Novel Review | Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion! by Eiko Mutsuhana

Title: Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion!

Rose is a witch – a being that lives outside of the laws of any country, government, or man. Since she is a being separate from humans, she has lived in isolation on the city’s outskirts her entire life. As a result, Rose isn’t the most socialized person in the world. To make matters worse, the only reason witches can use magic is due to the singular rule they can never break: they can never tell a lie. This leads to almost all of Rose’s conversations being vague responses, riddles, or just non-responses. This has never been an issue, though, since she lives alone, and the only people she interacts with are her guardian, Tien, and the occasional customer seeking out her potions.

Her peaceful existence is rocked, though, when a man she happened to fall in love with four years prior suddenly arrives on her hermitage’s doorstep. He is part of the royal guard and is a nobleman in his own right by the name of Harij. Rose encountered him once in the market after her grandmother and caretaker passed, where she was subjected to people celebrating her grandmother’s, the witch of the lake’s, death. Harij was the only one who defended her grandmother and, by extension, Rose herself, and Rose never forgot him. Unfortunately, though, Harij isn’t there for just any reason. He is seeking a love potion.

Rose’s pride as a witch won’t allow her to deny the man she loves such a potion, but that doesn’t mean she won’t take advantage of the situation. She draws out the time it takes to make the potion, sending Harij out on errands to procure the ingredients needed, and as time goes on, Rose’s love for Harij only grows. Meanwhile, his affection toward the witch grows, too, or is that just Rose’s imagination? Even if Harij did fall in love with her, how could a witch fall in love with a human?

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