Manga Review | Honey Maple More More Sugar by tsushiko

Title: Honey Maple More More Sugar (Renta!) | Honey, Maple, and More Sugar (MangaPlanet / futekiya)

Bee is a bit of a celebrity in the niche crafting community, thanks to his beautiful stuffed creations that he posts online. The online community isn’t just for sharing crafted creations but also a place for gay men to meet up and often have cybersex. Bee, aka Tsumugi, takes full advantage of his popularity, posting his creations and then enjoying some sensual time with his fans. While he has his pick of the litter, Tsumugi’s preferred partner is also his top fan, Chiitan. Chiitan is always the first to leave comments on any of Bee’s posts, and how he dominates in the DMs is right up Tsumugi’s alley. If Tsumugi is going to meet with anyone IRL, it’s going to be Chiitan.

Chiitan hesitantly agrees, and Tsumugi couldn’t be more excited (and nervous). Bee has attempted to meet a couple of people from the community, only to be disappointed as the people end up being creepy or not what Tsumugi expected. Thanks to Chiitan’s interactions online, Tsumugi has set himself up to be disappointed once again, imagining a cutesy and soft man. Chiitan ends up being anything but. Chiitan, aka Mikio, is a tall, angry-looking man, more befitting the mafia than a crafting community. Thankfully, he is still attractive, and though Tsumugi is terrified of Mikio, they end up eating together and kissing. Mikio even gives Tsumugi a stuffed animal he made himself named Honey. It’s a really nice time overall.

Tsumugi, as much as he loves his interactions with Chiitan, is too nervous to continue with Mikio, but no matter how he tries to find a new cybersex partner, none are like Chiitan. Can Tsumugi see beyond Mikio’s tough exterior?

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Manga Review | Absolute Submission -Like Hell I’ll Obey!- by tsushiko

Title: Absolute Submission -Like Hell I'll Obey!-

Kikuma is a delinquent. He frequently gets into fights and leaves campus overnight, much to the chagrin of the teachers and staff of his boarding school. Determined to put him back on the right path, the staff reassign him to another room, one where his roommate is none other than the dorm superintendent, Takasumi. That doesn’t concern Kikuma, and he has no intention of changing his ways, but while being treated by the nurse after his recent fight, the nurse reveals that Kikuma has been identified as a sub – a secondary gender that requires the person to be dominated, commanded, praised, and punished, otherwise, he might experience detrimental health problems.

That shouldn’t be too big of a deal. Kikuma hasn’t experienced anything yet, and he doesn’t intend to, that is, until he meets his new roommate. As it turns out, Takasumi happens to be a dom – a secondary gender that requires the person to dominate, command, praise, and punish. While Takasumi probably couldn’t have stopped Kikuma’s delinquent streak usually, with Kikuma being a sub and Takasumi being a dom, Takasumi is in the perfect position to command and control Kikuma, whether he wants to be or not. But Kikuma is hardheaded. He has no intention of just going along with all of this, biology be damned.

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Manga Review | Playboy Beast by Minomushi Momonoki

Title: Playboy Beast

The world has evolved. Through various human experimentation, a second species of human has been created through a mixture of animal and human DNA: demi-beasts. Unlike pure humans, demi-beasts undergo animalistic breeding periods known as heats once they reach puberty. Males long to impregnate females, while females want to be impregnated by males. Unfortunately, for panther demi-beast Riku, though he’s long since passed the age of puberty, he’s yet to have his first heat.

It’s not that big of a deal, but as Riku gets older, it becomes more and more concerning, especially when female demi-beasts begin approaching him. Desperate to initiate a heat, Riku ends up dating a fox demi-beast female, hoping to coax out his sexual urges by going on dates with her, but no matter how hot she might be, he just doesn’t feel compelled to go into heat. Things only become more complicated and frustrating when Riku’s living situation changes. He ends up being roomed with an albino lion demi-beast named Touma.

While Touma initially appears to be a run-of-the-mill book nerd, he turns out to be a bit more of a delinquent. Touma sneaks off campus overnight and has a casual sexual relationship with the school nurse. He’s everything Riku wishes he could be, or so he thinks. After Touma finds out about Riku’s perpetual virginity, Touma is all too happy to toy with Riku’s innocence and get Riku’s heat started. As it turns out, Touma isn’t everything Riku wants to be, but everything that Riku wants.

