OEL Comic Review | Achilles and the Boy Next Door by Twoony

Title: Achilles and the Boy Next Door

Adrian Brent is a physical therapist. He does his best to keep a peaceful life of solitude, and not just because he's an introvert. Adrian's real identity is actually Achilles, the Greek warrior from legend. For whatever reason, Achilles hasn't aged a single day and, as a result, has experienced all manner of history, both violent and peaceful. Tired of all of the loss that unending life comes along with, Achilles would love nothing more than to work, make money, and live a quiet life. But these plans go out the window when a new neighbor moves into Adrian's building.

This new neighbor is none other than vibrant and extroverted social media influencer Harper Holmes. Adrian doesn't know him, but many people do, which leads to all manner of people coming and disrupting the peace, whether it be obsessive fans or raucous party-goers. Whoever Harper is, Adrian is ready for him to move along so he can go back to his quiet life. But no matter how hard Adrian tries, he can't seem to escape Harper and all of his chaos. After an unexpected wrist injury to Harper ignites Adrian's medical inclinations, the two end up spending far more time together than Adrian would prefer.

Unfortunately for Adrian, as they spend more time together, he finds himself drawn into Harper's orbit. But can a man who lives forever allow himself to be hurt by love's brevity once again? More importantly, can Adrian figure out why it seems Harper can read his very thoughts?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life

Ryuji's and Makoto's relationship didn't start like your average one; even now, they aren't a regular couple. Though Makoto has come to accept their irregular beginnings, Ryuji can't seem to shake his guilt, shame, and insecurities from that time and even long before. Still, Makoto does his best to shower Ryuji with love, and Ryuji, in turn, does his best to keep Makoto thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom. But once Makoto starts working more heavily at his new job, the tenuous happiness they've crafted for themselves begins to fray.

Ryuji fears losing the one thing that means anything in his life: Makoto. When they met, Makoto was confined and totally reliant on Ryuji for pleasure, sustenance, and happiness. But now, Makoto has a job that he loves, friends that Ryuji doesn't know, and doesn't need Ryuji to feel fulfilled. And though Ryuji has his own career and life outside of Makoto, he doesn't feel he deserves to love, be loved, or experience pleasure in any form or fashion, instead devoting all of his efforts to pleasing and keeping Makoto happy. But if Makoto doesn't need him anymore, what does Ryuji have left?

Meanwhile, Makoto only wants to know more about Ryuji, but Ryuji has an insurmountable wall around him. However, one of Makoto's new happens to have known Ryuji when they were children. What will Makoto learn about his distant lover?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex

Katsuragi was your usual upstanding salaryman. He was praised in his position at work, had a loving girlfriend, and even made enough money to send his supportive parents on a vacation. Unfortunately, this act of generosity from a filial son ends in tragedy. His parents end up dying in an accident during their trip, leaving Katsuragi to mourn them. This starts a domino effect. While mourning his parents, issues start at work due to Katsuragi's absence. He resigns out of guilt. Then, his girlfriend leaves him with barely a world. Suddenly, the life Katsuragi worked so hard for and loved is unrecognizable.

Katsuragi is a walking corpse, unable to go on after losing everything that made his life worth living. He's prepared to end it all when, while standing on the ledge of a building, a stranger grabs Katsuragi, stopping him. The man tells Katsuragi that if he's going to throw his life away, he might as well give it to him. The stranger is sure he can make Katsuragi want to live again. Scared off the ledge, Katsuragi gives himself over to the man. What he doesn't realize is that the plans the stranger has for him involve unimaginable pleasure and humiliation, unlike anything Katsuragi has experienced before.

But why Katsuragi? Why him? And what does this man plan on doing with him when it's all over?

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Manga Review | Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love by Long Utsumi

Title: Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love

Kippei is, essentially, a professional live-in boyfriend. He doesn't necessarily love any of his partners, but they want a boyfriend to have sex with, and he wants a place to live, so it works out for a time. But, inevitably, his partners want more from him, and he can't give that to them. So, they break up. This time is no different, and Kippei's already on the hunt for his next partner. Thankfully, he doesn't have to go very far, as he sees a couple of guys possibly going through a breakup.

Kippei is bisexual, and when he sees one of the men left behind and heartbroken, he swoops in to save the day. The man isn't necessarily Kippei's type, and Kippei even considers him to be a little plain-looking, but Kippei isn't all that picky and plays the field all the same. After a surprisingly short conversation, the two end up in a hotel room where the stranger, Sosuke, turns out to be much more aggressive in bed than his appearance might suggest. After an intense romp, Kippei wakes up in the morning alone in the hotel. He laments that he didn't get Sosuke's number, but with nowhere to go and nothing else to do, Kippei makes his way to his sister's house.

