Manga Review | The Demon And The Goblin’s Love Story by Tengoku

Title: The Demon And The Goblin's Love Story

Kurama is a demon who protects the mountain he lives on. His existence is a lonely one, as he's often joined only by the animals that call the mountain home too. But he spends his time fulfilling his duties, patrolling the mountain, and ensuring everything is as it should be. On one such patrol, however, he finds that his mountain is not as it should be. There's trash and garbage littering the mountainside. Enraged, Kurama takes his time to clean it all up, then he goes on the hunt to find just who caused it.

Much to his chagrin, he discovers a gang of taking refuge in a cave on the mountain. Kurama has dealt with goblins before, and it has never gone well. Still, this is his mountain to protect, so he takes the bag of trash and confronts the goblins. Immediately, he's introduced to their leader, Hijiri, who apologizes on his people's behalf. They have no intention of harming the mountain and hope Kurama will allow them to stay. It's a pleasant surprise, to say the least.

While Kurama is pleased that his mountain will be protected, he's more taken by Hijiri. For the first time ever, Kurama is hopelessly in love with the goblin leader. But how can an awkward demon win over someone so charming?

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Manga Review | Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love by Abuku

Title: Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love

Sakutarou is a human omega. Though male omegas aren't necessarily uncommon, there is still a bit of a social stigma around men being with other men and carrying children. As if that wasn't difficult enough, Sakutarou also has an unusual fetish: noncon beastmen porn. Since he was small, Sakutarou adored beastmen, but that innocent admiration soon grew into an undeniable attraction. The odds of him finding a human alpha partner who likes omega men are already slim. The odds of him finding a beastman alpha partner who'd be attracted to humans are even slimmer still. Interspecies couples aren't unusual, but marriage and long-term partnerships are rare and seen as a bit strange by the majority.

So, Sakutarou keeps his attractions to himself until he happens to start his heat a few days early. While out on the street, he ends up being picked up by beastman. The beastman carts Sakutarou away to a hotel, where the two have unbelievable sex. When Sakutarou finally comes around, the beastman makes an even more unbelievable claim: he believes Sakutarou is his fated mate. It's everything Sakutarou could've ever wanted, but it's almost overwhelming in how ideal it all is. Can Sakutarou find it in himself to accept who he is and the love that this beastman wants to give him? Or will he self-sabotage and run away from his happiness?

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Manhwa Review | Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits by Donggobi

Title: Cheeky Habits of My Rabbits

Haru is Habibi's pet rabbit. They found each other when they needed each other the most and have been dedicated to one another ever since. However, Habibi doesn't know that she didn't rescue just any rabbit. Haru is actually a member of the rabbit tribe, a tribe of humans that can shift their forms between human and rabbit. Haru is not a pet rabbit, but he loves Habibi like family. So, he spends his days making sure she gets up and ready for work, and then, when she's away, he cleans the house and cooks her meals. When she comes home in the evenings tired and usually drunk, he makes sure she gets to bed, and the whole routine starts over again the next day. It's a lot of work, but Haru does it willingly because he loves Habibi.

Unfortunately, Haru spends most of his time alone in Habibi's house. Feeling bad for Haru, Habibi decides to get a female rabbit to be Haru's bride. Once again, she doesn't realize that the rabbit she gets is another member of the rabbit tribe. She also fails to notice that the rabbit is not a female. It is actually none other than a prince of the rabbit tribe, Neungso. He has been sent out of the Rabbit Kingdom on a quest alongside his brother to determine who will take the Rabbit Kingdom's throne. The quest is simple: Neungso has to find the fabled Moon Rabbit, a god born on Earth, to provide longevity and fertility to the rabbit kingdom.

Haru, the suspected Moon Rabbit, is not at all what Neungso expected, and, as a half-breed (a half-human half-were-rabbit), Neungso feels he was sent to Haru because they knew Haru wasn't the Moon Rabbit. First off, Haru is male, and though the Moon Rabbit can give birth regardless of gender, Neungso can't imagine they would actually be a man. Next, Haru is far too silly (yet perceptive) to be the Moon Rabbit. Not to mention, he's cute… Well, even if he isn't the Moon Rabbit, Neungso can still find him cute, right?

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Manga Review | My Bias Is A God!? by Fuyu Touji

Title: My Bias Is A God!?

Mamori is an idol superfan. His favorite group is Gods, a relatively new and temporary idol group. Despite their name, they aren't Gods, but in Mamori's world, Gods often live among humans, gathering worshipers in various ways, including the . But besides their superhuman abilities, such as and flying, Gods don't look any different from regular humans. And though Gods are a normal way of life for Mamori, he's happy that his favorite idol group is comprised of regular, hardworking humans, especially his bias, Kamui. Mamori loves seeing Kamui grow and become the ultimate idol, and he's especially excited to see him perform in person.

