Manga Review | Love Nest by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Love Nest

This is the third series in a shared world created by . It is recommended that you read the first and second entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.

Masato treasures his days off, often working late hours during busy seasons at work. Unfortunately, the little peace he has at home is disrupted by his upstairs neighbors, who constantly stomp around and make noise. He escapes his home to drown his sorrows at his favorite , where he complains to one of his best friends, Naruse. Naruse pokes fun and comforts Masato at the same time but ultimately ends up making him an offer he can't refuse: to move into one of his houses. Masato is all about it and immediately cancels his lease.

Just as he expected, the house is phenomenal. It has the latest entertainment system, which tickles Masato's fancy. It's impeccably clean. But more important, there are no annoying neighbors. Masato is ready to enjoy his new digs when he's suddenly face-to-face with an unexpected person: Asahi. Asahi is an older man. He's dirty, inconsiderate, and constantly steals Masato's food. What Masato thought was heaven is suddenly hell. He has gone from shitty neighbors to a shitty roommate, and Masato can't wait to find another place so he can escape Asahi.

But as he compromises and grows to learn who Asahi truly is, he finds himself softening up to the older man. But Masato has been betrayed by a straight man before. Though his heart might want Asahi, Masato isn't so willing to let it guide him that way.

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Manhwa Review | Banana Scandal by Dolsha

Title: Banana Scandal

Dojin is a student from Korea who is attending university in the States. He enjoys it, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. Even though he's no longer in Korea, the experience of rumors and judgment is just as rampant in the tight-knit Korean community on his campus. Dojin does his best to stay out of the while still enjoying college life, but when his roommate Taehwan goes off to intern in Hong Kong, Dojin's peaceful college life is thrown into disarray as Taehee, Taehwan's younger brother, comes to stay in their apartment.

It's not so bad at first. Dojin has known Taehee since they were young, and despite being taller and a bit gloomier, he's still the introverted boy who loves cartoons for kids. Taehee, however, is no longer that innocent young boy. While Dojin is sleeping in their room, he happens to hear something odd. It doesn't take much to realize that Taehee is playing with himself behind Dojin's back. Dojin should be repulsed. He should get up and tell Taehee to get out.

But for some reason, all Dojin wants to do is see how Taehee looks in the throes of passion.

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life

Ryuji's and Makoto's relationship didn't start like your average one; even now, they aren't a regular couple. Though Makoto has come to accept their irregular beginnings, Ryuji can't seem to shake his guilt, shame, and insecurities from that time and even long before. Still, Makoto does his best to shower Ryuji with love, and Ryuji, in turn, does his best to keep Makoto thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom. But once Makoto starts working more heavily at his new job, the tenuous happiness they've crafted for themselves begins to fray.

Ryuji fears losing the one thing that means anything in his life: Makoto. When they met, Makoto was confined and totally reliant on Ryuji for pleasure, sustenance, and happiness. But now, Makoto has a job that he loves, friends that Ryuji doesn't know, and doesn't need Ryuji to feel fulfilled. And though Ryuji has his own career and life outside of Makoto, he doesn't feel he deserves to love, be loved, or experience pleasure in any form or fashion, instead devoting all of his efforts to pleasing and keeping Makoto happy. But if Makoto doesn't need him anymore, what does Ryuji have left?

Meanwhile, Makoto only wants to know more about Ryuji, but Ryuji has an insurmountable wall around him. However, one of Makoto's new happens to have known Ryuji when they were children. What will Makoto learn about his distant lover?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex

Katsuragi was your usual upstanding salaryman. He was praised in his position at work, had a loving girlfriend, and even made enough money to send his supportive parents on a vacation. Unfortunately, this act of generosity from a filial son ends in tragedy. His parents end up dying in an accident during their trip, leaving Katsuragi to mourn them. This starts a domino effect. While mourning his parents, issues start at work due to Katsuragi's absence. He resigns out of guilt. Then, his girlfriend leaves him with barely a world. Suddenly, the life Katsuragi worked so hard for and loved is unrecognizable.

Katsuragi is a walking corpse, unable to go on after losing everything that made his life worth living. He's prepared to end it all when, while standing on the ledge of a building, a stranger grabs Katsuragi, stopping him. The man tells Katsuragi that if he's going to throw his life away, he might as well give it to him. The stranger is sure he can make Katsuragi want to live again. Scared off the ledge, Katsuragi gives himself over to the man. What he doesn't realize is that the plans the stranger has for him involve unimaginable pleasure and humiliation, unlike anything Katsuragi has experienced before.