Once there, Kippei ends up catching a cold, and not wanting him to spread the cold to his niece, his sister demands he go to the doctor. After much pushing, Kippei unwillingly goes. As it turns out, this was exactly what he needed. The doctor Kippei ends up seeing none other than Sosuke. Not wanting to miss this chance, Kippei jumps at the opportunity, offering his live-in services in exchange for sex, which he punctuates by having sex with Sosuke in the doctor's . Sosuke agrees, and Kippei quickly settles into life at his new partner's place. But Kippei soon discovers that Sosuke isn't as needy as his former partners have been, and while this usually might be a plus, when Kippei isn't needed, what good is he?

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Manhwa Review | Interview with a Murderer by KJK

Title: Interview with a Murderer

Clark is a reporter. He doesn't like working all that much, but he does enjoy one aspect of his job when he can partake in it off the clock: gathering macabre and interesting stories about criminals that intrigue him. He has an extensive collection of stories stored away for his eyes only. There's a new story on the horizon that Clark is determined to get his hands on. There's a serial killer on the loose, known as the Triage Killer, who has killed three people thus far. There's no evidence of his identity, so the odds of Clark encountering him are slim to none.

That is until his friend and ex, Oliver, reaches out. Oliver is a psychiatrist, and as it turns out, his patient, Alex, is none other than the Triage Killer. Oliver wants Alex to form meaningful relationships, and he feels that being interviewed by Clark will start that process. While Clark doesn't believe his presence will help Alex, Clark is all too happy to jump at the chance to meet the one and only Triage Killer. When they do meet, the killer is much more normal than Clark would assume, and his only explanation for why he kills is a simple one: love.

In order to get more information out of Alex, Clark must give himself over to the killer. A small price to pay for what Clark craves: interesting stories. But when Alex becomes enamored by Clark, will Clark come out of it alive? Or will he become the Triage Killer's next victim?

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Manhwa Review | Staff Only by soorak

Title: Staff Only

Hansol is a teacher and has lived his whole life under the assumption he's a beta. That is, until he starts experiencing some concerning symptoms. He goes to the doctor, assuming he's just got a cold, maybe the start of the flu, or he is dying when he receives an unexpected diagnosis: he's a late bloomer omega. While he's thankful that he isn't dying, he's a bit shocked that he's an omega after reaching adulthood. Still, it's better than the alternative. While the doctor tries to impress upon Hansol the importance of taking his suppressants, Hansol is busy thinking about dinner and any other mundane thing he has to worry over rather than the very pertinent issue of him being a newly manifested omega.

His laissez-faire attitude comes back to bite him when he forgets his suppressants. He barely makes it through class when he crumples to the ground. Thankfully, the gym teacher Chan is there to help Hansol get to the school nurse, Hansol's friend Yesung. There, Yesung realizes Hansol has manifested as an omega, something he had no idea about until now. Uncontrolled pheromones are a rarity in modern society, with most people legally obliged to have implants to keep them in control. Still, Hansol hasn't gotten his implant yet, so his pheromones are wild, and as it happens, Chan and Yesung are alphas. Will they be able to hold themselves back, or will Hansol's pheromones be too much to bear?

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Manhwa Review | DEAR. DOOR by Pluto


Kyungjoon is struggling. He's doing everything he can to keep it together while out on the beat as a police officer, but the moment he gets back to his empty apartment, he's forced to remember that his girlfriend and fiance have died. He spends evenings mourning her death while recreating moments of their life together and tending to the plants she left behind. Kyungjoon is stuck, with no sign of moving forward, not that he even wants to, to begin with. Thankfully, the rising threat of a cult keeps him busy, but the nights are still lonely.

He's at home alone, as always, when something comes flying in from the balcony, breaking into his apartment. Rather than fearing for his safety, he's more worried about the plants that have been destroyed. He can't focus on this new loss for long, though, as a strange, humanoid, demonic creature appears before him alongside another demon. They're discussing all kinds of things like “doors,” “mana,” and “war,” but none of it makes any sense to Kyungjoon. Then, before he can even begin to wrap his head around this chaotic scenario, Kyungjoon feels immense pain, so strong he feels that he's ripped apart from the inside out.

As it turns out, he has become the door for the king of the western faction of hell, Cain. What does it mean to be a door? He is the way the demon king can go to hell and back to the earthly realm. Cain can open the door with a spell, which is the terrible pain Kyungjoon was subjected to. Or, he can use much more… pleasurable methods. Will Kyungjoon be able to maintain his dignity and sanity amid this civil war in hell, or will he meet the fate of every cultist that has been a door thus far and die?