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Manga Review | Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart by Syundei

Title: Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart

Terumichi is in love with his mysterious classmate Yamada, who just appeared in his life one day. Yamada is strange and imposing but dangerously beautiful and one of the few people who have been kind to Terumichi. His unique disposition makes him all the more alluring to Terumichi, and in the end, he can’t help being drawn to Yamada. After an abrupt confession, Yamada and Terumichi seem on the cusp of when a stranger with a knife appears.

Terumichi does everything he can to protect Yamada, but in the end, Yamada is stabbed to death. Terumichi is in a panic, calling an ambulance, even though it’s clear by the amount of blood that Yamada isn’t going to survive. Yet, somehow, Yamada gets right up and walks away as if nothing ever happened, whispering a cryptic sentence:

“Only two left.”

Terumichi would be better off cutting his losses and moving on, but he just can’t forget Yamada.

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Manga Review | He’s a Predator by Yuji Toriba

Title: He's a Predator

Yuma’s work-life balance is all out of whack. He spends more time at work than he does at home, and even when he is at home, he’s so stressed about work that all he can manage is falling asleep before heading in the next day. His only real reprieve is with his childhood friend Yasuharu, who dotes on and cares for Yuma. Yuma cares for Yashuharu, but there is one thing about Yasuharu that disturbs Yuma. Yuma has a bad habit of saying that he wants to die, and this habit is at an all-time high with all of the work stress. Whenever he says this phrase around Yasuharu, Yasuharu always responds with:

“I’ll eat you.”

It’s undoubtedly just a joke, but the way Yasuharu says it so seriously, Yuma can’t help being bothered by it. Still, Yuma’s phrase might become a reality when, after returning home from a long and strenuous day of work, Yuma passes out on his floor, but not before calling Yasuharu and asking him for help. Yasuharu comes to the rescue, ensuring Yuma is fed, rested, and gets the medical attention he needs, all of which Yuma is thankful for. But Yasuharu doesn’t intend to stop here. Yasuharu demands that Yuma move in with him so Yashuharu can care for him.

Though Yuma is hesitant, the offer is too good to pass up. But is Yasuharu’s offer as innocent as it seems?

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Manga Review | Midnight Stranger by Bohra Naono

Title: Midnight Stranger

Roi is a goat spirit born from the wants and desires of humans. While the purpose of his existence is to protect and heal humanity, his looks scare all of the people around him. Unwilling to trust in this being, the humans end up sacrificing Roi in a fire to the gods, hoping they will gain favor for their offering. Instead, they end up calling upon the god of fire, Xiu. Xiu is far from impressed by the human’s offering, scaring them off with his power. Now that Roi has been sacrificed to Xiu, Xiu has no intentions of letting the goat spirit go, instead rebuilding his form into something cute for Xiu to enjoy.

Centuries pass, and the importance of gods in the modern world has faded. Xiu and Roi are still hanging out in the human realm, with Xiu becoming an idol to pay for their lifestyle among the humans. On the other hand, Roi continues to work for his master, Xiu, whom he cares for much more than a servant should. But as much as he loves Xiu and follows his every command, Roi can’t help but still be drawn to the humans who betrayed him so long ago against Xiu’s advice. So, during the night, in the cute goat form, Xiu made for him, Roi goes out to rid humans of illness and spirits.

While this is Roi’s purpose for living, would he be able to live if Xiu found out he was still protecting humanity?

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Manga Review | I Caught Him Getting Off Online! by Megane

Title: I Caught Him Getting Off Online!

Hayato was just perusing cam sites when he came upon a . Hayato wouldn’t consider himself gay, but upon seeing this particular camboy streaming while pleasuring himself, Hayato can’t help but be attracted to him. He’s entirely enraptured by the camboy, going so far as to memorize the moles on his finger. Hayato watches the camboy stream late into the night until the camboy finishes and ends the stream. Only then does Hayato finally go to sleep.

The next day, while at work, Hayato runs into part-timer Mamiya. They’ve worked together for a long time but haven’t worked the same shifts since Mamiya was in college. But now that they can work the same shifts, Hayato can finally get close to his coworker. While getting to know him, Hayato happens to notice that there are moles on the same finger as the camboy. What are the odds that Mamiya is the same camboy Hayato watched? And even if he is, why should Hayato even care?

