Manhwa Review | Seven Days of Lust by Fujoking, Hato, Hoben, Lee Aru, MEL, Pyoryu



There will be spoilers for the series Seven Days of Lust.

Trigger Warning: There may be references to rape, drugs, and bullying as it appears in the manhwa.


This is an series with six stories, all based in the omegaverse. There are supposed to be seven, which explains the title, but I cannot find a legal way to read the missing story; as a result, only the 6 available on Lezhin Comics will be reviewed. If a legal avenue becomes available with the missing story, I will add it to this review. The following are the stories in this anthology, with a short description of each:

Cover art for 7 Days of Lust on Lezhin Comics

Beta Test by

Two betas experiment with a new drug that can make someone an alpha or omega. The results end up being much more than either of them expected.

Love is Love by

A supposed beta has a crush on an alpha. The alpha’s cousin has a crush on the beta. With the beta stuck in the middle, who will he choose? Or will he even have to?

Melting Point by

An omega professor hasn’t gone into heat for months. After seeing the doctor and receiving some intimate tools to fix this problem, an alpha student finds it and decides to help the professor himself.

Sleepless Nights by

An alpha is mistaken as an omega in a beta school when a rumor goes around that an omega has transferred in. Then, many years later, the alpha meets the omega, which turns out to be one of the people who hung out with the bullies. This time, though, the turf has changed. The alpha is the omega’s boss, and it is time for some revenge.

Mutual Enemy by

A recessive alpha and a dominant alpha butt heads, but when the recessive alpha is drugged by an omega that has a crush on him, the dominant alpha is there to lend a hand.

Clinical Matters of the Heart by

A dominant alpha signs up to test a new medication that can turn alphas into omegas to earn $500. Unfortunately, the test requires him to go into heat with some alphas around. What could go wrong?


Beta Test by

This was one of the few stories with decent art all throughout. It was a reasonably strong story, too, until the twist ending where it turns out it was all a dream. I am not a huge fan of those setups, so it was a bit of a downer when that was revealed. I had some hope when it appeared to be more of a premonition than a dream, but we don’t really get any clarity since it ends right after that. This creator also worked on Window to Window, which I also plan to read and review.

Love is Love by

It had a better story than Beta Test but wasn’t as strong on the art front. The art is pretty rough around the edges, and I am not a massive fan of the character designs, making it not as satisfying. Then the ending is a bit of a tease with no payoff, so ultimately, it was pretty disappointing.

Melting Point by

This one had one of my favorite stories out of the entire collection. However, the art style was not my favorite at all. That is not to say the art is bad, but the style was just not my favorite. Thankfully, the story was pretty well thought out and had a fairly satisfying ending, though, like with all of these, I wish there had been more, but that is going to be a complaint I have with all of these anyway, so ultimately, this was great.

Sleepless Nights by

This had a pretty sketchy art style that worked in some panels but looked bad in others. However, I did like the story of this one a bit more than most of these. I really like the revenge narrative that then leads to reconciliation and . It is a better laid-out story and feels more like a complete narrative than the others, so if you are really invested in the story, this is probably worth reading.

Mutual Enemy by

This story had some of the best art out of the entire collection. It is pretty, and the two male leads are both my type, though, at this point, I don’t know that a male lead exists that isn’t my type. One thing that is a bit of a downer is that this is an story, which isn’t my personal preference. This is also the one that has the rape scene I mentioned in the trigger warning, so if you want to avoid that, then this is the one to stay away from. But, I will say, in the end, I was pretty pleased with it. This is another one of the few that has what feels to be a fully realized story, which was really nice, even if it didn’t necessarily fit all of my preferences.

Clinical Matters of the Heart by

This particular artist is why I decided to read this anthology at all, and I was not disappointed. This story, without a doubt, has the best art and is one of the best stories out of the bunch. This is not the first work I have read of Fujoking’s, but the others are currently in progress and the others I plan on reading soon after this. This one also has the omega drug, which I was so happy about because I didn’t want another alpha x alpha, especially from my favorite manhwa artist. What’s even better is that it actually has a finished story! It was the most satisfying to me in terms of story development, but I will say that is also because it is one of the longest out of the bunch (tied with Sleepless Nights, which also had one of the best stories). If some of the others had an extra chapter, they might have been more well-rounded, but ultimately, they don’t, which is why this particular story is my favorite. Admittedly, though, I am biased. Still, I proudly declare this to be the best out of the anthology, and I highly recommend it.


This felt like a bit of a letdown for most of the collection. Some just felt unfinished. Some worked well in the short format, but most of them didn’t, and by the end, I was left disappointed and craving more. For lack of a better word, I felt pretty blue-balled, even though there is enough sex in this collection for anyone looking for just short adult comics. However, if you are looking for a well-developed story in a neat little package with some adult situations thrown in, there are better. However, if you just want a good time for a short time – quick and dirty, if you will – it doesn’t get much better.

Have you read Seven Days of Lust? If so, what do you think? Do you agree with my assessment? Do you not? Let me know, and comment below!

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