Manga Review | Love Nest by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Love Nest

This is the third series in a shared world created by . It is recommended that you read the first and second entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.

Masato treasures his days off, often working late hours during busy seasons at work. Unfortunately, the little peace he has at home is disrupted by his upstairs , who constantly stomp around and make noise. He escapes his home to drown his sorrows at his favorite , where he complains to one of his best friends, Naruse. Naruse pokes fun and comforts Masato at the same time but ultimately ends up making him an offer he can't refuse: to move into one of his houses. Masato is all about it and immediately cancels his lease.

Just as he expected, the house is phenomenal. It has the latest entertainment system, which tickles Masato's fancy. It's impeccably clean. But more important, there are no annoying neighbors. Masato is ready to enjoy his new digs when he's suddenly face-to-face with an unexpected person: Asahi. Asahi is an older man. He's dirty, inconsiderate, and constantly steals Masato's food. What Masato thought was heaven is suddenly hell. He has gone from shitty neighbors to a shitty roommate, and Masato can't wait to find another place so he can escape Asahi.

But as he compromises and grows to learn who Asahi truly is, he finds himself softening up to the older man. But Masato has been betrayed by a straight man before. Though his heart might want Asahi, Masato isn't so willing to let it guide him that way.

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Manhwa Review | Breathing the Same Air by YUUJI

Title: Breathing the Same Air

Haeshin lives alone, and he prefers it that way. Having grown up being raised by a womanizing single father, Haeshin was used to people coming in and out of his life on a whim, and rather than deal with the same thing in his adulthood, Haeshin would prefer the solace of singledom. This also befits his sexual preference for solo anal stimulation, which he does frequently just before bed to ensure he gets a good night's rest. Unfortunately, his peaceful, homebody lifestyle ends when his former stepbrother comes to live with him.

Haeshin never wanted to live with Sangheon, but after his father, who still pays part of his rent, comes to Haeshin with Sangheon's mother in tow, Haeshin can't help but enthusiastically agree. It probably wouldn't be such a bad living arrangement if Sangheon and Haeshin didn't hate each other due to their strained relationship as children. It's even worse as adults, with Sangheon being messy, a smoker, and prone to destruction, which is entirely counter to Haeshin. Will Haeshin be able to regain his peace, or will he be stuck fighting against Sangheon for the rest of his life?

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Manga Review | The Guy Next Door’s Just My Type by Yuita Honda

Title: The Guy Next Door's Just My Type

Takanashi is a hardworking programmer. He's tired and worn out, but he's proud of what he does, and as long as he can get home and get a good night's sleep, he's okay with working as much as he does. Unfortunately, he lives next to playboy Akemi. Akemi being a playboy means he has a new girl at his house almost every night, and those women get loud, making it impossible for Takanashi to get a good night's sleep.

The first time, Takanashi finds it funny. The second time, it's a bit annoying but more impressive than anything else. By the tenth night or more, Takanashi is livid. After asking Akemi to keep it down, only for his request to be ignored, Takanashi realizes he has to take extreme actions. So he goes over to Akemi's apartment, fully intending to put Akemi in his place.

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Manga Review | Cut-Over Criteria by Koala Omugi

Title: Cut-Over Criteria

Seto is a project manager of a group of developers. The work environment is fast-paced and stressful, but he enjoys what he does. Programming for Seto is organized and formulaic, and he applies all he knows regarding programming to his daily life. The program of his life is going very well until a new bug is introduced into the system: a new hire named Jin.

Jin is a young guy who just graduated and is already super skilled. Seto likes working with him until Jin comes out and confesses that he likes Seto romantically. While Seto is fine with being attracted to men or women, he isn't ok with dating a subordinate, especially one as young as Jin. But Seto underestimates how persistent this bug in his code is.

As annoying as Jin might be, Seto finds himself not wanting to patch him out… and instead make Jin an update in his life.

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