Manga Review | I Seriously Can’t Believe You… by Jimi Fumikawa

Title: I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Iida is popular. Girls constantly surround him, but he's never had a girlfriend. This intrigues Kon and his friends, who are trying to figure out why such a handsome and popular guy is single. They ultimately end up at one conclusion: maybe he's gay? Unwilling to let go of his curiosity, Kon decides to confess to Iida, hoping to reveal whether or not he's gay. The confession ends in rejection, though Iida is very kind and considerate about it, which Kon is surprised by. Once again, Kon is only further entranced by Iida.

However, what Kon doesn't know is that Iida is gay, and his sudden confession has started Iida on a spiral. Iida didn't know who Kon was before, but now that he's received his confession, Iida can't help noticing him no matter where they are. He's gone through great effort to hide his sexual orientation, including avoiding other men as much as possible. But for whatever reason, Iida just can't seem to escape Kon. I mean, Kon already confessed to him. Would it be so bad if Iida took the plunge and tried to get close to him in return?

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Manga Review | Hotaru Dies Tomorrow by Fuyu Saikawa

Title: Hotaru Dies Tomorrow

Saneatsu is in love, but not with a real person. He's in love with the main character of his favorite novel, the somber and hypersexual Hotaru – a cat-eyed beauty with dusty pink hair. Every partner he's ever had has never been able to compare to her, resulting in Saneatsu being dumped over and over again. He's lonely, but he longs for Hotaru and no one else. To his surprise, he runs into a young man with cat eyes and dusty pink hair. He kisses the man before he can control himself and asks him out.

The man, to Saneatsu's surprise, agrees, and the two start an intensely sexual relationship – exactly what Saneatsu would expect from being with his beloved Hotaru. This Hotaru's name is Nao, and his entire personality, likes and dislikes, reactions, and commentary all align with his beloved Hotaru. This is everything Saneatsu could have ever wanted in a relationship. But is Hotaru really the one Saneatsu wants to be in a relationship with?

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Manga Review | Return of the Prince by Junko

Title: Return of the Prince

This is a collection of three BL shorts by .

Return of the Prince (plus A Ring's Tale)

Adult life isn't all it's made out to be for Kou. He works all the time, is constantly berated by his boss, and ends up home alone. While at a relative's wedding, as if to rub salt in his wound, Kou runs into his cousin Fumihiro, whom he always picked on in their childhood. But as an adult, Fumihiro has become a handsome prince and is charismatic on top of that, causing all of their mutual family members to compare them, often leading to insults toward Kou. Frustrated, Kou takes advantage of the festivities and drinks himself silly. Fumihiro offers to care for Kou, leading to a steamy liaison between the two. Though it was only meant to be a one-night stand, Fumihiro seems to have no intention of leaving.


Ritsu Kitagami and Yasuhiro Adachi have been friends for as long as they can remember. Ritsu has always been quiet and considered a bit odd by those around him, but Yasuhiro cares for him all the same. Nothing has changed, even in , or so Yasuhiro thinks. While walking around campus, Yasuhiro sees Ritsu in a screaming match with someone, even going so far as to threaten to fight them. Yasuhiro doesn't even recognize Ritsu. Although Yasuhiro doesn't want to believe it, Ritsu has changed. But has Yasuhiro?

Beside Him

Haijima believes his best friend Shimizu might be in love with him, and in realizing this, he finds that he is in love with him, as well. But then Shimizu comes to school, announcing that he has a new girlfriend, and though Haijima believes Shimizu doesn't really love the girl, over time, he discovers that Shimizu never loved him in the first place. Heartbroken, he goes to their mutual friend, Hachiya, for comfort, only for Hachiya to admit that he loves Haijima. But Haijima still loves Shimizu. What will this mean for their friendship?

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Manga Review | Starting a Family with My Silly Omega by Haruchika

Title: Starting a Family with My Silly Omega

Haruto Yotsuba is an omega, and, as it turns out, his childhood friend is an alpha named Souta Asahi. The two have had a sexual relationship for a while now, under the guise that all omegas have to be intimate with alphas to reach adulthood safely. But unbeknownst to Haruto, this is all a lie. Souta has loved Haruto since they were children, and he has no intention of letting anyone else have him. So, Souta took advantage of Haruto's innocence and laid claim over him with his body.

But no matter how ignorant Haruto is, he won't fall for this trick forever, and with other suitors waiting in the wings, Souta has to work fast to ensure that his silly omega stays his.

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Manga Review | My Lovely Bunny by Sakana Tojo

Title: My Lovely Bunny

Uito and Sei have known each other since they were children. And unknowingly to each other, that love grew deeper and deeper until, in middle school, they confessed their romantic feelings at the risk of their friendship. Thankfully, it all worked out, and they have been dating ever since. Unfortunately, in , they try to express their love for each other physically, and while they do get chances here and there, it's nowhere near enough to sate their lust for one another.

Thankfully, with the support of their few trusted relatives, they're able to enjoy their high school . But no matter how much time they spend together, it just never is enough. They can't wait to graduate high school so they can move in together. Until then, they'll take advantage of every opportunity they can. If young love can last a lifetime, Uito and Sei are determined to make theirs go the distance.

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Manhwa Review | Bound to Be Fools by gahyun

Title: Bound to Be Fools

Kangjin Cha was on the cusp of taking his own life in . He was ready to jump off the top of a building at school, hoping to embarrass his overbearing and cruel father as well as escape his suffering. Before he can go through with his plan, Jungkwon Jang, another student, rushes to the rooftop and snatches Kangjin down back to the safety of the roof. Having been rescued by a stranger, Kangjin is desperate to learn more about his savior and, to do so demands that Jungkwon take responsibility for the life he saved. Jungkwon reluctantly agrees.

