Manga Review | A Dominating Prince and His Naughty Habits by Owal

Title: A Dominating Prince and His Naughty Habits

Kadri was once an abandoned child in the Gulf state where he lives but was adopted by Grandma Jedda. Grandma Jedda raised Kadri as her own, teaching him all of her recipes and cooking techniques, and as a result, he started helping her run her restaurant. Now, he spends his evenings making his famous biryani while commanding the kitchen, living life to the fullest. However, his idyllic life goes a little off course when a wealthy man and relative to the king named Fati comes by. Fati wants to buy the restaurant so he can redevelop the area.

While it would mean plenty of money for Grandma Jedda and Kadri, they aren't willing to give up their precious restaurant. Since money doesn't seem to be enough to sway Kadri, Fati recommends another method of negotiation: sex. Kadri, a virgin, is stunned but is willing to do anything to keep his grandmother's restaurant open. So, he meets the wealthy Fati and intends to take him up on his offer. But when Kadri tries to take the lead, Fati laughs in his face.

Fati had no intention of being the bottom.

But for a sweet virgin like Kadri, the great Fati makes an exception.

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Manga Review | Kuroe and the Garden of Feminine Pleasures by Chifuyu

Title: Kuroe and the Garden of Feminine Pleasures

Sonogi Eda woke up after a night out drinking in a shocking predicament. He has a vagina. Thankfully, he still has all his other parts, too, but that is a small comfort during this horrifying discovery. What's worse is that Sonogi doesn't have insurance, so he can't even afford to go to the doctor to get it checked out. Desperate for an outlet and anyone to confide in who can help, Sonogi goes in to work at the host club and asks his boss if he knows anyone with medical knowledge he could talk to.

As it turns out, the boss recommends the number one host of the club: Kuroe. While Sonogi's not convinced Kuroe can actually help, he has nowhere else to go and asks Kuroe to meet him in private. After disclosing his current predicament, Kuroe talks Sonogi into showing him his new body part. While all Kuroe does is humiliate and tease Sonogi, as well as blackmail him with this new secret, Kuroe does have some information about what is going on with Sonogi's body. There is an illegal drug going around that gives the person who takes it the opposite sex's genitals. Thankfully, it isn't permanent, but it won't go away in less than a month.

Relieved that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, Sonogi is comforted… except that now he's forced into Kuroe's servitude in exchange for keeping his secret. Can Sonogi withstand Kuroe's sadistic, womanizing tendencies?

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Manga Review | I Caught Him Getting Off Online! by Megane

Title: I Caught Him Getting Off Online!

Hayato was just perusing cam sites when he came upon a . Hayato wouldn't consider himself gay, but upon seeing this particular camboy streaming while pleasuring himself, Hayato can't help but be attracted to him. He's entirely enraptured by the camboy, going so far as to memorize the moles on his finger. Hayato watches the camboy stream late into the night until the camboy finishes and ends the stream. Only then does Hayato finally go to sleep.

The next day, while at work, Hayato runs into part-timer Mamiya. They've worked together for a long time but haven't worked the same shifts since Mamiya was in . But now that they can work the same shifts, Hayato can finally get close to his coworker. While getting to know him, Hayato happens to notice that there are moles on the same finger as the camboy. What are the odds that Mamiya is the same camboy Hayato watched? And even if he is, why should Hayato even care?

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Manhwa Review | Secret Therapy by Cheongdam

Title: Secret Therapy

Yoon Jaesung has always been the hottest shit in town. He's got the good looks, more money than he knows what to do with, and he's smart. One of the ways he shows just how great he is is by being at the top of his class. Unfortunately, after the return of Lee Hyun, that method of showing off is taken from him, relegating him to second place. This is unacceptable for the perfectionist that is Jaesung. It's so traumatizing for Jaesung that he ends up with another, far worse issue. He's impotent.

At a loss, he complains to his friends, one of whom turns him onto a streaming app called Cake. It's a gay cam site, and with nothing to lose, Jaesung gives it a shot. Jaesung checks out the streamer his friend suggested, and while there's nothing particularly unique about this streamer, there's just something about him that piques Jaesung's interest. Miraculously, this streamer cures Jaesung's impotence problem, but as Jaesung finds out, this streamer is the only one that can get him hard anymore. Desperate, Jaesung floods the streamer with donations, hoping to meet him in person, have sex, and cure his impotence for good.

