Alpha x Alpha
Omegaverse-specific – a relationship made up of two alphas.
Manhwa Review | Love Shuttle by Aeju
Title: Love Shuttle
Doyun feels like he’s only a half-omega. From the time he was small, it was clear he wouldn’t be the standard, stereotypical omega. As the youngest of four, all his older brothers being alphas, he was the strongest and tallest. What’s worse is that he has never gone into heat, which means he can’t get pregnant, nor can he sense or put out pheromones to attract alphas. Doyun isn’t all that concerned, content with his life as it is, though it does bother him when people assume he is an alpha based solely on his build. The main worry is that one day he might randomly manifest and won’t be able to protect himself, but there is no sign of that happening anytime soon, so Doyun isn’t all that worried about it.
One evening, after having his regular scuffles at work with his coworker Taehan, Doyun is hanging out at home, trying to sleep, when he is struck with a panicky feeling. His body is heating up, and his heart is racing. He’s never felt anything like this before, but he’s pretty sure he knows what this is: his first heat. He calls his doctor, who rushes over, only to find that the feeling he had is gone. The following day, at an after-work dinner with his coworkers, Doyun sits beside Taehan when that feeling hits him again. This time, though, he puts out pheromones that everyone at the table can smell. The only one who realizes it’s coming from Doyun is Taehan, and when Doyun attempts to leave on his own, Taehan follows.
Rather than Taehan taking advantage of Doyun, Doyun ends up pouncing on Taehan, leading to Doyun’s first night in full heat with an alpha. The next day, panicked, Doyun rushes away from Taehan, hoping he’ll just forget the whole thing. While they agree to put it behind them, Doyun’s body doesn’t seem interested in forgetting, going into heat over and over again whenever Taehan is near. Why can’t Doyun seem to escape Taehan’s allure?
Manhwa Review | Seven Days of Lust by Fujoking, Hato, Hoben, Lee Aru, MEL, Pyoryu
Title: Seven Days of Lust
This is an anthology series with six stories, all based in the omegaverse. There are supposed to be seven, which explains the title, but I cannot find a legal way to read the missing story; as a result, only the 6 available on Lezhin Comics will be reviewed. If a legal avenue becomes available with the missing story, I will add it to this review. The following are the stories in this anthology, with a short description of each:
Beta Test by Lee Aru
Two betas experiment with a new drug that can make someone an alpha or omega. The results end up being much more than either of them expected.
Love is Love by Hato
A supposed beta has a crush on an alpha. The alpha’s cousin has a crush on the beta. With the beta stuck in the middle, who will he choose? Or will he even have to?
Melting Point by MEL
An omega professor hasn’t gone into heat for months. After seeing the doctor and receiving some intimate tools to fix this problem, an alpha student finds it and decides to help the professor himself.
Sleepless Nights by Hoben
An alpha is mistaken as an omega in a beta school when a rumor goes around that an omega has transferred in. Then, many years later, the alpha meets the omega, which turns out to be one of the people who hung out with the bullies. This time, though, the turf has changed. The alpha is the omega’s boss, and it is time for some revenge.
Mutual Enemy by Pyoryu
A recessive alpha and a dominant alpha butt heads, but when the recessive alpha is drugged by an omega that has a crush on him, the dominant alpha is there to lend a hand.
Clinical Matters of the Heart by Fujoking
A dominant alpha signs up to test a new medication that can turn alphas into omegas to earn $500. Unfortunately, the test requires him to go into heat with some alphas around. What could go wrong?