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Manhwa Review | Love Shuttle by Aeju

Title: Love Shuttle

Doyun feels like he's only a half-omega. From the time he was small, it was clear he wouldn't be the standard, stereotypical omega. As the youngest of four, all his older brothers being alphas, he was the strongest and tallest. What's worse is that he has never gone into heat, which means he can't get pregnant, nor can he sense or put out pheromones to attract alphas. Doyun isn't all that concerned, content with his life as it is, though it does bother him when people assume he is an alpha based solely on his build. The main worry is that one day he might randomly manifest and won't be able to protect himself, but there is no sign of that happening anytime soon, so Doyun isn't all that worried about it.

One evening, after having his regular scuffles at work with his coworker Taehan, Doyun is hanging out at home, trying to sleep, when he is struck with a panicky feeling. His body is heating up, and his heart is racing. He's never felt anything like this before, but he's pretty sure he knows what this is: his first heat. He calls his doctor, who rushes over, only to find that the feeling he had is gone. The following day, at an after-work dinner with his , Doyun sits beside Taehan when that feeling hits him again. This time, though, he puts out pheromones that everyone at the table can smell. The only one who realizes it's coming from Doyun is Taehan, and when Doyun attempts to leave on his own, Taehan follows.

Rather than Taehan taking advantage of Doyun, Doyun ends up pouncing on Taehan, leading to Doyun's first night in full heat with an alpha. The next day, panicked, Doyun rushes away from Taehan, hoping he'll just forget the whole thing. While they agree to put it behind them, Doyun's body doesn't seem interested in forgetting, going into heat over and over again whenever Taehan is near. Why can't Doyun seem to escape Taehan's allure?

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Manhwa Review | I’m Yours, Blood and Soul by GyaGa

Title: I'm Yours, Blood and Soul

Deok Bokhee is a vampire. At least once a week, if not more, he goes out to the clubs on the hunt for his next meal. He ends up with an impressive catch that leads to a steamy moment in the bathroom, then evolves to an even steamier time in a hotel room. The two are very compatible, which makes this meal all the more delectable. Bokhee is just about to take a bite of his prey when, out of nowhere, the man he's in bed with sprouts little black wings. As it turns out, the man he thought was a human is a demon, also on the hunt for a meal.

Kim Mariam is that demon. While the sex was great, the prey wasn't what he expected. Thankfully, are just as edible as humans, if not more so, since vampires are immortal and have multiple souls inside them, thanks to their own hunger, often causing the death of others. So, Mariam isn't all that put off, but Bokhee seems to be beyond disgusted. After Bokhee goes off to shower, Mariam takes a moment to rifle through Bokhee's belongings, discovering an unusual bottle among his things. Thirsty and not worried about what's in the bottle since he's immortal, he gulps it down.

Unfortunately, that was a bottle of Bokhee's 500-year-old vampire blood, and whoever drinks it creates a link with Bokhee that will make it so Bokhee can only drink from that person. Bokhee is beyond upset, as the only way to break the link is for one of them to die. As a demon, Mariam will never die, and Bokhee is not interested in dying. So these two are now forced together, and while Bokhee desperately wants out of this contract, Mariam seems all too happy to be linked to the resistant vampire. All while they are struggling to deal with this new connection, there is a serial killer whose murders resemble a vampire killing, and that puts Bokhee in the crosshairs of the police.

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Manga Review | Beast’s Storm: Touch Me Baby! by Morry Kuroi

Title: Beast's Storm: Touch Me Baby!

With a set of twins and Shouta, Akira and Sougo's life is full of happiness and the joyous chaos this bustling family brings. One downside of their growing family is that it's much harder to have sexy time now with Shouta and the babies interrupting them at every turn. Sougo is all the more troubled by the fact that Akira is giving off postpartum pheromones, making him all the more alluring to both Sougo and every other Bestia around. Unfortunately, things are about to get a lot tougher when he has to return to work, and in the midst of it, he runs into none other than Sougo's half-brother. And Sougo's half-brother has Akira in his sights as a potential mother to his children.

On the other side are Doctor Kurosaki and Kirigaya. Even though Kirigaya is still a bristly spitfire with Doctor Kurosaki, the doctor isn't dissuaded from pursuing him in the least. It isn't until the other nurses mention how often Kirigaya made his way through earless lovers that Kirigaya begins to see the doctor differently. However, to the doctor's chagrin, it isn't as a potential lover but as a threat. Why is Kirigaya so jumpy around earless men? And can Doctor Kurosaki overcome Kirigaya's fears so he has a chance with him?

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