But why Katsuragi? Why him? And what does this man plan on doing with him when it's all over?

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Manga Review | Smoky Nectar by Akira Minazuki

Title: Smoky Nectar

Mitsuru has been friends with Annaka (nicknamed Anna) since they were in preschool, and though their lives have gone in entirely different directions, they remain close. Anna has become a successful real estate agent, while Mitsuru is often in the trenches as a field journalist, reporting on various local news. Mitsuru is currently on a story that leans toward the . Still, he's determined to find the truth, whether based on reality or something harkening back to human imagination. A local woman was recently found dead, her blood completely clotted, and with two suspicious bite marks on her neck. The killer is called “The Biter,” a rumored vampire.

Mitsuru is actively seeking the killer, and as usual, he reaches out to Anna, who has a multitude of connections, looking for some information. Anna doesn't have much and spends most of the time insisting that Mitsuru stop inserting himself into such a dangerous scenario. What Mitsuru keeps to himself is that Anna is suspected of being “The Biter,” and while he is looking for additional information from Anna, he's also hoping that he'll be able to prove Anna's innocence. Anna is his closest friend, and Mitsuru wants nothing more than to protect him the only way he can. But if Anna is “The Biter,” what would that mean for their relationship?

More importantly, is Mitsuru safe?

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Manhwa Review | Business as Unusual by Moscareto

Title: Business as Unusual

Minjun's life revolves around his job. Even when he's off, he's often on the phone fielding inquiries and dealing with issues related to his job. All while he's working, though he puts on a pleasant and helpful front, he's constantly cursing and bemoaning his life. He longs to travel. He longs to do more. He longs to break out of this chaotic and busy hum-drum of a life. But right in the middle of his daily venting and daydreaming, he hears a strangely familiar voice nearby. As he nears, the voice reminds him of someone.

But it couldn't be, could it?

Minjun wanted a change in his life, but this was not what he was expecting.

As it turns out, the person he heard speaking was none other than his ex-boyfriend Jinhwan. Seeing him again brings back so many sweet memories, but those memories are tainted by the cruel way Jinhwan indirectly ended things all those years ago. While Minjun is more than willing to ignore the past and do the bare minimum to keep the peace at work, Jinhwan doesn't seem to have the same plan. It looks like, just like in college, Jinhwan is all too happy to pursue Minjun despite their rocky past.

Their was snuffed out before it could really begin in their early twenties. What are the odds that they could do any better in their thirties?

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Manga Review | Change World by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Change World

The sequel to Sayonara Game.

Ito and Arimura are in love and happy together. Their work often keeps them apart, but they find even the briefest moments to meet up and enjoy each other's company. Arimura wants more time with Ito and wants to move in together, but Ito isn't ready. Secretly, Ito takes cooking classes, tries to get over his hatred for peppers, and just generally tries to better himself so he can be confident in his ability to be a good partner for Arimura before they move in together. Everything is going well for the most part except for one thing: Ito's coworker.

Hozumi is way more touchy-feely than Ito would prefer, and he seems to have an intense fixation on him. Thankfully, Ito can ignore him for the most part until he and Arimura run into him outside of work. As it turns out, Hozumi knew Arimura in , and after seeing Arimura and Ito interacting (and specifically seeing how Ito lends his precious engraved pen to Arimura), Hozumi puts two and two together. He knows Ito and Arimura are an item. When he's alone with Ito next, he lets Ito know that he is gay, too, and though he's sure Arimura and Ito are happy right now, he has no doubt that Arimura will leave Ito for a woman sooner or later. So, he feels that Ito should be with him instead.

Ito is sure Arimura wouldn't do that to him, but when Hozumi tells Arimura what he told Ito, Arimura begins to spiral. Arimura is terrified that Ito will believe Hozumi, and he feels he might be unable to prove his love to Ito. This insecurity builds and builds to the point that their once peaceful relationship threatens to crumble. Meanwhile, Ito is presented with an opportunity to work in the United States for a few years. So, even if they survive this tumultuous time, could their relationship survive the long distance?

