Manhwa Review | Master of Master by Shida

Title: Master of Master (Tapas) | Like it Ruff (Lezhin Comics)

Euncheol has led a lonely life. To stave away the loneliness, he frequently jumps from bedmate to bedmate and from relationship to relationship, hoping to one day feel the unconditional love he so desperately craves. Then, after a particularly messy breakup, his friends suggest he try getting a dog instead. Euncheol doesn't feel all that confident in the prospect of that, but he goes on to a shelter all the same, where he meets Jonggu, a nervous mutt in need of all the care and support Euncheol has to offer.

This starts a beautiful companionship between Euncheol and his dog Jonggu. Euncheol is still looking for his ideal human partner, but at least now he has Jonggu to help comfort and keep him company. Jonggu, on the other hand, desperately longs to be everything to Euncheol. He hates watching his beloved master suffer at the hands of his shitty lovers when he knows he could be everything to Euncheol. Everything comes to a head when, after a night of breaking up with his boyfriend, who hurt Jonggu, Euncheol wakes up to find a naked man in his bed, and Jonggu is nowhere to be found.

As the nude stranger in his bed explains, he is Jonggu, and because of his wish to be with Euncheol, the god of dogs, granted him the opportunity to become human so that he can live with his human for longer. Jonggu still has a chance to return to being a dog, but he doesn't want to. He aims to win Euncheol's heart so he never has to be in pain again. Unfortunately, a coworker is on the prowl for the newly single Euncheol. Can Jonggu win his master's heart, or will he lose him forever?

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