Manhwa Review | Love Meter 100% by Sagold

Title: Love Meter 100%

Yihan loves video games, but not just any video games. His favorite video game is Love Meter 100%, a BL game where he can several hot 2D men. His favorite, though, is Mikaros. His love for the fictional character doesn’t stop in the game. Yihan’s bedroom is covered in Mikaros merch, he carries around a Mikaros bag, which is full of Mikaros merch, and he wears Mikaros merch wherever he can. Mikaros is a hunk, and everything Yihan wants in a man, but the odds of finding someone precisely like his 2D love interest are slim to none until he happens upon a Mikaros lookalike on campus.

Park Há is just as hunky as Mikaros and has the same mint-colored hair. What are the odds? Yihan is ready to risk it all for a chance to meet the man of his dreams, but along the way, he hears Park Há mention that he hates otaku. Unfortunately, Yihan is the ultimate otaku. How can Yihan finally win with the heart of real-life Mikaros when Park Há is destined to hate him?

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Manhwa Review | Make Me Bark by Sagold

Title: Make Me Bark

Sungjoon’s life is finally coming together. After toiling away and saving every penny, he finally has enough for a deposit on a new apartment. “New” is a generous word to describe the rundown facilities, but Sungjoon worked hard for it, so it’s good enough for him. However, all his luck soon turns for the worst when he finds that his apartment caught fire on his way home from work. With no money to his name and no home to go to, Sungjoon is at the end of his rope. Out of desperation, he goes through his phone to see if there is anyone who could possibly help him.

As much as he doesn’t want to, he calls Hyo-in, a classmate from high school and now in . He doesn’t know him well, but he does know one thing: this guy is filthy rich. Surely he can help Sungjoon. As expected, Hyo-in has no problem helping out, but he does have one request. In exchange for a place to stay and for pay, Hyo-in wants Sungjoon to be his puppy. It is an odd request, but all Sungjoon has to do is wear a collar, go on walks, and greet Hyo-in when he gets home. Surely Sungjoon can handle that. Right?

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