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Manhwa Review | Unromantic Romance by Jeong Seokchan

Title: Unromantic

In a world where omegas rule, Oh Hyeon-oh is a lowly alpha. He is a student who often freelances as a reporter in his free time to pay his rent. Unfortunately, his articles are often overlooked, as he focuses heavily on small local news rather than news on the wealthy. His current article is on a cat killer, who he happened to get a picture of. Once again, his article is criticized for being far too local and small. Hyeon-oh is, of course, deflated. His sunbae at the news feels bad for him, and to help him catch some big fish, he gives Hyeon-oh his membership card to a famous lounge where the wealthy are known to let loose.

Hyeon-oh still isn't interested in the rich and famous, but he decides to check it out out of curiosity. Once there, he ends up alone with someone at the top of the food chain. It's none other than the CEO of Seonghwa, one of the most powerful omega in the country, Chu Ga-in. Ga-in is intrigued by Hyeon-oh, especially since the membership card is from one of Ga-in's closest associates. To Hyeon-oh's surprise, Ga-in ends up inviting him up to a hotel room, and Hyeon-oh, hopelessly smitten, agrees. But once they're in the room, Hyeon-oh is tied up and patted down, suspected of being someone trying to take down Ga-in and, in turn, Seonghwa.

All of the romance and attraction Hyeon-oh has for Ga-in evaporates, and he's instead in what he perceives as a fight for his life. Thankfully, Ga-in and his men don't find anything suspicious, but instead of being let go, Ga-in fully intends on still bedding the young alpha. This leads to one of the most intense and pleasurable sexual experiences either party has ever had. But when Hyeon-oh wakes up the next day to a pile of cash and no Ga-in in sight, he intends to take revenge for the slight (though he's also still intensely attracted to the aloof omega). All while Hyeon-oh is hunting down Ga-in, and Ga-in is failing to shake off Hyeon-oh's romantic and vengeful advances, Hyeon-oh's cat killer article is picking up steam.

And the killer is now hunting Hyeon-oh.

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Manga Review | Raveled Tightrope Knot Retie by Ship Hita

Title: Raveled Tightrope Knot Retie

This is the sequel to Raveled Tightrope Knot.

Haruomi and Natsuki struggled to be together, but now that they are, it should be smooth sailing. And for the most part, it is. That is until Natsuki gets a 6-month placement for work that will take him out of Tokyo and away from Haruomi. But they have withstood 10 years of pain and pining, so what's six months? While they're confident their relationship can withstand the distance, the two take full advantage of their time before they have to separate, and they do so by enjoying each other physically. But when the day finally comes, it's not long after that they realize just how hard can be.

Misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and loneliness begin to rock the steady Haruomi and Natsuki ship. The two fight but end up reconciling relatively quickly. While they're not happy being apart, they're sure they can make it work. But the distance isn't the only problem brewing for the couple. Haruomi plans to come out to his family, hoping to eventually introduce them to his beloved boyfriend. Meanwhile, Natsuki is offered a chance to travel to the United States for a multi-year placement. Sure, they can make it through these 6-months of distance, but can their relationship handle any further pressure?

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Manga Review | A Gorgeous Convenience Store Clerk’s Twisted Love by Takashi Aosada

Title: Clerk's Twisted Love

Itsuki is an overworked salaryman. He works for the pharmaceutical industry, and after traveling from pharmacy to pharmacy, meeting with pharmacists, and making emergency deliveries, by the time he gets off, he's worn out and smelling like a doctor's . The main thing he looks forward to on his way home from work is buying some cat food from his local convenience store and feeding the stray cats. A bonus, though, is seeing the attractive convenience store cashier. He's a beautiful man but a young adult far out of his league. So, he simply enjoys looking at him from afar.

That is, until the cashier happens to be outside feeding the cats before Itsuki can get around to it. Itsuki is surprised but once again is stunned by the cashier's beauty. But Itsuki is a bit thrown off when the cashier uses his name. Then, the cashier, Fumio, gives Itsuki his medical card back, claiming Itsuki dropped it when pulling his card out. Relieved, Itsuki decides to take this opportunity to grow closer to Fumio, and day by day, as they interact, they do until Itsuki finally gets a chance to ask him out for dinner.

Over dinner, Fumio and Itsuki talk; all the while, Fumio drops strange hints regarding how Itsuki lives and the precautions he should take as if Fumio knows much more about him than he should. But that's not possible. Fumio's just a good and thoughtful young man, while Itsuki is the older pervert, right?

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