Manga Review | A Stomachful of Secret Delights by Tsutako Tsurusawa

Title: A Stomachful of Secret Delights

This is the sequel to Saving My Favorite For Last.

Melo suffers from intense anxiety. His anxiety is so strong that he suffers from chronic hematuria, which puts his health on a major decline. The reason for his anxiety? It could be anything, but the main culprit is his lover, Noris. They’d been together for as long as Melo could remember, having been since their families were close. From the moment Melo saw Noris eat his food with a smile on his face, Melo made it his mission to marry Noris.

So far, so good, until Melo catches Noris smiling at his new coworker. Melo has never had competition before, having thoroughly monopolized all of Noris’s affection for himself. Melo’s anxiety has reached a fever pitch with a few new suitors hanging around. Not even his meds can stave away the stress anymore, and with the increased pressure, so follows the steep decline of his health. Will Melo be able to keep his one love to himself, or will he die before he even gets the chance?

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Manga Review | Saving My Favorite For Last by Tsutako Tsurusawa

Title: Saving My Favorite For Last

Humanity has evolved from cats. To expand their population, they have also developed the ability for all sexes to give birth, if they so choose, and can lure in potential mates with pheromones. Kazui is an expert in using his pheromones, as he spends every evening going out and trying to find someone to inseminate him. Why? Because he desperately wants children of his own that he can raise and love. He was abandoned as a child, and he has always longed for a genetic connection with someone.

No matter how many partners he tries with, his body won’t get pregnant. Undeterred, he continues working extremely hard to scrape and save every dime he can to care for his future children. When the contracts for his jobs start to run out, he is offered a position as a manager for a model, which pays way better than many of his jobs combined. He jumps at the chance. On his first day, he meets some of the hottest purebred cats out there, and the particular model he is assigned to is the top Maine Coon model, Noah.

Kazui would love it if a purebred like Noah would help him get pregnant, as purebreds are guaranteed to inseminate their partners, but there’s no way someone as sought after as Noah would go for a plain mixed breed like him… right?

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Manhwa Review | Sweet Dream by Goshoo

Title: Sweet Dream

Jaehee has been having some stimulating dreams, to say the least, starring her very own boss, Mr. Seo. Of course, that wouldn’t be so bad if those dreams weren’t making it near impossible to act normally at work and do her job well. What makes matters worse is that it seems like Mr. Seo is more than happy to make Jaehee’s dreams a reality. Unfortunately, Jaehee knows just what can happen when you mix business with pleasure. But for some reason, no matter how she tries to distance herself, she just gets pulled right back in.

It’s almost like he’s got this power to draw her in, but that isn’t humanly possible… unless Mr. Seo is more than a human.

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Manga Review | Kabukicho Bad Trip by Eiji Nagisa

Title: Kabukicho Bad Trip

Toru is a top-rated host. That’s not surprising, seeing how attractive and personable he is. However, he can’t give all of the credit to those things. In fact, most of his success comes from his unique ability to read minds. Using this ability, he sways the masses and becomes one of the most popular in Kabukicho. Of course, he could have any woman or even man if he wanted them, but Toru doesn’t want just any person. He wants Mizuki Hikawa.

Mizuki is a popular and equally attractive male model, and Toru is obsessed with him. He is so obsessed with him that Toru uses “Mizuki” as his name while hosting. But Toru does his best to keep it under wraps, even going so far as to travel out of his way to pick up magazines with him on the cover. On one such occasion, at a convenience store, Toru runs into Mizuki – literally. They end up falling over each other and, in turn, start talking. It turns out Mizuki needs some help getting to a shoot, and Toru is more than happy to be his knight in shining armor.

After all of Toru’s help, Mizuki makes an effort to keep in touch, and the more they meet up, the more Toru can see into Mizuki’s private thoughts. Of course, Toru is beyond pleased that Mizuki is attracted to him. What he isn’t as pleased with is that almost everything Mizuki imagines or wants has to do with and absolutely dominating Toru. Though scared of this new territory, if it means being with Mizuki, Toru is willing to give everything a try, and he does mean anything.

