Manhwa Review | Welcome to the Café of Love by Churrr

Title: Welcome to the Café of Love

Ingyu is an incubus. He survives off of the vitality of all manner of beings by having sex with them. Unfortunately, due to the barrier created by the divine beings around humanity’s world, Ingyu is limited to the beasts and that live in Devildom to get vitality. It’s often gross, painful, and dangerous, and Ingyu longs to get vitality from humans. So, one day, he finally takes the plunge. He ends up getting a chance from the ruler of Devildom to break through the barrier and live among the humans. Thanks to the fallen divine being, Taegyu is able to move through the barrier and protect Ingyu.

Once in the human world, Ingyu wastes no time getting his vitality buffet going by opening up a late-night . He charms the coffee lids, so when unsuspecting customers take a sip, he can take the form of the one they want the most and take his time sampling them before sending them off as if they had just woken from a dream. All of this is routine until Ingyu encounters Kangin. Kangin is a tired and overworked drone, and one of his few comforts is coffee. He is precisely Ingyu’s type.

Unfortunately, Kangin isn’t that easily charmed, as every attempt Ingyu makes to charm him fails. Sure, Ingyu could just move on and charm the next passerby, but he doesn’t want just anyone anymore. He wants Kangin, and he’s determined to get him. Even if he gets a taste, though, will that be enough? And if it’s not, what happens to a human that gets targeted again and again by an incubus?

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Manhwa Review | Escape into Oblivion by Gawee

Title: Escape into Oblivion

Woojin is willing to do anything to escape. Escape from what? His family, school, his lovers, and life in general. He’ll do whatever it takes to escape, whether through sex, alcohol, moving away, hiding from school, or anything else. It’s almost like a game to Woojin, and it’s one that he wins often. That is until he meets Hwon.

Hwon does anything Woojin asks, even when Woojin does everything he can to either run from Hwon or hurt him. This intensity of love is new to Woojin, and it scares him. What scares him even more, though, is who Hwon might be. Part of why Woojin feels the need to escape is that when he was a child, his friend was beaten by a homeless boy they would occasionally pick on and whom Woojin would confide in. Rather than save his friend, Woojin ran away, never to see the friend again.

Could Hwon be that friend seeking revenge? Or could he be the homeless boy, finally back to take what belongs to him, Woojin? Woojin’s not sure which he would prefer, but he knows one thing for sure. No matter who Hwon ends up being, Woojin has fallen hopelessly in love with him, which is something he can’t escape.

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Manhwa Review | Crash Into Me by Re-run

Title: Crash Into Me

Seung-chan has had it rough for a while. Work has been stressful enough as it is, but now he can’t even relax at home as every night is interrupted by raucous lovemaking in the apartment above his. He’s at the end of his rope when he sees Hyesung smoking out of the window of that very apartment. Hyesung doesn’t look like the kind of guy who would make so much noise, but before Seung-chan can even begin to question him, Hyesung seems like he’s going to throw himself out of the window.

Seung-chan can hardly believe it and screams to stop him, only to find that Hyesung was just playing around and didn’t intend to throw himself out like that. Naturally, Seung-chan is neither impressed nor does he find this display funny. Even so, he can’t help being intrigued by his mysterious upstairs neighbor. However, this intrigue becomes more of an obsession as Seung-chan runs into Hyesung only to find him battered and bruised. Seung-chan desperately wants to say Hyesung, but how can he save a man who doesn’t want to be saved?

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Manhwa Review | BJ Alex by Mingwa

Title: BJ Alex

Dong-Gyun is a returning student in . When he’s not getting back into the swing of things for school, he spends his time on Nutworthy, a cam site with lots of camboys to ogle at. Though he’s spoiled for choice, Dong-gyun only has eyes for one specific named BJ Alex. Alex is muscular, lusty, and kind in his streams, and he wears a mask, which adds an air of mystique to the already perfect package. Dong-Gyun loves Alex so much that he even gets a part-time job to send him tips. Though Dong-Gyun dreams of someday meeting Alex in real life, he knows that’s only a dream, and he’s happy just to be able to see him every day on his stream.

