Manhwa Review | I’m Yours, Blood and Soul by GyaGa

Title: I'm Yours, Blood and Soul

Deok Bokhee is a vampire. At least once a week, if not more, he goes out to the clubs on the hunt for his next meal. He ends up with an impressive catch that leads to a steamy moment in the bathroom, then evolves to an even steamier time in a hotel room. The two are very compatible, which makes this meal all the more delectable. Bokhee is just about to take a bite of his prey when, out of nowhere, the man he’s in bed with sprouts little black wings. As it turns out, the man he thought was a human is a demon, also on the hunt for a meal.

Kim Mariam is that demon. While the sex was great, the prey wasn’t what he expected. Thankfully, are just as edible as humans, if not more so, since vampires are immortal and have multiple souls inside them, thanks to their own hunger, often causing the death of others. So, Mariam isn’t all that put off, but Bokhee seems to be beyond disgusted. After Bokhee goes off to shower, Mariam takes a moment to rifle through Bokhee’s belongings, discovering an unusual bottle among his things. Thirsty and not worried about what’s in the bottle since he’s immortal, he gulps it down.

Unfortunately, that was a bottle of Bokhee’s 500-year-old vampire blood, and whoever drinks it creates a link with Bokhee that will make it so Bokhee can only drink from that person. Bokhee is beyond upset, as the only way to break the link is for one of them to die. As a demon, Mariam will never die, and Bokhee is not interested in dying. So these two are now forced together, and while Bokhee desperately wants out of this contract, Mariam seems all too happy to be linked to the resistant vampire. All while they are struggling to deal with this new connection, there is a serial killer whose murders resemble a vampire killing, and that puts Bokhee in the crosshairs of the police.

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