makoto a new body and raise him into a fantastic demon, one that could tear J down from his perch as the Archduke of Hell. Makoto is furious, having assumed his life would finally be over. Makoto goes along with J’s plans, both because he hates J and because he loves him.

But the road to the top is long, and everyone in Hell is trying to raise their station. Can Makoto make it to the top without being destroyed? Or was J mistaken in his abilities as a demon?

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Manga Review | Spend Wisely by Niyama

Title: Spend Wisely

Manami Godai is a loan shark, no better than a financial gangster. Unfortunately, as much as he would to be, he’s not really cut out for this job. His main problem? His attraction for those he’s supposed to extort for money. Too many times, he’s fallen for someone, and they’ve run away without paying him a dime. Not to mention his soft heart, often letting those he feels sorry for forgo making payments if they’re sorry enough. This has resulted in Manami being in debt to those above him. Determined to pay off his own debt, he fully intends to get payment from his biggest debtor: the Kanekura family.

The father, who was the principal debtor, had disappeared, leaving behind his two sons, whom Manami intends to extort for the remainder of his debt. When Manami and his right-hand man find the Kanekura household, they find a humble shack in disrepair and an unkempt yard. Manami’s heart is already stirring, feeling for the people here, but he holds firm and tries to get in contact with those who live there. There are supposedly two brothers and their grandmother living there, and upon first contact, Manami meets the younger brother.

The young man is cute but far too young for Manami’s liking. It’s not long after, however, that he meets the older brother, who couldn’t be any closer to Manami’s type. While he needs money, he wants Makoto Kanekura, and after some gangster-level coercion on his part, he gets just that. And he makes Makoto an offer he can’t refuse: every time they have sex, Manami will take off $300 from the debt. Makoto, an upstanding and honest guy, still intends to pay back the debts with cash, but he can’t help coming to Manami time and time again for more.

The pleasure he gets from Manami is priceless.

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Manhwa Review | Frenzy Train by Meuhwagwa

Title: Frenzy Train

Sovian Darnell is on a mission. He’s destitute, but he’s intent on changing his future, all thanks to a marble he has hidden in a private place. All he has to do is smuggle the marble down to the south of the country, and then he’ll be set for life. Literally and figuratively, he’s sitting on immense wealth, but the only way he’s going to get it is if he can make it onto the train heading to the south. Thankfully, he does, but onboard, he runs into a strange man who introduces himself as Zerkin Sicario.

Zerkin is strangely forward with Sovian. While Sovian would nothing more than to escape to economy class and hole up there until they get to the south, Zerkin doesn’t seem willing to just let Sovian go. Zerkin offers Sovian some cool water, a rarity on the train, which apparently only has warm water. Despite his better judgment, Sovian accepts the water but discovers his body permanently changed upon drinking it. He craves for someone to touch him, and he finds himself getting wet.

Thankfully, Zerkin is there to take care of him, but just as quickly as Zerkin appears, he disappears. And along with him, Sovian’s precious marble. Sovian has no choice but to hunt for Zerkin, but he has to traverse the entire train to get to him, which is full of men looking to take advantage of Sovian’s new constitution.

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Manhwa Review | Subscribers Only by Just

Title: Subscribers Only

1st Couple (Seasons 1 and 2)

Hanseok Choi is a workaholic. He spends every waking and even sleeping moment in the , leaving him no time for his personal life. His friend, and coworker, is determined to help Hanseok relax a bit, so he shows him an anonymous online account that posts solo . The man is exactly Hanseok’s type, and soon, when he isn’t working, Hanseok finds himself checking up on the man known as mil_tea. But his attention is soon diverted elsewhere once more when a new hire, Doyoon, starts at work, and by happenstance, Hanseok catches sight of a tattoo that mil_tea also has.

2nd Couple (Seasons 3 and 4)

Chakyeong Shin is known as Valenti online, a popular cammer. While playing on camera, Valenti often listens to someone he calls Threesome, though whose actual username is Story Awesome. Story Awesome’s voice sends Chakyeong right into bliss, and many times, he hunts for partners solely based on how closely they can mimic his voice. But when he’s not having fun on camera, he’s renowned interior designer Chakyeong Shin, and for a time, he plans on teaching a class at his old . While in the middle of class, he sees a beefcake. This man is exactly Chakyeong’s type, named Woojin, and judging by the books hanging out of his bag, he’s a big fan of Chakyeong’s work.

He’d love to leverage that and get the burly student into his bed, but he realizes this fan behavior is a two-way street when he hears him speak. Woojin is a fan of Chakyeong. But Chakyeong is also a fan of Woojin, who is none other than Story Awesome himself.

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Manga Review | Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother by Aion Kiu

Title: Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother

Anton was once one of the most powerful and skilled warriors in the kingdom’s army. However, after an injury, Anton could not continue fighting within the military. Thankfully, as a praised warrior, Anton is put into a coveted and high-ranking position: Soother. Soothers are retired warriors who, thanks to their immense stamina and unquenchable libido, train their bodies to help sexually satisfy and train the nobility and royalty in the bedroom. It’s an honorable role that Anton happily accepts, and after intense training, Anton is finally ready for his first partner. Anton doesn’t expect to be posted to the 4th prince, Julius, who just had his coming-of-age ceremony.

