OEL Comic Review | Achilles and the Boy Next Door by Twoony

Title: Achilles and the Boy Next Door

Adrian Brent is a physical therapist. He does his best to keep a peaceful life of solitude, and not just because he's an introvert. Adrian's real identity is actually Achilles, the Greek warrior from legend. For whatever reason, Achilles hasn't aged a single day and, as a result, has experienced all manner of history, both violent and peaceful. Tired of all of the loss that unending life comes along with, Achilles would love nothing more than to work, make money, and live a quiet life. But these plans go out the window when a new neighbor moves into Adrian's building.

This new neighbor is none other than vibrant and extroverted social media influencer Harper Holmes. Adrian doesn't know him, but many people do, which leads to all manner of people coming and disrupting the peace, whether it be obsessive fans or raucous party-goers. Whoever Harper is, Adrian is ready for him to move along so he can go back to his quiet life. But no matter how hard Adrian tries, he can't seem to escape Harper and all of his chaos. After an unexpected wrist injury to Harper ignites Adrian's medical inclinations, the two end up spending far more time together than Adrian would prefer.

Unfortunately for Adrian, as they spend more time together, he finds himself drawn into Harper's orbit. But can a man who lives forever allow himself to be hurt by love's brevity once again? More importantly, can Adrian figure out why it seems Harper can read his very thoughts?

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Manga Review | The Guy Next Door’s Just My Type by Yuita Honda

Title: The Guy Next Door's Just My Type

Takanashi is a hardworking programmer. He's tired and worn out, but he's proud of what he does, and as long as he can get home and get a good night's sleep, he's okay with working as much as he does. Unfortunately, he lives next to playboy Akemi. Akemi being a playboy means he has a new girl at his house almost every night, and those women get loud, making it impossible for Takanashi to get a good night's sleep.

The first time, Takanashi finds it funny. The second time, it's a bit annoying but more impressive than anything else. By the tenth night or more, Takanashi is livid. After asking Akemi to keep it down, only for his request to be ignored, Takanashi realizes he has to take extreme actions. So he goes over to Akemi's apartment, fully intending to put Akemi in his place.

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Manhwa Review | The Pain in My Neck by Face Park

Title: The Pain in My Neck

Kim Sumin has not been feeling well. He's sick constantly, to the point that he can barely leave his apartment, and has been forced to take a leave of absence from work to heal. He goes to the hospital and gets a battery of tests to solve the problem, only to be told there's nothing wrong with him. But his pain is very much real and debilitating. With no hope in sight, Sumin is unsure how to live a fulfilling life.

On his way back to his apartment, he catches sight of his neighbor, seemingly making out with another person in broad daylight. Sumin is initially grossed out until his neighbor looks his way, revealing they aren't kissing. Instead, his neighbor, Lee Luhan, is a vampire, and he is feeding. Sumin knows he should run away, but he's too stunned to do anything, and with his secret revealed, Luhan doesn't feel like he has to hold himself back anymore.

He can smell that Sumin is full of bad blood, which is causing his illness. All Luhan has to do is suck it out, and Sumin will be healed. Will Sumin be willing to give himself over to a vampire, or will he just bear with the pain?

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Manga Review | Restart After Growing Hungry by cocomi

Title: Restart After Growing Hungry

Yamato and Mitsuomi have been together for three years, having only known each other for four years. They spend almost every moment they can together, and though they've never labeled their relationship, they don't question what they mean to each other and are just content being in each other's presence. That is until they attend their friend Harada's wedding together. During the reception, it becomes clear that word of their relationship has gotten around, but thanks to Harada and Yamato, the pair avoid being outed among their peers. Still, with so many people aware and such great effort being taken to diminish their role in each other's lives, Mitsuomi can't help but wonder how Yamato sees their relationship.

It gets even more confusing when Mitsuomi's mother brings up the new partnership system their prefecture has accepted. While it doesn't function the same as marriage, it does help legitimize same-sex couples in the local government's eyes. Mitsuomi doesn't see much point in it since it doesn't provide any benefits that traditional marriage does, but he can't help but bring it up to Yamato just to see his reaction. Shockingly, Yamato seems put off by the idea and makes it clear that he is happy with their relationship as it stands. That was no different than Mitsuomi's own reaction, but for some reason, hearing it from Yamato hurts Mitsuomi.

Just what are they to each other, and does Yamato actually love Mitsuomi like Mitsuomi thinks he does?

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Manga Review | Restart After Coming Back Home by cocomi

Title: Restart After Coming Back Home

Mitsuomi, from the time he was a teen, has had one goal: escape his small town and make it in Tokyo. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done, as time and time again, Mitsuomi's anger gets the better of him. Once again, he gets fired and has no other choice but to return home to stay with his parents. While he has always avoided staying in the countryside and taking over his family's business, at the age of twenty-five, with no other direction in his life, that might be his only option, if his dad will even give him the opportunity.

While bemoaning his fate, Mitsuomi meets an unfamiliar face, which is odd for his hometown. The young man is Yamato, adopted by Mitsuomi's long-term neighbor and farmer who never did have children of his own. Yamato is the same age as Mitsuomi, but his life seems completely put together, with Yamato helping his adoptive father out in the fields and making deliveries around town, all with a smile on his face. However, no matter how well-integrated Yamato is in this rural town, everyone still whispers, questioning his reliability as an outsider.

Mitsuomi can't stand the judgment and makes it his mission to befriend Yamato. But no matter how hard Mitsuomi tries, there are walls around Yamato that he just can't seem to tear down. More importantly, this mission of friendship has evolved into something deeper for Mitsuomi. He doesn't just like Yamato as a friend. He's steadily falling in love.

