Manhwa Review | Who’s Your Daddy? by Anko

Title: Who's Your Daddy?

Louis is the captain of the second guard. He’s professional and somewhat cold, making him all the more alluring to those around him. He doesn’t have much interest in dating or love, as there is an ongoing serial murder case disrupting the empire’s peace, and that takes precedence over all else. Well, until the night of the ball. For one reason or another, Louis awoke the next day to find himself alone, naked, at an inn with vague recollections of being with a man the night before. The only clue that his memories are real is a note that says nothing more than “Contact me.” Without any idea who he should contact, Louis considers it an unfortunate one-night stand and throws the note away.

With the Ropeman serial killer still on the loose, that passionate night is long forgotten until Louis’s health starts to decline significantly. After passing out, he’s looked over by the corp physician, only to receive a diagnosis he never expected: he’s pregnant. Only men of the royal family with strong enough royal blood can impregnate men, which narrows down the other party of that one-night stand to around three or four people, one of which is Louis’s social enemy, the crown Prince Metternich. But there is no way he could be the father of Louis’s baby, right? If not him, then who?

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Manhwa Review | Unintentional Love Story by PIBI

Title: Unintentional Love Story

Wonyoung’s successful career is put on hold after his superior gets caught in a scandal. The company, Taepyung Group, is unsure if Wonyoung played a role in the scandal, so to hedge their bets, they fire him. Needless to say, Wonyoung is heartbroken. His parents were beyond proud of him for getting a job at such a prolific company, so he can’t bring himself to tell them about his situation. Rather than finding a new job, he desperately wants to get back into Taepyung Group. To gather his thoughts and wait out the ensuing investigation, with little hope that he’ll be brought back, Wonyoung leaves Seoul for the countryside, where he tries to relax.

While checking out the area, Wonyoung happens upon a pottery studio and store where a potter sells all manner of bowls, cups, and the like. It just so happens that the man who owns this store is none other than Yoon Taejun, the chairman of Taepyung’s favorite potter who has been missing for a long time. However, he isn’t going by Taejun anymore. Instead, the name he answers to is Joohun. Is this the same guy? There’s no question in Wonyoung’s mind that it is, but why is he hiding out in the countryside?

Seeing this as an opportunity to win back favor with the chairman and get his job back, Wonyoung relays Taejun’s location to his former coworker, who talks Wonyoung into getting close to Taejun in hopes of winning an exclusive contract with Taepyung. While Wonyoung feels this is unethical, his desperation pushes him forward.

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Manhwa Review | No Love Zone by Danbi

Title: No Love Zone

Eunkyum is a newbie at his company. He’s been there a year, but his level of responsibility is still pretty low, much to his dismay. While he pines for better opportunities at work, he also longs for better in his love life. Unfortunately, his relationship history has been fraught with shitty men. His current partner is no different, always asking him for money and ignoring him most of the time. Still, Eunkyum will take what he can get… until he sees his beau out in the streets with a wife and child in tow.

Eunkyum is heartbroken. At least work isn’t so bad… until he meets his new manager Jihyuk. Jihyuk is exactly Eunkyum’s type, tall, dark, and handsome. Too bad he seems to have it out for Eunkyum, tossing all of the scut work onto his plate and criticizing every little thing he turns in. So his love life is in shambles, and his professional life isn’t going so hot either. Can Eunkyum catch a break? And will he figure out why Jihyuk is trying so hard to put him down?

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Manhwa Review | I Have a Boyfriend by PIBI

Title: I Have a Boyfriend

Hyunho is a show-out when it comes to soccer. It’s his life, and he hopes to go pro before graduation. When he isn’t thinking of soccer, though, he keeps the torch for his middle school friend Gyul lit. Unfortunately, due to unfortunate circumstances in Gyul’s family forcing him to move away and Hyunho having to go to a different school, the two never speak again. Even so, Hyunho can’t help thinking back to that sweet little boy who gave him the courage and opportunity to follow his dream as a soccer player.

To Hyunho’s surprise, he ends up running into Gyul on campus. Hyunho is ecstatic, considering this his chance to confess his feelings to his long-lost love finally, but Gyul isn’t the bright and smiley boy he once was. Instead, when Hyunho tries to get close to him, Gyul is cold. So cold that Hyunho wonders if this is even the same person. As Hyunho scours campus to get more information on Gyul, he discovers that most people avoid Gyul simply because he isn’t at all friendly and spends all his time studying or working to pay for his little brother’s school fees and put himself through at the same time.

This doesn’t deter Hyunho in the least. He’s determined to do everything he can to help lighten Gyul’s load and, hopefully, woo him in the process. Regardless, he just wants Gyul to be happy again.

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Manhwa Review | Stigma by Marloong

Title: Stigma

Sehyun’s life is shrouded in darkness. He has little to no hope due to the terrible trauma he has experienced at the hands of his guardian, Michael. The only way he can find any semblance of peace is by plunging into the dirty underbelly of the city he lives in, having unsafe sex with strangers, and confirming to himself what everyone believes: he’s trash. He has come to accept this lifestyle until he runs into Boris.