Over time, the two become the best of friends. It isn't long after that that the two end up becoming boyfriends. They are the epitome of happiness with each other. But outside of their relationship, their individual lives are fraught with pain and suffering. Jungkwon, in particular, is struggling with the immense debt left behind by his late father, who committed suicide. The debt collectors are once again hounding his mother, and he is desperately trying to protect both his sister and his mother from the violence, only for Kangjin to come in and bear witness to one of the most embarrassing times in his life. He loves Kangjin, but he never wanted him to see him so low.

In a fit of rage, Jungkwon breaks up with Kangjin and refuses to see him ever again. Kangjin is absolutely heartbroken, Jungkwon's love being the one bright spot in his life. Kangjin's sorrow eventually swells into rage, and even years later, as an adult working as a host and sex worker, he still finds his life being directed by the trauma that abandonment caused him. When Kangjin ends up running into Jungkwon, all of those feelings come back to the surface, and Kangjin wants nothing more than to finally get revenge. As it happens, Jungkwon is still struggling with debt and desperate for a way to dig himself and his family back out, and what better way to get his vengeance than to drag Jungkwon into the same muck Kangjin is rolling in?

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Manga Review | Absolute Submission -Like Hell I’ll Obey!- by tsushiko

Title: Absolute Submission -Like Hell I'll Obey!-

Kikuma is a delinquent. He frequently gets into fights and leaves campus overnight, much to the chagrin of the teachers and staff of his boarding school. Determined to put him back on the right path, the staff reassign him to another room, one where his roommate is none other than the dorm superintendent, Takasumi. That doesn't concern Kikuma, and he has no intention of changing his ways, but while being treated by the nurse after his recent fight, the nurse reveals that Kikuma has been identified as a sub – a secondary gender that requires the person to be dominated, commanded, praised, and punished, otherwise, he might experience detrimental health problems.

That shouldn't be too big of a deal. Kikuma hasn't experienced anything yet, and he doesn't intend to, that is, until he meets his new roommate. As it turns out, Takasumi happens to be a dom – a secondary gender that requires the person to dominate, command, praise, and punish. While Takasumi probably couldn't have stopped Kikuma's delinquent streak usually, with Kikuma being a sub and Takasumi being a dom, Takasumi is in the perfect position to command and control Kikuma, whether he wants to be or not. But Kikuma is hardheaded. He has no intention of just going along with all of this, biology be damned.

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Manga Review | Playboy Beast by Minomushi Momonoki

Title: Playboy Beast

The world has evolved. Through various human experimentation, a second species of human has been created through a mixture of animal and human DNA: demi-beasts. Unlike pure humans, demi-beasts undergo animalistic breeding periods known as heats once they reach puberty. Males long to impregnate females, while females want to be impregnated by males. Unfortunately, for panther demi-beast Riku, though he's long since passed the age of puberty, he's yet to have his first heat.

It's not that big of a deal, but as Riku gets older, it becomes more and more concerning, especially when female demi-beasts begin approaching him. Desperate to initiate a heat, Riku ends up dating a fox demi-beast female, hoping to coax out his sexual urges by going on dates with her, but no matter how hot she might be, he just doesn't feel compelled to go into heat. Things only become more complicated and frustrating when Riku's living situation changes. He ends up being roomed with an albino lion demi-beast named Touma.

While Touma initially appears to be a run-of-the-mill book nerd, he turns out to be a bit more of a delinquent. Touma sneaks off campus overnight and has a casual sexual relationship with the school nurse. He's everything Riku wishes he could be, or so he thinks. After Touma finds out about Riku's perpetual virginity, Touma is all too happy to toy with Riku's innocence and get Riku's heat started. As it turns out, Touma isn't everything Riku wants to be, but everything that Riku wants.

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Manga Review | Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart by Syundei

Title: Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart

Terumichi is in love with his mysterious classmate Yamada, who just appeared in his life one day. Yamada is strange and imposing but dangerously beautiful and one of the few people who have been kind to Terumichi. His unique disposition makes him all the more alluring to Terumichi, and in the end, he can't help being drawn to Yamada. After an abrupt confession, Yamada and Terumichi seem on the cusp of when a stranger with a knife appears.

Terumichi does everything he can to protect Yamada, but in the end, Yamada is stabbed to death. Terumichi is in a panic, calling an ambulance, even though it's clear by the amount of blood that Yamada isn't going to survive. Yet, somehow, Yamada gets right up and walks away as if nothing ever happened, whispering a cryptic sentence:

“Only two left.”

Terumichi would be better off cutting his losses and moving on, but he just can't forget Yamada.

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OEL Comic Review | Obnoxious Hero-kun by Amanduur

Title: Obnoxious Hero-kun

Hiro is the perfect man, at least in his own mind. He has a slew of women vying for his attention, all of whom he dubs his “girlfriends.” He's got it all except one thing: experience. While he is popular with the ladies, he has yet to take the next step with any of them. He hasn't even kissed anyone yet! This is a well-kept secret… except from the aloof Takashi, one of Hiro's classmates. Somehow, Takashi can see right through Hiro's confident performance.

Hiro is determined to put Takashi in his place and ends up in a standoff with Takashi, daring Hiro to kiss him. This starts what Hiro sees as his ultimate friendship. After the kiss, Hiro finds himself watching Takashi all the time, in what he can only guess is admiration and the burgeoning flames of friendship. Meanwhile, Takashi seems all too keen to grow closer to Hiro in private but just as often pushes Hiro away. When Hiro discovers Takashi's fetish gear collection, will this tie them closer together, or will it keep them apart?

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