But during the concert, out of nowhere, it seems like Kamui talks to him and only him (despite being on stage in front of thousands of people). Kamui calls Mamori his ‘vessel,' which Mamori doesn't understand. Casting this off as a weird moment, Mamori is ready to go home after the concert, only to be approached by security and swept away to none other than Kamui's home. As it turns out, Kamui is, in fact, a God, and Mamori is his chosen vessel. What is a vessel, Mamori asks? It is the person who will literally give birth to a God's divine messenger.

And the only way for it to happen is to do it the old-fashioned way. So, not only is Mamori heartbroken that his bias is actually a God, but he's now confined away and forced to have his baby. All Mamori wanted was to be a fan. What does this mean for his future now?

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Manhwa Review | Heat of the Moment by Yensha

Title: Heat of the Moment

Yeo-heun is a goblin. He's a half-goblin, a creature that lives beyond the average human lifespan, can carry a regardless of gender, and is known to seduce and trick humans. They're feared and hated, so when Yeo-heun was small, his mother scrounged every penny she had to have a seal cast on him. Unfortunately, as a poor, single mother, she couldn't afford a complete seal, and though it sealed away the goblin part of Yeo-heun, it, unfortunately, sealed away his voice and parts of his memories, too. And, despite her best efforts, his identity as a half-goblin is still clearly visible. It can be seen by the color of his eyes: one gold and one violet. And by the color of his hair, streaked with gold. As a result, he and his mother have lived as outcasts on the outskirts of their village, avoiding everyone who wishes to bully and harm Yeo-heun.

All of that changes, however, when the new, young emperor, Ju Hee-yeon, is on the hunt for a goblin. Hee-yeon has been sickly, chronically so, to the point it is impeding his ability to lead. It's all due to his bloodline, which carries the blood of . It has manifested in Hee-yeon with fevers and painful scales along his back. It's said that only by lying with a goblin that he will be healed. So, Hee-yeon sends out a small group of soldiers who successfully hunt down Yeo-heun and bring him back to the palace, leaving his sickly mother alone. The two lie together, and, as expected, Hee-yeon's fever and pain subsides.

But beyond the newfound freedom Hee-yeon has gained thanks to Yeo-heun, Hee-yeon finds himself entranced by the half-goblin. He wants to know more about this beauty and is determined to find a way to remove Yeo-heun's seal. All the while, however, Yeo-heun longs to see his mother again. But when Hee-yeon sends out a party to find his bedmate's mother, there's no sign of her anywhere. Just what secrets lie in Yeo-heun's locked memory? And how will Hee-yeon keep the wily goblin by his side?

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OEL Comic Review | Lucifer’s Garden by HamletMachine

Title: Lucifer's Garden

Elisah is an angel. But though he is an angel, he can't help being drawn to the forbidden, specifically sex. He finds himself being drawn to the nude and lustful, which his fellow angel Gabriel chastises him for, trying to keep him in line. While out with his fellow , Elisah sees an apple, a vibrant red fruit. He's drawn to the produce, but when he reaches for it, he's captured, and his wings are clipped by devils from hell. He is then confined in a cage and chained, taken to a festival of physical pleasures, and presented as a gift to Moloch.

Moloch is initially disinterested until he sees that Elisah is an angel. Moloch fully intends to educate the broken angel on the pleasures of the flesh, sating his desires. And though Elisah has fought against these lustful wants, now that he is in hell, how could he possibly ignore the temptation?

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Manga Review | Love at First Bite by Sakana Tojo

Title: Love at First Bite

Makoto just wants someone to love. As a closeted gay man, terrified to put himself out there, that seems like an impossibility. Still, he can't help but continue to want and dream. Makoto finds himself practicing saying ‘I love you' whenever he's alone to prepare himself for the day he meets the one. It's just another night in the park when he decides to practice again. Alone, he says the words out loud, but a small boy appears out of nowhere, silently watching. Embarrassed, Makoto is just about to question the boy, only for him to pass out.

In a panic, he takes the child home and nurses him back to health. But when the child finally wakes up, rather than answering any of Makoto's questions, the child's first words are ‘I love you.' And from there, the child tells Makoto to say the words again. A week passes by, and it's clear the child Makoto ‘saved' is not a human child. Really, he isn't a child at all anymore. He's now a full-grown man named Shiro — instead, he's a full-grown demon. Shiro is a demon who feeds on words, and his favorites are the happy and loving ones from Makoto. The two live together, with Shiro feeding on Makoto's words, often begging him to say his favorites, while Makoto tries his best to keep his distance.

Makoto isn't annoyed or disturbed by Shiro. It's quite the contrary. Makoto finds himself intensely attracted to the demon, and though the demon seems attracted to him in return, he just can't work up the nerve to confess his feelings.