One evening, Dong-Gyun goes out to drink with his department and ends up absolutely wasted. His sunbae, Jiwon, offers to help take him home. While bringing a drunken Dong-Gyun home, Jiwon ends up covered in puke. So, while at Dong-Gyun’s house, Jiwon cleans himself up and even helps clean up his drunken hoobae. Eventually, Dong-Gyun sobers up enough to realize where he is and sees Jiwon half-naked.

The first thing he notices is the substantial birthmark on Jiwon’s side, the same exact birthmark on Alex. When he tells Jiwon that he knows he’s Alex, he realizes the mask he wears on stream isn’t the only mask. Will Dong-Gyun be able to love Jiwon despite the fact he isn’t anything like the Alex he’s known on stream? And will Jiwon be able to keep a safe distance from Dong-Gyun, so neither of them falls in love with the other?

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Manhwa Review | The Unquenchable Mr. Kim by MORAK

Title: The Unquenchable Mr. Kim

Doyun is trying to stay alive and keep his job. Unfortunately, that’s harder for him since he isn’t your average human. Doyun is actually a half-vampire. Because of his odd disposition, Doyun cannot consume human blood. Thankfully, don’t have to only drink blood, but it’s not any easier to get. Vampires can also subsist on essence, which they can get from humans by having sex with them.

Doyun hasn’t had a partner in a while, so he’s pretty worn out. Food or coffee isn’t enough to keep him moving along. So, to make his life a bit easier, he’s planning to find a sex friend. In his tired stupor, he intends to let his guardian know but accidentally messages his boss instead. Fully prepared to get fired, Doyun goes to see his boss and tries to explain the unfortunate mishap.

To his surprise, though, chief Gangwoo isn’t mad at all. Actually, he’s very interested in Doyun’s hunt for a partner. So, he offers himself up to take the role. Needing to get essence and happy not to lose his job, Doyun is willing to give the chief a try. Unfortunately, things don’t work out as well as Doyun hopes. As it turns out, his constitution is worsening, and essence is no longer enough. Will Doyun be able to find a new way to feed? Or is he doomed to die an agonizing death?

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Manhwa Review | Dine With a Vampire by PANGIN

Title: Dine With a Vampire

Sooin spends every day living in utter hell. He lives in a world stuck between guilt and rage, love and vengeance, and complacency and revenge. The best he can do on a day-to-day basis is to try not to anger his roommate, Sungha. Why Sungha? Because Sungha spends every day torturing and beating Sooin because Sooin fell in love with him. Sooin could leave, but his guilt won’t allow him to, as he feels his love for Sungha has turned him into a monster. So he endures Sungha’s cruelty, but not without hoping that someday he can escape.

Then, while at work, Sooin meets another kind of monster. He runs into the owner of the restaurant he works at, Chi-hwan, because of a cut on Sooin’s finger. It turns out that Chi-hwan is a vampire, but not just any vampire. Instead, he is a vampire that can’t drink human blood and must subsist off the hearts of his fellow vampire brethren. But for some reason, he is drawn to Sooin’s blood, and when he gets a taste of it, he finds it perfectly palatable when human blood hasn’t been for so long.

Desperate to ensure Sooin stays alive and well so he can partake in his blood, Chi-hwan makes him an offer Sooin can’t refuse. Chi-hwan will kill for Sooin, including Sungha. All Sooin has to do is give him blood.

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Manhwa Review | The King and the Paladin by IRINBI (Mature Version)

Title: The King and the Paladin

Ezekiel is a noble paladin. For years now, he has been steadily building up his reputation, wealth, and standing in society in hopes of one day reuniting with his long-lost love Calli, and finally establishing a life with her. However, before finding her, he is appointed as the heir to a dukedom as the illegitimate son. Ezekiel accepts his role, and as the heir, he meets with the newly appointed queen of the kingdom. To his surprise, though, the bloody queen Calliope is none other than his long-lost love Calli. Before he can even express his joy, Calli captures him and forces him into a marriage ceremony right then and there.

