Manhwa Review | Kiss the Bride by Zig

Title: Kiss the Bride

Javier has worked towards one goal: becoming Duke. But even after his father’s death, the position is still out of his grasp. His father left behind a stipulation: Javier must get married to claim his birthright. Javier is disgusted. He has no intention of marrying anyone and having an heir any time soon, but that is the one barrier keeping him from obtaining what he’s been working toward his whole life. He’s unwilling to give up but doesn’t know how to proceed without giving in and marrying a woman. In the middle of his frustration, he catches sight of someone he hasn’t seen in years, Jaewon. Jaewon was someone he played tennis with long ago, and it’s then that it occurs to Javier that while he has to get married, there was nothing in the stipulations that said it had to be a woman. With a new plan in mind, Javier sets out to find Jaewon.

Jaewon, meanwhile, is struggling. He was once a prolific tennis player, but after an unfortunate accident, he can no longer play and deals with chronic pain. What little relief he gets is from smoking weed, which is illegal, but it’s the only thing that keeps him comfortable. While trying to live his life, he finds himself bombarded by news regarding Javier, a man he has fostered a secret love for since they met. Imagine his surprise when he gets home and finds Javier waiting for him in his living room. Instantly, Jaewon internally questions whether or not this is a sign that Javier might love him, especially when Javier tells him they’re going to get married. But Javier draws the line. This is just to get around his father’s posthumous rules.

Jaewon, despite knowing there probably isn’t hope, wonders if this isn’t all because Javier might have feelings for him. So, he makes Javier swear that he won’t have sex while they’re married. Begrudgingly, Javier accepts but promises to make their time a living hell together. Jaewon accepts, and so the two begin their false marriage. Javier is an asshole, but Jaewon can’t stop loving him.

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Manhwa Review | Define the Relationship by Flona

Title: Define the Relationship

Karlyle is the first son of the noble Frost family. Unfortunately, unlike his younger brother, he wasn’t born a dominant alpha. However, due to some traumatic events in the past, Kyle, Karlyle’s brother, can no longer be the heir to the Frost family. So, even as a subpar alpha, Karlyle feels compelled to fall in line and take over Kyle’s mantle. Unfortunately, this means neverending ruts with strange omegas so he doesn’t fall in love with subpar omegas, a future arranged marriage, and children, whether he wants them or not. The stress and pressure are debilitating, leading to an unfortunate condition where Karlyle is unable to finish with his sexual partners.

This inevitably gets back to his grandfather, the family patriarch, who sends Karlyle to the family doctor. Any illness is considered a weakness, something unacceptable in the Frost noble family. So Karlyle is willing to do anything to fix the issue. But when his doctor suggests having sex with a partner that doesn’t feel a duty, Karlyle is stunned. That means not having sex with omegas and being the receptive partner with an alpha instead. Karlyle can’t imagine how such a thing would help, but then he meets the suggested partner. His name is Ash Jones, and this actually isn’t the first encounter Karlyle has had with him.

It was New Year’s night, and when the countdown began, Karlyle and Ash shared a kiss as total strangers, never to meet each other again. Ash doesn’t seem to recognize Karlyle, which might be for the best. While Karlyle and Ash will be sharing many intimate days together, their contract will inevitably end, and Karlyle can’t afford to fall in love. But can Karlyle keep from falling in love when Ash is such a romantic gentleman?

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Manhwa Review | Delivery Complete by Lee Sona

Title: Delivery Complete

Eujae Lim is an erotic BL writer. To help inspire him and help him out in the bedroom, he frequently orders various adult toys online. When he receives the delivery notification, he excitedly rushes to his front door to get it. But when he opens the door, he finds nothing. After some investigation with the deliveryman, Eujae finds that his package was mistakenly delivered to his neighbor’s door. No big deal. He heads over, knocks, and requests his package.

But what he gets back is not a perfectly intact package. Instead, it’s open, and his neighbor is giving him quite a look. Horrified, humiliated, and thoroughly embarrassed, Eujae is ready to run and hide. Before he goes, though, his neighbor issues a warning. If another of his pervy packages ends up at his door, he’ll use it on Eujae. Eujae is determined to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Yet the next delivery he gets isn’t at his door, and his neighbor is already waiting for him. Just who is this guy, and why won’t he leave Eujae alone?

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Manhwa Review | Checkmate by TAN

Title: Checkmate

Lee Soohyun’s life has been guided by one thing: his inferiority complex. But this inferiority really only took root when he was in . It was then his position as first in academics was shaken by Jung Eunsung. Suddenly, Soohyun goes from first to second, and when this only source of pride he has left is gone, he becomes nothing more than a pariah among his classmates, who incessantly pick on him for being a social outcast and the fallen first place. Soohyun has no choice but to focus all of his hate and sorrow on the source of all of his trouble: Eunsung.