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Manga Review | Do Black Cats Dream of Wolf Princes? by udon nodu

Title: Do Black Cats Dream of Wolf Princes?

The world is split into canines and felines. Within each group are multiple species, such as wolves and dogs in the canines and tigers and cats in the felines. Aoi is a common housecat, so he's not all that rare or in demand. That's fine with Aoi, though. He's not looking for just any partner. He wants the best. Aoi, since he was a child, has dreamed of meeting his prince charming. While he looked for those partners in storybooks as a child, as an adult, his attention has been drawn to something a little less wholesome: . Particularly porn with the prolific porn actor and wolf Yukio. Yukio is his dream prince, and he's determined to meet him, and his first step in doing so is joining the porn industry as an assistant director.

Unfortunately, the world isn't all that kind to felines, seeing them as sexual objects more than people. On the set of a porn shoot, the feline that was supposed to come in cannot make it. Due to scheduling conflicts, the canine actor must also leave, meaning the studio and the staff are all needlessly being paid for. Desperate, the director that day decides to try and force Aoi into the role despite him being adamant that he's not interested. As he's about to be drugged with catnip and potentially raped by the staff, Yukio, the wolf prince, comes in to save the day.

Much more willing, now that he's finally met his prince, Aoi gives over his first time to none other than Yukio, which is a dream come true. After it's all said and done, though, Yukio turns out to be anything but a prince. Instead, he's cold and rude and makes it clear that he isn't interested in the least. Aoi is heartbroken and begins to question if there even is such a thing as a prince charming. But Aoi isn't one to give up so easily. He's determined to find prince charming, whether with the fake wolf prince or someone else.

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Manga Review | I Love my Best Friend by Washio Tobi

Title: I Love my Best Friend

Yoichi has been in love with Shige for as long as he can remember. Shige was the first person he came out to in , and though Shige was accepting and Yoichi also planned on confessing his feelings at the same time, Shige also made it clear he didn't understand why a man would love another man. Knowing that confessing to Shige would probably mean the end of their relationship, Yoichi buries his love. If he can't be with Shige romantically, he at least wants to maintain their friendship. It's painful, but being with Shige any way Yoichi can is worth it.

But his efforts are dashed when Shige approaches him with an odd request: “Let me eat your dick.” Apparently, after suddenly noticing the man in the he was watching, he wondered if the woman actually enjoyed giving oral sex or not. Wanting to see for himself if it's as enjoyable as it seems, Shige wants to try it out on the only person he believes he can trust and who might enjoy it: Yoichi. To say Yoichi is shocked would be an understatement. He's so shocked that he can't resist when Shige goes on with his plan.

After all is said and done, can Yoichi continue to be friends with Shige? Or has this physical relationship gone one step too far? One thing's for sure: No matter how hard he's tried, his love for Shige has never been buried.

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Manga Review | Rough and Tumble Hana and His Lovey-Dovey Boyfriend by Nene Shakeda

Title: Rough and Tumble Hana and His Lovey-Dovey Boyfriend

Hanamaru (also known as Hana) and Wataru have been friends for as long as they can remember. Even with Hana being a year older, they were closer than anyone else to each other, and as they grew up together, next door to each other, that closeness only grew. One day, in , their friendship reaches a fever pitch when Wataru confesses that he is in love with Hana and wants to be with him as his boyfriend. Hana readily agrees.

All is well in their world, but Hana is still bothered. Absolutely nothing is different, even though they're dating now. While Hana has never thought much about what it means to be with a man, he wants to explore it together with Wataru. So, with the help of his older brothers, Hana makes it a point to take their relationship to the next level. Their relationship is important, but while trying to better their intimate relationship, their school lives are strained as teachers and peers tell Wataru that Hana is a bad influence. Hana just wants to help support Wataru.

Can their relationship survive the influence of others? Or will they succumb to peer pressure?

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Manhwa Review | Siren’s Song by Clarju

Title: Siren's Song

Yul has lived his entire life hopelessly strung along by others. “Lived” is a generous term. With his life never fully in his control, he has always been forced to follow the whims and commands of those around him. Even as an adult, that hasn't changed. He currently lives in an apartment owned by his adopted brother, who has an unhealthy obsession with him that goes beyond a sibling relationship. In that home, alone and unable to leave, Yul spends his day under surveillance and composing music that is presented to the world under his brother's name. His only solace is out on the apartment balcony, where he can sing and smoke to his heart's content.

Yul's small world is rocked, though, when one evening on the balcony, his singing is overheard by a neighbor on the balcony above. The neighbor Luan is immediately drawn to Yul for an inexplicable reason. However, Yul allows Luan to begin his plan for revenge against everyone who made his life hell, even if he has to destroy Yul in the process. Luan doesn't expect that as he grows closer to Yul and begins to uncover the history behind his existence, Luan not only wants revenge for himself but for Yul as well. But what he fears more than anything now is losing or hurting Yul amid his vengeful warpath.

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Manhwa Review | Rain Again by Jeong Seokchan

Title: Rain Again

Wujin is living life listlessly. He goes through the motions, just enough to stay alive and keep a roof over his head. He's a recent graduate with no thoughts or feelings about his future. To escape the past that has placed him in this frozen state, he moves as far away as his funds will allow him. One day, while running an errand for his new landlord around the apartment building, he runs into his neighbor, Jin. Jin is a mysterious man. He comes home more often with wounds than not, with looks that could kill.

Most people would be dissuaded from getting close to him. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Wujin is drawn to him. As Wujin tears down the walls of this mystery man, he discovers that Jin is much more gentle and caring than he lets on. He also has a darker past that he is doing his best to escape. What Wujin doesn't expect is for Jin to turn around and tear down his walls, as well. With two people suffering from mistakes they can't escape, will they continue to run together, or will they run apart?

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