Boris is rude and standoffish, but when he finds a line to an open stall where Sehyun is being endlessly assaulted, he can’t just walk away. Stepping to the front of the line, Boris fights off as many waiting men as possible. Once he’s cleared them all out, he takes a worn Sehyun to a nearby hotel and lets him rest there. It is then that Sehyun admits that he wanted that to happen, which disgusts Boris. Still, Sehyun can’t help being drawn to this bristly white knight.

Sehyun is far from a damsel in distress, but could he still be someone worthy of Boris?

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Manhwa Review | Spinel by Baek Ji

Title: Spinel

Rowell is the youngest duke in the empire due to the murder of his parents. His parents were murdered because they disapproved of the current acceptance of slavery in the empire. The world is made up of two races. The Pels, the ruling race, enslave and trade the Spinels like commodities. Despite his parent’s murder, Rowell continues their legacy, refusing to take part in the buying and selling of humans.

However, all of that changes when Rowell is attacked by an escaped Spinel one evening. The Spinel has unique features, specifically his bright blue eyes, and Rowell is drawn to him. After the Spinel runs off, it is discovered he stole Rowell’s pendant, one of the last gifts he received from his parents. He ends up going to meet the captured Spinel and, while negotiating the return of his pendant with Dev, the Spinel, Dev asks Rowell for a favor:

He wants Rowell to buy him. Despite his beliefs, Rowell can’t bring himself to leave Dev there and decides to follow through with this agreement. So, Rowell brings Dev back to his estate, and the two learn to live with each other. All the while, Dev is trying to determine how best he can use Rowell to find his missing family.

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Manhwa Review | Behind the Desks by Day7

Title: Behind the Desks

Lee Taesung just got a job at his former . Naturally, he’s a bit nervous about returning to a place after so long, but he’s also nostalgic as he walks through its familiar gates. One key memory that still brings him joy is when he was in the infirmary, slacking off and napping. He woke up briefly to find a stranger sitting by his bedside. The stranger covered Taesung’s eyes, keeping his identity somewhat vague and prompting Taesung to fall back asleep. From then on, Taesung was in love with this stranger, and even today longs to reunite with him.

To his surprise, while trying to find the main for his first day, he runs into someone who looks very similar to his first love. He’s not totally sure it’s him, but he can’t help but feel drawn to this fellow teacher because of their similarities. The teacher’s name is Seo Sunny, also part of the science faculty (Taesung is the physics instructor, and Sunny is the chemistry instructor). Whether or not Sunny is the man Taesung has longed for all this time doesn’t matter in the end. Taesung wants Sunny and will do what he can to get close to him.

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Manhwa Review | Mistaken Lover by MeriG

Title: Mistaken Lover

Jingeon has to protect his best friend. Heeseo, the friend in question, has a very set type regarding those he falls for. They’re usually very pretty, cat-like, and always older than he is. So Jingeon doesn’t expect any different when Heeseo asks him to help take his place at work while he helps out at another branch. That’s where his love interest is, and he’s very different from what Heeseo usually goes for. Jingeon doesn’t believe Heeseo, but he’s still going to help him out so he can be sure this guy isn’t going to hurt his friend.

As soon as Jingeon meets Dongyeon, he’s not worried about Heeseo being betrayed by his new love interest. If anything, he’s terrified that he will hurt his friend. Dongyeon is exactly Jingeon’s type, and with Heeseo out of the picture, Jingeon can’t help but test the waters. Can Jingeon hold back his growing feelings for Dongyeon for the sake of his friendship? Or will he lose both of them because of his inability to choose?

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Manhwa Review | Love Meter 100% by Sagold

Title: Love Meter 100%

Yihan loves video games, but not just any video games. His favorite video game is Love Meter 100%, a BL game where he can several hot 2D men. His favorite, though, is Mikaros. His love for the fictional character doesn’t stop in the game. Yihan’s bedroom is covered in Mikaros merch, he carries around a Mikaros bag, which is full of Mikaros merch, and he wears Mikaros merch wherever he can. Mikaros is a hunk, and everything Yihan wants in a man, but the odds of finding someone precisely like his 2D love interest are slim to none until he happens upon a Mikaros lookalike on campus.

Park Há is just as hunky as Mikaros and has the same mint-colored hair. What are the odds? Yihan is ready to risk it all for a chance to meet the man of his dreams, but along the way, he hears Park Há mention that he hates otaku. Unfortunately, Yihan is the ultimate otaku. How can Yihan finally win with the heart of real-life Mikaros when Park Há is destined to hate him?

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Manhwa Review | Wouldn’t It Be Nice by AM

Title: Wouldn't It Be Nice

Hyobin and Gichan have been best friends for a decade. There are no signs that that will change anytime soon, especially when another girlfriend dumps Hyobin. As usual, there is Gichan to pick up the pieces and help Hyobin nurse his broken heart. The two are nearly inseparable, and they know everything there is to know about each other. At least, that’s what Hyobin thinks.

What Hyobin doesn’t know is that Gichan has been fostering a secret, unrequited crush all this time. From the day Gichan met Hyobin, he loved him. Though it’s painful to see Hyobin get his heart broken repeatedly through the years, Gichan is happy to be by Hyobin’s side until Hyobin catches Gichan kissing a man. Realizing that he may not know everything about Gichan, Hyobin feels compelled to take their relationship beyond friendship.

But once they cross this line, will they ever be able to return to the close relationship they’ve had all these years?

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