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Manhwa Review | Limited Run by Eeej

Title: Limited Run

Yeon-oh is not just a struggling actor. As the eldest son in his family, he is compelled to try and pay off his father's neverending gambling debt, constantly compounded and recurring thanks to loan sharks who willingly lend him money. They know his father can't pay it off, but they also know Yeon-oh will do what he can to pay it off, including providing them sexual favors. His life is a neverending rat race, and he sees no end to it until he gets invited to speak to the CEO of the conglomerate Haekang. There's no doubt what a CEO wants with a struggling actor. It's a sponsorship, which equates to a celebrity being showered with gifts and opportunities in exchange for, often, sexual and physical favors. Yeon-oh initially wants to refuse, but after being pressured by his father, he decides to go.

The CEO, Jaehyuk, decides to make the offer. But Jaehyuk tells Yeon-oh what he expects. He doesn't want just simple physical pleasure, though that would be part of it. He wants Yeon-oh to use his acting skills to pretend to be his boyfriend in public. As it turns out, Jaehyuk is determined to rebel against his grandfather and tear down the upper echelon of Haekang's public image. The ultimate goal is to ruin his grandfather, though for what reason Yeon-oh doesn't know. The two start off rocky, with Yeon-oh struggling to put on a front in public, but over time, it grows easier, and as lucrative work starts coming in, Yeon-oh's life takes a positive turn. Neither Jaehyuk nor Yeon-oh realizes that there is a growing target on Yeon-oh's back, not just from Jaehyuk's family but all of the people watching Yeon-oh.

Meanwhile, Yeon-oh is beginning to struggle not with acting or being Jaehyuk's bedmate. He's struggling with his own feelings. What started as an act is slowly beginning to feel like reality. While he knows Jaehyuk has no intention of being with him for real, Yeon-oh can't help feeling hopeful that Jaehyuk cares about him as a real lover somewhere deep inside.

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Novel Review | The Flower of Alosha by Jang Ryang

Title: The Flower of Alosha

Kay is living his best simple life as the vice captain in Lablen. He's a bit of a womanizer, enjoying the company of women, though never more than one at a time. This does come at a price, earning him the ire of his captain, who often longs for the very women that Kay ends up with. It is an annoying but small problem in his life, so Kay is relatively happy at the end of the day. But Kay's simple world is rocked when none other than the Grand Duke, Zigryl Rhyner, arrives in this small, cold region of the empire unannounced.

Zigryl is well-known for his chaotic and cruel nature, and though he isn't the emperor, his brother, the emperor, who has been ill for some time, has no successors. So, he has all the power of the emperor without the shackles of the crown. What is a man with such power and freedom doing in this snow-covered rural region of the empire? As it turns out, Zigryl, alongside his attendant Schumann, isn't here for Lablen but for the subregion of Edor, which is well-known for being dangerous and near-impossible to reach thanks to the surrounding Forest of the Dead. They are after something called the Alosha's Flower, and they need a guide to get there.

Unfortunately for Kay, as soon as Zigryl lays eyes upon him, the Grand Duke wants Kay and only Kay for the journey ahead. Kay, unable to deny the wants of someone with such power, has no choice but to acquiesce. Kay anticipates this mission will only take a few days, and then he'll be able to return and live his everyday life back in Lablen. But what Kay doesn't realize until it's far too late is that Zigryl wants Kay as a guide and a bedmate, and once he gets a taste of him, he has no intention of letting Kay go.

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Manhwa Review | The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake by Sudong

Title: The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake

Hyosin is a runaway — an adult runaway, but a runaway nonetheless. He hails from a noble family, but he just doesn't fit in, so when he gets the chance to buy his way onto a boat and escape, he does just that. Unfortunately, due to his privileged upbringing, Hyosin has a tough time surviving out in the wilds of this foreign place. But luck shines upon him when he happens upon some clothes waving in the wind on a tree branch. Needing some new clothes, Hyosin wastes no time to snatch them up.

But just when he's thanking the gods for this stroke of luck, he finds a pool of water where a beautiful naked man is bathing. The man's name is San, and he isn't alone. His seven aunts, fairies, are also bathing in the pool, and as it turns out, a thief has been stealing their jewelry while they're in the bath. San is immediately suspicious of Hyosin, his appearance being far too convenient as things are being stolen. Hyosin is quick to claim his innocence but also quick to beg for help from San. San lives nearby, and having spent far longer out in the cold than he would like, Hyosin wants nothing more than to stay with San for a while.

San is hesitant, untrusting of most humans as a half-fairy himself. However, after some gentle pressure from his aunts and pitiful pleading from Hyosin, San agrees to let Hyosin (who introduces himself as Chung) stay with him. Things start off rocky between the pair, but over time, they find that opposites do, in fact, attract. But Hyosin is still a runaway, and his brother is right on his heels. As Hyosin knows, his brother will stop at nothing to get Hyosin back — dead or alive.

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