For the remainder of their high school careers, Soohyun is in a one-sided rivalry with Eunsung, never once able to trump him. So, this grand rivalry ends with a whisper as the two graduate, attend different colleges, and presumably move along with their adult lives. But even after all this time, Eunsung is never far from Soohyun’s mind. So, when Eunsung suddenly makes headlines as an art thief, Soohyun drops everything to reconnect with his rival. He quits his job, gets one as a reporter, and starts hunting down Eunsung and how he fell so far. But Soohyun doesn’t plan on stopping there.

Soohyun wants to save Eunsung from all his problems, only so Soohyun can tear Eunsung down into the mud with him. But Soohyun soon finds out that the art world that Eunsung has been sucked into is much darker and more deplorable than Soohyun could have ever imagined. Will Soohyun even be able to keep himself safe?

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Manhwa Review | Park Hanhoo’s Manager by KIM TAC

Title: Park Hanhoo's Manager

Baek Chansol has finally moved back to his home country. The only reason he left was because, as a teenager, the infamous serial killer August murdered everyone at his orphanage, leaving him as the sole survivor. Fearing August might return to finish the job, Chansol was carted out of the country. But Chansol didn’t spend that time hiding. He’s spent all of his time looking for information about August because he plans to get revenge for the family he destroyed, and now that he’s back in the country, his first step is to get a job at weapon manufacturer UM.

Why? Because there is an employee there that supposedly has been hunting for information on August, too, and Chansol wants to steal as much of that information as possible. But that isn’t the only mission Chansol has. Before Chansol had to escape the country, he had a friend named Park Hanhoo. Chansol promised Hanhoo he would be by his side forever, but he obviously had broken that promise. So, Chansol wants to find his one and only friend to finally make amends for this broken promise. While Chansol is determined to achieve both goals, his new boss at UM might make it rather difficult.

Han Yooem is violent and unrestrained. He happily confines people, is willing to stab someone on a whim, and even tests out UM weapons on random citizens. Plus, most of UM’s top clients are either the government or mafia members, so every day is a risk for Chansol. But maybe the strangest of all is Yooem’s weird obsession with Chansol. Everything seems to be a game to Yooem, and even when he’s aware of all of Chansol’s plans to steal and invade his privacy, Yooem only encourages him. Just what is Yooem up to? And will Chansol ever be able to find August and his friend?

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Manhwa Review | Blind Play by YD

Title: Blind Play

Ah-in wants one thing: love. Coming from an abusive home, eventually orphaned due to his abusive father’s death, and then experiencing intense prejudice due to being an orphan, true love is something Ah-in has never experienced and desperately wants. He does have a boyfriend, but even in this relationship, Ah-in knows the love is one-sided. His boyfriend, a student, frequently exchanges money with Ah-in for sex and affection. Ah-in is fully aware of this arrangement, yet he still wants love from him. So, he continues to pay his boyfriend, hoping one day that this fake love will become something real.

Unfortunately, his boyfriend’s tastes are pretty rich, and Ah-in’s only means of affording his expensive expectations is selling his body. In Korea, the only way to become a licensed massage therapist is to be visually disabled. So, Ah-in pretends to be blind and picks up customers under the guise of giving them a massage, only to have sex with them. He makes good money doing so and gets some nice items he gives his boyfriend as gifts after stealing them from his clients. Most of his customers are in upper society, so he doesn’t worry much about his safety.

But then he gets picked up by prolific author Seo Ilmo. Ah-in isn’t worried at first, but then the author begins to test him, holding out his hand, trying to point him around places, offering things to him without a word, as if he knows Ah-in isn’t actually blind. It’s uncomfortable but not the worst thing in the world, and Ah-in does his best to keep up the charade. But Ah-in is really put to the test when he enters Ilmo’s apartment, only to find a rotting corpse on the couch. It’s the ultimate game of cat and mouse as Ilmo tries to scare Ah-in into revealing his is fake so he can kill him. At the same time, Ah-in maintains the ruse, determined to survive each and every encounter while trying to expose Ilmo for the murderer he is.

It’s a deadly game of lust and blood. Who will win?

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Manhwa Review | Love or Hate by Youngha

Title: Love or Hate

Haesoo is in a rut. He used to be highly praised as a young writer, considered a prodigy, and expected to do amazing things even at a young age. But after some good progress with writing smutty stories in a column, his work has become stale, and his column is gone. Frustrated but unsure what to do, Haesoo works freelance for a gossip magazine. His professional life seems to mimic his personal one, too. He’s also in a relationship rut with none other than famous actor Choi Joowon. But to Haesoo, Joowon isn’t an actor: he’s his stepbrother and casual sex partner.

The two have gone from mortal enemies in their teens to each other’s firsts, only to become whatever this cold and casual situationship is as adults. Haesoo loves Joowon, but he hates him, too. He hates that Joowon is more successful than he is, that Joowon still has this hold on him, and that he won’t ever love him. Haesoo jumps from relationship to relationship, but in the end, he runs back to Joowon – or Joowon runs back to him. It’s a neverending cycle of pleasure and pain that Haesoo can’t see a way out of.