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Manhwa Review | See You Again by Pppallet

Title: See You Again

Shiwoo is an actor constantly surrounded by adoring fans and admirers, some more welcome than others. Even with all this love around him, though, he’s only ever had one special person, Yujin. However, the day Shiwoo graduated high school, Yujin confessed that he loved Shiwoo as more than a friend, upperclassman, or even brother figure. Unfortunately, Shiwoo could not reciprocate Yujin’s feelings. Yujin, of course, was heartbroken, and Shiwoo did what he thought was best and disappeared from Yujin’s life.

Eight years have passed, and Shiwoo, now in the dregs of the , is on the market for a new manager and a new partner. When he hears his manager is a girl, he hopes that she might be able to fill both roles. Thankfully, she is exactly his type, and he spares no time trying to woo her. While out to drink, Shiwoo gets blackout drunk and embarrassingly propositions his manager. While the manager isn’t necessarily pleased, she doesn’t say no. When Shiwoo regains his senses, though, it turns out the pretty girl manager is a pretty boy manager… a boy that he happens to know very well.

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Manhwa Review | Love is an Illusion! by Fargo

Title: Love is an Illusion!

Hye-sung is an alpha. Er, or at least he thinks he is an alpha. However, that belief quickly goes down the drain while Hye-sung is working at a party and runs into the dominant alpha and musician, Dojin. After being exposed to Dojin’s pheromones, Hye-sung goes into heat. Dojin tries to take care of Hye-sung and save him from himself as the newly awakened omega tries to throw himself on a few alphas. Dojin whisks Hye-sung away to a hotel where Hye-sung rants and raves that there is no way he could be an omega. Finally, Dojin, flustered by Hye-sung’s pheromones and frustrated by Hye-sung’s delusional beliefs, proves to Hye-sung that he is indeed an omega… physically.

After the dirty deed, Dojin realizes that he actually enjoyed it even though he supposedly hates omegas because of the notion that omegas and alphas have to be together. Even more distressing is that Dojin follows up their encounter by writing a song that his peers say is his best work yet. Believing it is just a coincidence, he runs into Hye-sung again, and they have another steamy encounter that not only results in another great song but something neither of them expects: a baby.

Hye-sung wants to get rid of the baby while Dojin intends to keep it, but more importantly, he now desperately wants to hang on to Hye-sung. They make a deal together where Dojin will pay Hye-sung to carry the baby to term, and Dojin will assume full parental responsibilities. Hye-sung will finally be financially comfortable, and he won’t have to be a mother. Still, Dojin plans on doing anything he can to talk Hye-sung into raising their baby together. The problem is he only has the span of Hye-sung’s to do it.

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Manhwa Review | The Makeup Remover by Lee Yeon

Title: The Makeup Remover

Yeseul Kim finally started . Her whole life has revolved around studying, but no one seems to care about her thoughts and instead focuses on her looks, which are extremely lacking to the standard of her peers and family. So, to make herself feel as beautiful as those around her expect her to be, she goes to a makeup artist and requests they make her look like rising social media star Heewon Ju. However, the makeup artist cannot achieve the look, which results in Yeseul looking worse.

After receiving less than optimal results, Yeseul ends up rushing to the bathroom, where she overhears her makeup artist disparaging her looks and blaming her for why the makeup didn’t look good. Of course, this breaks her heart. However, upon leaving the studio, she encounters one of the top of all time: Yuseong Cheon. When he sees Yeseul, he claims she is the ideal model for him to enter an upcoming makeup competition show. Though she doesn’t believe she could ever be a model, they do end up partnering with Yeseul, hiding her identity under a rabbit costume and taking the competition by storm.

All the while, Yeseul deals with insecurities, a crush on her classmate, her goal of becoming a photographer, a competition, and the ever-growing relationship between her and Yuseong.

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