What he doesn't expect is that the streamer happens to be someone he already knows.

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Manhwa Review | BJ Alex by Mingwa

Title: BJ Alex

Dong-Gyun is a returning student in . When he's not getting back into the swing of things for school, he spends his time on Nutworthy, a cam site with lots of camboys to ogle at. Though he's spoiled for choice, Dong-gyun only has eyes for one specific named BJ Alex. Alex is muscular, lusty, and kind in his streams, and he wears a mask, which adds an air of mystique to the already perfect package. Dong-Gyun loves Alex so much that he even gets a part-time job to send him tips. Though Dong-Gyun dreams of someday meeting Alex in real life, he knows that's only a dream, and he's happy just to be able to see him every day on his stream.

One evening, Dong-Gyun goes out to drink with his department and ends up absolutely wasted. His sunbae, Jiwon, offers to help take him home. While bringing a drunken Dong-Gyun home, Jiwon ends up covered in puke. So, while at Dong-Gyun's house, Jiwon cleans himself up and even helps clean up his drunken hoobae. Eventually, Dong-Gyun sobers up enough to realize where he is and sees Jiwon half-naked.

The first thing he notices is the substantial birthmark on Jiwon's side, the same exact birthmark on Alex. When he tells Jiwon that he knows he's Alex, he realizes the mask he wears on stream isn't the only mask. Will Dong-Gyun be able to love Jiwon despite the fact he isn't anything like the Alex he's known on stream? And will Jiwon be able to keep a safe distance from Dong-Gyun, so neither of them falls in love with the other?

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Manhwa Review | Your Secret Keeper by Team Ddakkong

Title: Your Secret Keeper

Sun has recently started a new job at a much better company than the one she is coming from. Having just gone through a traumatic and unfortunate scandal at her previous job, she's ready to work hard and put the past behind her… but that's hard to do when her new boss, Doyoung, is actually her first love from high school, which ended before it could even begin. He's as big of a jerk as he was in high school and seems to be intent on making Sun's life as hellish as possible until she quits.

Unwilling to be pushed out of another company, Sun spends her days drowning her sorrows in alcohol after work and doing her best to field all of Doyoung's unreasonable requests and criticisms. One evening, after some heavy drinking with her , she gets home to find a package by her door. It turns out to be for Doyoung, who lives in the building next to hers. In her drunken stupor, she resolves to bring the package to his apartment and give him a piece of her mind simultaneously.

To her surprise, after puking on him and being let into his apartment, she finds a streaming setup. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that would do that sort of thing, so she ends up perusing his computer while he is in the bathroom only to discover he does stream, but the subject matter is of the adult variety. With this newfound ammunition, Sun intends to use this to make life at work much more peaceful. Additionally, she finds herself attracted to Doyoung even more than she ever had in high school and establishes a sexual partnership with him in exchange for her secrecy.

As their relationship grows and she discovers more and more about the world Doyoung is part of, Sun finds herself falling deeper and deeper for him, but the sudden return of her ex-boyfriend threatens to ruin what little bit of trust she has built back up with Doyoung.

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Manhwa Review | @puppy_love by Hamnya

Title: @puppy_love

Seoyun is an online influencer. After a picture of him went viral and was passed around his school, Seoyun had to quit school, leave his family, and go into hiding on his own. Thankfully, with the image going viral, he was able to rebound into an online career under the moniker Mr. Puppy. With his whole world revolving around the internet, Mr. Puppy doesn't have to leave his home for much, which he is fine with. Yet, as the days go on, Mr. Puppy's loneliness also grows.

Mr. Puppy isn't lonely for long, though. One day, he receives an inappropriate DM from a medical student named Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo likes cute things, and Mr. Puppy fits the bill. Yeonwoo also fits Mr. Puppy's preferences, and they start an online relationship with Yeonwoo as a master and Mr. Puppy as his pet. While this satisfies for a time, it isn't long before they crave more. Can their relationship survive the transition from an online fling to a physical one? And can love grow from a master-pet relationship?

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