That is until he’s tasked with interviewing mysterious and provocative photographer K. K, whose real name is Song Taekyung, is strange. He stares at Haesoo as if he’s looking at something Haesoo wants to keep hidden. But there is a strange magnetism between the two of them that Haesoo just can’t seem to shake. Is the photographer Haesoo’s chance to break out of this rut, both professionally and personally? Or will his obsession with Joowon hold him back?

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Manhwa Review | Third Ending by chovom

Title: Third Ending

This review is for Third Ending, the all-ages main story, and Third Ending – Extended, the mature side story. The main story can be read without the extended content.

Yoonseul is being haunted. No, not by a ghost. His past is haunting him. Back in , Yoonseul was unnecessarily cruel to a fellow classmate, and ever since, the boy has haunted his dreams. It’s not every night, but on the nights the boy does show up, Yoonseul is cursed to have a bad day. Whether it’s something as small as spilling his coffee or even more major having his work files deleted, the day is bound to go wrong when he sees that boy in his dreams.

As expected, after a night of haunting dreams, he spends the day fielding problem after problem, leading to Yoonseul working well into the night. But even when he’s done with work, it happens to be his turn to pick up sandwich bread for his siblings whom he lives with, so his night gets even longer as he goes out to shop. Almost every nearby is closed already, but by chance, a bakery a few minutes away is on the cusp of closing for the day.

Relieved that the end of his day is finally in sight, Yoonseul goes in, grabs the first loaf of bread he sees, and then goes up to pay. But as he’s about to pull out his card, he finds the cashier staring at him. Yoonseul can’t begin to understand why until he realizes that the cashier is none other than Kang Jun, the boy, now a man, who haunts his dreams. Is this just one more curse from his dreams? Or is this the key to finally ending the nightmares for good? Yoonseul wants to know, but Kang Jun doesn’t seem at all interested in getting to know Yoonseul again.

Can Yoonseul win Kang Jun’s favor so he can finally apologize? Or is their past too painful to overcome?

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Manhwa Review | Rix Vanus by Chanseong

Title: Rix Vanus

The royal family’s third child, second son, Rix Vanus, has just returned home after defeating the demon king, a monstrous demon who had been consuming human hearts to gain power. The people celebrate him as a hero, but those nobles who hoped he would die quietly return to plotting how best to remove him from power. Rix isn’t worried about trying to survive, though. After killing the demon king, Rix was cursed with dreams full of sexual assault and rape at the hands of his closest friends and family. He’s grown weak, trying his best to avoid sleep, and the dreams are beginning to mix with reality, causing him to avoid and rebuff any support from those he holds dear. Rix is ready to run off and either find a cure or die trying, but while sleeping in the woods, he encounters a glowing wolf that makes all terrible dreams disappear.

When he wakes up, he reencounters the wolf. The wolf explains that he is a divine beast named Nuah, and he has the ability to stave off the curse for a period of time. But the only way to do it is if Nuah has sex with Rix. Rix is not keen on that idea; sex is no longer a pleasurable experience after the endless nights of rape-filled dreams. Still, Rix is desperate, and he ends up agreeing. As Nuah promised, the dreams stop for a time, but only for a while. He still has to find a cure, and with Nuah by his side, it seems it might be a real possibility. In exchange, all Nuah wants is to see a festival. Rix finds Nuah to be silly and not all that divine for a divine beast, but over time, those are the things he falls in love with.

But love could never happen between a divine beast and a human. At least, that’s what Rix believes. Nuah, though, is under no assumptions about who can or can’t fall in love.

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Manhwa Review | Love So Pure by Plan B

Title: Love So Pure

Jihyun isn’t the best student. He’d prefer to just have sex, sleep, and work at his part-time job as a bartender, but his mother wants nothing more than for her son to get an education. So, after taking extended periods off, he’s forced to return to or risk being expelled entirely. But it isn’t necessarily that he hates school that he took so much time off. In reality, Jihyun has gone through a traumatic event with an ex-boyfriend, where much of his personal and private information was leaked, forcing him to leave or risk being bullied and ostracized by his peers. With so much time having passed, Jihyun is hopeful that most people who knew about the situation have graduated or, at the very least, moved on from campus.

Still, he’s not looking forward to waking up early and attending class. However, some of that frustration is alleviated when he finds that one of his classmates, Yohan, is a hulking beefcake – his soldier, as he likes to refer to him. Jihyun would love nothing more than to climb around that giant tree of a man, but he’s pretty sure Yohan is straight. Thankfully for Jihyun, Yohan finds himself entranced by Jihyun, too. But the two want very different things. Yohan, a softy at heart, wants to woo and date Jihyun, and while Jihyun, deep down, would love a relationship, he feels he is incapable of having one due to his trauma. Can these two find common ground, or will they perpetually be stuck in situationship limbo?

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