Artist: Saori Nobana
Manga Review | Love Blooms for a Twisted Blossom by Saori Nobana
Title: Love Blooms for a Twisted Blossom (Tapas) | He's Mean Because He Likes You (Renta!)
Sakura has been the prettiest guy around since he was a child. He had the affection and attention of all ages and genders simply because he was so good-looking. This has gone all to his head, of course, so he is good-looking and knows it, and he fully expects to rule whatever domain he happens to be in… until high school, that is. While walking through the halls of his high school, he hears whispers of a super good-looking and cool guy named Tsukasa Yukihira. Surely, this guy can’t be all that attractive. Right?
Wrong. When Sakura sees Tsukasa for the first time, he falls in love immediately, and Sakura’s whole life changes to center around this mysterious beauty before him. So, Sakura changes his college plans and follows Tsukasa to college, where he spends his days hatching all manner of schemes to casually bump into Tsukasa and hopefully make him fall in love with him. But, no matter how confident Sakura is in his own looks and abilities to attract others, the moment he gets a chance to talk to Tsukasa, he finds himself running in the opposite direction.
How will Sakura lure Tsukasa to him when he’s busy running away?