Title: Having My Favorite in the Middle of the Night
Grim is a radio host. He spends his evenings reading letters over the airwaves, answering questions, and sharing stories of his own life. He’s perfectly content with the easy-going lifestyle he’s cultivated for himself. However, his simple life gets a little bit more hectic after being invited to a party with all manner of entertainers, including models, actors, and the like. Grim is already looking for his escape when he meets renowned star Masachika.
As it turns out, Masachika is a massive fan of Grim’s radio show. Anyone would be happy to hear that, including Grim, but Masachika seems to be more interested in Grim than his radio show. While Grim is flattered, he’s not interested in anything with a young man like Masachika. He’s all too happy to escape back to his quiet life, but Masachika is much more tenacious than Grim gave him credit for. Can Grim keep his distance, or will Masachika lure him into an inescapable trap?