OEL Comic Review | Achilles and the Boy Next Door by Twoony

Title: Achilles and the Boy Next Door

Adrian Brent is a physical therapist. He does his best to keep a peaceful life of solitude, and not just because he's an introvert. Adrian's real identity is actually Achilles, the Greek warrior from legend. For whatever reason, Achilles hasn't aged a single day and, as a result, has experienced all manner of history, both violent and peaceful. Tired of all of the loss that unending life comes along with, Achilles would love nothing more than to work, make money, and live a quiet life. But these plans go out the window when a new neighbor moves into Adrian's building.

This new neighbor is none other than vibrant and extroverted social media influencer Harper Holmes. Adrian doesn't know him, but many people do, which leads to all manner of people coming and disrupting the peace, whether it be obsessive fans or raucous party-goers. Whoever Harper is, Adrian is ready for him to move along so he can go back to his quiet life. But no matter how hard Adrian tries, he can't seem to escape Harper and all of his chaos. After an unexpected wrist injury to Harper ignites Adrian's medical inclinations, the two end up spending far more time together than Adrian would prefer.

Unfortunately for Adrian, as they spend more time together, he finds himself drawn into Harper's orbit. But can a man who lives forever allow himself to be hurt by love's brevity once again? More importantly, can Adrian figure out why it seems Harper can read his very thoughts?

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Manhwa Review | @puppy_love by Hamnya

Title: @puppy_love

Seoyun is an online influencer. After a picture of him went viral and was passed around his school, Seoyun had to quit school, leave his family, and go into hiding on his own. Thankfully, with the image going viral, he was able to rebound into an online career under the moniker Mr. Puppy. With his whole world revolving around the internet, Mr. Puppy doesn't have to leave his home for much, which he is fine with. Yet, as the days go on, Mr. Puppy's loneliness also grows.

Mr. Puppy isn't lonely for long, though. One day, he receives an inappropriate DM from a medical student named Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo likes cute things, and Mr. Puppy fits the bill. Yeonwoo also fits Mr. Puppy's preferences, and they start an online relationship with Yeonwoo as a master and Mr. Puppy as his pet. While this satisfies for a time, it isn't long before they crave more. Can their relationship survive the transition from an online fling to a physical one? And can love grow from a master-pet relationship?

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