Anton’s task is to teach Julius about sex and take his virginity, something Anton considers an immense honor. Julius also seems ready and willing, but when Anton tries to do his job, Julius refuses to let him. Julius believes Anton still wants to be a warrior and is determined to get Julius back on the field. He has no intention of using Anton as a Soother, leaving Anton at a loss. While he appreciates how much Julius cares about him, he longs to fulfill his role. Is Julius just not attracted to him? Or is there something deeper that Anton isn’t even aware of?

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Manhwa Review | Limited Run by Eeej

Title: Limited Run

Yeon-oh is not just a struggling actor. As the eldest son in his family, he is compelled to try and pay off his father’s neverending gambling debt, constantly compounded and recurring thanks to loan sharks who willingly lend him money. They know his father can’t pay it off, but they also know Yeon-oh will do what he can to pay it off, including providing them sexual favors. His life is a neverending rat race, and he sees no end to it until he gets invited to speak to the CEO of the conglomerate Haekang. There’s no doubt what a CEO wants with a struggling actor. It’s a sponsorship, which equates to a celebrity being showered with gifts and opportunities in exchange for, often, sexual and physical favors. Yeon-oh initially wants to refuse, but after being pressured by his father, he decides to go.

The CEO, Jaehyuk, decides to make the offer. But Jaehyuk tells Yeon-oh what he expects. He doesn’t want just simple physical pleasure, though that would be part of it. He wants Yeon-oh to use his acting skills to pretend to be his boyfriend in public. As it turns out, Jaehyuk is determined to rebel against his grandfather and tear down the upper echelon of Haekang’s public image. The ultimate goal is to ruin his grandfather, though for what reason Yeon-oh doesn’t know. The two start off rocky, with Yeon-oh struggling to put on a front in public, but over time, it grows easier, and as lucrative work starts coming in, Yeon-oh’s life takes a positive turn. Neither Jaehyuk nor Yeon-oh realizes that there is a growing target on Yeon-oh’s back, not just from Jaehyuk’s family but all of the people watching Yeon-oh.

Meanwhile, Yeon-oh is beginning to struggle not with acting or being Jaehyuk’s bedmate. He’s struggling with his own feelings. What started as an act is slowly beginning to feel reality. While he knows Jaehyuk has no intention of being with him for real, Yeon-oh can’t help feeling hopeful that Jaehyuk cares about him as a real lover somewhere deep inside.

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Manhwa Review | Master’s Pet by Shroomi

Title: Master's Pet

Marquess Joseph Howard has been trying to grow out of his gambling and cheating father’s shadow. Unfortunately, that becomes immensely more difficult when his younger half-brother, his father’s love child, is brought to his home. The mother of the child requests compensation for raising the child, named Collin, as was promised by Joseph’s father before his death. Still compelled to escape his father’s past promises and debts, Joseph agrees to pay off the woman, who then leaves young Collin behind for Joseph to raise. Joseph isn’t interested in his half-brother, but unlike Joseph, who looks nothing the long history of Howard Marquess before him, Collin is a spitting image of his deceased father. Joseph is immensely jealous and feels Collin is just a physical representation of his inadequacy as the new marquess.

But Joseph is determined to better the Howard name, so he reluctantly takes in his half-brother. Joseph prepares the young man for his noble education but finds that he is traumatized and wild. In order to make things a bit easier, Joseph brings in another servant, an enslaved man named Ein. He intends for Ein to get close to Collin and help him integrate into his new life within the Howard household. But Ein has a painful past, one that still haunts him and that he openly fears. Joseph is willing to help Ein escape his past forever, but at a cost. During the day, Ein serves and teaches Collin, but Ein acts as Joseph’s bedmate at night.

Ein wants to serve in hopes of one day finally breaking free from his past, but when young Collin falls for him, an intense threatens to tear everything apart. Ein is willing to give his body to his masters. But will he end up giving over his heart, too?

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Manga Review | Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love by Long Utsumi

Title: Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love

Kippei is, essentially, a professional live-in boyfriend. He doesn’t necessarily love any of his partners, but they want a boyfriend to have sex with, and he wants a place to live, so it works out for a time. But, inevitably, his partners want more from him, and he can’t give that to them. So, they break up. This time is no different, and Kippei’s already on the hunt for his next partner. Thankfully, he doesn’t have to go very far, as he sees a couple of guys possibly going through a breakup.

Kippei is bisexual, and when he sees one of the men left behind and heartbroken, he swoops in to save the day. The man isn’t necessarily Kippei’s type, and Kippei even considers him to be a little plain-looking, but Kippei isn’t all that picky and plays the field all the same. After a surprisingly short conversation, the two end up in a hotel room where the stranger, Sosuke, turns out to be much more aggressive in bed than his appearance might suggest. After an intense romp, Kippei wakes up in the morning alone in the hotel. He laments that he didn’t get Sosuke’s number, but with nowhere to go and nothing else to do, Kippei makes his way to his sister’s house.

Once there, Kippei ends up catching a cold, and not wanting him to spread the cold to his niece, his sister demands he go to the doctor. After much pushing, Kippei unwillingly goes. As it turns out, this was exactly what he needed. The doctor Kippei ends up seeing none other than Sosuke. Not wanting to miss this chance, Kippei jumps at the opportunity, offering his live-in services in exchange for sex, which he punctuates by having sex with Sosuke in the doctor’s . Sosuke agrees, and Kippei quickly settles into life at his new partner’s place. But Kippei soon discovers that Sosuke isn’t as needy as his former partners have been, and while this usually might be a plus, when Kippei isn’t needed, what good is he?

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