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Manga Review | The Man in the Mirror by Eight Hisamatsu

Title: The Man in the Mirror

Sal is the next head of the Senba clan. The family is well-known for their talents in Ikebana, the art of flower arrangement. Every year, the Senba clan takes part in a competition where they display their art and always come out with high praise. It’s Sal’s turn to participate, and his victory will mark his official takeover as head of the Senba clan. While Sal loves flowers and enjoys arranging them, the pressure from his father is almost too much to bear, and his arrangements are suffering as a result.

While in his workroom, he is stressed out and puts his hand against a floor-length mirror in the room. To his surprise, the mirror’s surface gives way beneath his touch, and when he completely passes through, he finds himself in an entirely new place. It’s full of beautiful, and in some cases tropical, flowers, but the most beautiful thing by far is the man standing among the blooms. He is the prince of the country Sal finds himself in, and before he can learn who the prince is, he is told of a cultural custom: if they share each other’s names, they will be officially engaged.

Sal and Prince Shaal come up with nicknames for each other and go back and forth to each other’s countries through the mirror. Shaal gives Sal the thing he was missing for his work: inspiration. More than that, Prince Shaal stirs something else in Sal. Could this be love?

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Manga Review | Married to the Dragon God by Shogo Ikegami

Title: Married to the Dragon God

Tsuwabuki, the illegitimate child of the head of the wolf family to a lion-dog mistress mother, is a lion-dog. His life as a young child starts out well enough with the protection of his mother, but when she dies, his worth to the family severely declines. Though he’s related to the legitimate children of the family head, he is treated just like any other servant, except by his half-sister, who bullies him incessantly just because she can. Tsuwabuki does his best to ignore her taunts, serving the wolf family as best he can while honoring the god of the mountain they live on, just as his mother taught him when he was a small child. He’s perfectly content with his life, though he secretly longs for a bit more freedom and the affection he lost when his mother passed.

The members of the wolf family are considered the divine messengers of god, so it only makes sense that they are called upon to offer a bride to the god in order to heal him of his impurities. The god specifically requests the youngest child, who happens to be Tsuwabuki’s cruel older sister. She doesn’t want to marry the god and is disgusted by the idea of having to cleanse the impure god, as it requires having sex. Instead, she demands that they offer Tsuwabuki, as he is also a child of the wolf family. Without a word, Tsuwabuki accepts his new role.

After being taken underwater, a gateway to where the mountain god Shuro resides, Tsuwabuki is married and bedded. Though Tsuwabuki doesn’t feel worthy of being Shuro’s bride, Shuro assures him that no one else could be worthy enough to be by his side. Still, Tsuwabuki is sure that there is a better bride for Shuro. As it happens, his elder sister is sacrificed to marry Shuro after the wolf family is destroyed. Tsuwabuki is sure his sister would be better for Shuro, but deep inside, Tsuwabuki loves Shuro and wants him all to himself.

Does Shuro really need Tsuwabuki? And even if he doesn’t, can Tsuwabuki let Shuro go?

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Manga Review | Aggressive Sex with an Angelic Smile by Io Kaziwara

Title: Aggressive Sex with an Angelic Smile

Tatsumi is a fisherman, and he enjoys it for the most part. Unfortunately, it isn’t the most stable or consistent way of making money, and when he’s finally reached the end of his finances, Tatsumi takes the leap and applies for a higher-paying job in the city. After getting invited for an interview, Tatsumi packs a few essentials and makes his way out there. His friends berate him over the phone, telling him that he will get scammed… again, apparently having a history of being lured by beautiful women.

As if the world has it out for him, after hanging up, a pretty girl runs up to Tatsumi, begging for help. He remembers his friends’ warnings and intends to walk away, but then he sees a pair of men in black heading in their direction. Without knowing where he’s going, he takes the girl’s hand and runs into the city. The girl directs him to a warehouse where they lock themselves up to hide from the men pursuing them. There, Tatsumi does his best to comfort the girl… only for her to reveal she is a pretty man, and he has been drugged with an aphrodisiac and has no intention of letting Tatsumi go without having his way with him.

After all is said and done, it turns out that this was the interview for the job, the job being a gay pornstar as Yuki’s debut partner. To say Tatsumi is stunned is an understatement, but without a dime in his pocket and nothing left of his pride, Tatsumi takes the position. Can Tatsumi make it as Yuki’s beefy bottom, or will it all be too much for him to handle?

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