Manhwa Review | Business as Unusual by Moscareto

Title: Business as Unusual

Minjun's life revolves around his job. Even when he's off, he's often on the phone fielding inquiries and dealing with issues related to his job. All while he's working, though he puts on a pleasant and helpful front, he's constantly cursing and bemoaning his life. He longs to travel. He longs to do more. He longs to break out of this chaotic and busy hum-drum of a life. But right in the middle of his daily venting and daydreaming, he hears a strangely familiar voice nearby. As he nears, the voice reminds him of someone.

But it couldn't be, could it?

Minjun wanted a change in his life, but this was not what he was expecting.

As it turns out, the person he heard speaking was none other than his ex-boyfriend Jinhwan. Seeing him again brings back so many sweet memories, but those memories are tainted by the cruel way Jinhwan indirectly ended things all those years ago. While Minjun is more than willing to ignore the past and do the bare minimum to keep the peace at work, Jinhwan doesn't seem to have the same plan. It looks like, just like in college, Jinhwan is all too happy to pursue Minjun despite their rocky past.

Their was snuffed out before it could really begin in their early twenties. What are the odds that they could do any better in their thirties?

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Manhwa Review | You Get Me Going by Moscareto

Title: You Get Me Going

Young-won wants a fairytale . Though he has some relationship and sexual experience under his belt, they were all cruel or useless men, hardly anything he would consider a real romance of any kind. Young-won is tired of settling for shitty partners. So he wants to get out into the dating pool and find the prince charming he has longed for all this time. Unfortunately, work makes it challenging to find time to date around, and the added stress of working alongside his polar opposite certainly doesn't put him in the mood for love.

This rival in question is Hyun-woo. Though he's as handsome as a prince, his attitude is anything but. He's direct and rude, often making fun of and picking on Young-won in meetings until their discussions become full-blown arguments. Even if Hyun-woo were the last man on earth, Young-won would sooner die than be with him. They spend every day making each other's workday a living hell, and as a result, their rivalry is well-known around the .

However, Hyun-woo and his antics are far from Young-won's mind when he gets matched up for a blind date by his good friend, who owns a restaurant where they will be meeting. All day, to show off in front of Hyun-woo, Young-won talks about how great his date is supposed to be and how excited he is to meet them. Unfortunately for Young-won, the person he meets is none other than Hyun-woo. The date ends in disaster, but with their sexualities revealed, they start to see each other in another light.

Can these two enemies become lovers? Or are they destined to hate each other forever?

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Manhwa Review | The New Recruit by Moscareto

Title: The New Recruit

Seunghyun is almost thirty and has never had a job. That isn't to say he hasn't been working hard. On the contrary, it's quite the opposite. Seunghyun has been spending much of his adult life in school, going so far as to earn his master's degree in business. However, his reasons for doing so weren't necessarily because he wanted to achieve such a big goal. Instead, his true intention was to follow his crush and first love. Seunghyun has been in love for five years with his old friend.

Unfortunately, no matter how long Seunghyun carried the torch for his friend, the timing was never right. Resigning to the fact that he'll never be with his first and only love, Seunghyun ends up graduating without any idea what he wants to do with his life. So, he does what every newly graduated adult does: start applying for jobs. He doesn't have too much luck there either until he's able to get his dream internship. The only downside is that his boss, Mr. Kim, doesn't seem too happy that he is there.

But as Seunghyun works and proves himself, Mr. Kim begins to warm up to him, but that heat isn't as innocent as Seunghyun believes.

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