Manga Review | Picked Up By a Sly Man by Shippo Usui

LOL Random, LOL Let’s Kiss



This review will contain spoilers for the manga and anime series Picked Up By a Sly Man. While the manga may vary slightly from all other forms of media, it may have similar story elements and could be considered spoilers.

Content Warning: There may be references to excessive drinking (possible alcoholism), homelessness, violence, gambling, , breakup (not between the main couple), blood, peer pressure, slut-shaming, cheating (not between the main couple), child abandonment, implied child abuse, and dubcon, as they appear in the manga.


Makoto is a runaway. Struggling on the streets, he’s on the brink of doing something dangerous when he’s stopped. An intimidating man with a scar on his face grabs him, taking away his weapon and tossing him to the ground with ease. Makoto apologizes, ready to run away and never look back, only for the strange man to pick him up and drag him away. Is this guy taking him to the police? Is he being kidnapped? Thankfully, the stranger does none of those things, dragging Makoto back to his house and offering him a place to stay in exchange for rent and housekeeping.

The man’s name is Hazuki. Hazuki is a drunkard with a scary yakuza-like tattoo on his arm, but he’s otherwise harmless and much kinder than he might let on. Makoto grows to care for him, and deep down, he’s sure Hazuki cares for him, too. But care soon evolves into something more, and Makoto fears that he’ll be abandoned because of it. Makoto does his best to hide his feelings, but hiding how he feels has never been his strong suit.


The covers of this title are a bit deceptive. They’re very clean and seem like every other current title coming out today. However, this has a more classic feel within the actual pages. I wouldn’t call it antiquated, but there’s something in the roundness and the very pointed noses that reminds me of Cyborg 009 and similar titles. It’s also very inconsistent, but I must admit, the art style matches the story’s tone, which I like. I’m finding more and more that the style aligning with the story is more important to me than the style itself. With that said, if you want clean, consistent, current art, this is a no-go, but otherwise, I like it.

Cover art for Picked Up By a Sly Man by

This is Chaos the Manga. It sometimes gives off “lol random” vibes, which I would usually be adverse to. However, the source of this humor is Hazuki, and there is something about him that I really like. He’s goofy, random, and weird, all wrapped in an attractive package. The humor comes off as a mask or a wall, a way to separate himself from the pain and struggle of a life without meaning or direction. He also uses it to comfort Makoto, who he compares to a frightened dog. Humor is a tool to avoid just as much as it is a way to grow closer, and it is a powerful one. It’s certainly not going to be for everyone, but I think the purpose behind it is more important than whether it will make you laugh.

Unfortunately, however, as much as I like the purpose of the , we don’t actually know why Hazuki refuses to be more open. There are hints about it. Clearly, there are some self-deprecation and familial struggles, but we don’t get much concrete information. Thankfully, we do see what happened to Makoto and why he ended up on the streets to meet Hazuki. I hoped Makoto’s opening up would prompt Hazuki to do the same, but that never happens. We get Makoto’s background, Hazuki gives us humor and comfort, and then it’s mostly back to the status quo. This feels like a huge missed opportunity to humanize Hazuki.

But maybe even worse is the ending. We actually never get a confirmation of Makoto and Hazuki’s relationship. Yes, Makoto confesses his feelings, and they sleep together, but that’s it. Just like we never hear about Hazuki’s background, we never see him confess or confirm his feelings to Makoto. When it ends, it’s just Makoto saying that he wants to return to Hazuki, and that’s it. Now, there is a sequel that has been released in Japan, and the fact that this title is not listed as complete on Renta! gives me some hope that an English version will be released. However, I can only judge this series based on what it provides. I want a better ending. I hope I get it in the sequel, but as it stands, I’m a bit disappointed.


Surprisingly, I liked this. Honestly, this had so many elements that I really disliked, and I was ready to dislike it once I saw them at play. But the characters are so likable that this is hard to dislike. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily good, but it is enjoyable. I would barely call this a , but if you’re looking for some random comedy with slow-burn , I’d give this one a shot. If you want a definitive romance with a definitive ending, however, this is probably a miss.

Have you read Picked Up By a Sly Man? If so, what do you think? Do you agree with my assessment? Do you not? Let me know, and comment below!

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