Calliope has suffered for years under the power of her father’s concubine and her children. Her only reprieve from the suffering was the company of a mysterious man named Ezekiel, who was being kept and trained by the church. The two shared many sweet and intimate moments. After discovering the corrupt and salacious nature of the church, Calliope’s goal is to help rescue Ezekiel and take over her rightful place on the throne as its only direct descendent. However, upon making this decision for herself, she discovers Ezekiel has disappeared, and all she has to go on is the rumors that he has left to become a noblewoman’s concubine. Betrayed by her only love, Calliope goes on the warpath, ascends the throne, and with Ezekiel back under her thumb, she is determined to keep him by her side, even if it means destroying him in the process.

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Manhwa Review | Sweet Dream by Goshoo

Title: Sweet Dream

Jaehee has been having some stimulating dreams, to say the least, starring her very own boss, Mr. Seo. Of course, that wouldn’t be so bad if those dreams weren’t making it near impossible to act normally at work and do her job well. What makes matters worse is that it seems like Mr. Seo is more than happy to make Jaehee’s dreams a reality. Unfortunately, Jaehee knows just what can happen when you mix business with pleasure. But for some reason, no matter how she tries to distance herself, she just gets pulled right back in.

It’s almost like he’s got this power to draw her in, but that isn’t humanly possible… unless Mr. Seo is more than a human.

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Manhwa Review | May Belongs to Me by eol

Title: May Belongs to Me

May has terrible taste in men. His latest boyfriend tended to hit him whenever he was upset, then blamed May for “liking it.” May is pretty quick to leave when things go sour, but due to his homeless status, he’s quick to get with the next man for a place to stay. He’s already got Youngjin, a kind bar owner, in his sights when his abusive boyfriend comes back one evening since he’s also an employee at the bar. The ex-boyfriend attacks May, choking him, but just before May passes out, a mysterious man appears and takes care of the ex before stealing away May in the middle of the night.

When May wakes, he finds him naked, in bed, in an unfamiliar, stark white bedroom. While that is strange enough on its own, he also finds a collar locked around his neck, connected to a chain. May has been in some shitty situations before, but this takes the cake. While trying to determine if this is an ex or just a psychopath, May meets his captor: Jooin. While Jooin doesn’t seem like some fanatical psychopath, he also doesn’t seem like one of May’s exes, but Jooin acts like they know each other.

Jooin is kind and sweet (besides being a kidnapper, of course), but he has the odd inclination to treat May as if he were a cat. He feeds him cat treats, buys him cat toys… and he wants to neuter May? What is going on? Who is this guy?

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Manhwa Review | My Purrfect Boss! by Cuke Soap

Title: My Purrfect Boss!

Sunwoo has just graduated, and what tremendous luck! He’s also just earned his first corporate position out of . Bonus: he’s got a super cute and cool manager, Manager Kang, whom he’s super pumped to work for. Unfortunately, Sunwoo is struggling to make it work in this new environment. He’s clumsy, makes careless mistakes, and, as a result, ends up as enemy number one to his beloved Manager Kang.

Desperate to at least get back into his boss’s good graces, Sunwoo takes every chance he can to apologize and make it up to Manager Kang. Unfortunately, most of Sunwoo’s effort leads to only more clumsy mistakes and awkward encounters, pushing Manager Kang further away from him. To drown his woes, Sunwoo goes drinking. On his way to his next location, he sees Manager Kang having dinner alone. As desperate as ever, he rushes in and offers to pour Manager Kang a drink.

Just as every attempt has gone thus far, this one ends in total disaster. Sunwoo ends up spilling alcohol all over Manager Kang’s lap, and in his drunken stupor, Sunwoo tries to clean it up, which puts him in an intimate and awkward position. Flushed and panicked, Manager Kang rushes out with Sunwoo chasing close behind. It is in a nearby alleyway that Sunwoo discovers Manager Kang’s big secret: he is a cat anthromorph. With this new information, Sunwoo is drawn to Manager Kang more than ever, but how can Sunwoo tame this feral cat?

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