Manhwa Review | On or Off by A1

Title: On or Off

, for some people, is a time to live it up and have fun before going out into the world and settling down. In the case of Yiyoung and his friends, it is their chance to start their own company. More specifically, they form a game development company, initially led by Yiyoung’s oldest and dearest friend, Mina. Unfortunately, due to a family issue, Mina has to leave the company to help support her family. Still, she leaves it in the hands of Yiyoung to manage the rag-tag group and make it a success with minimal funds and very little time. The goal for the company is to create a game for SJ Corporation, one of the biggest companies in the country, but they have to present the game to the company leaders, and for most of the team, social interactions aren’t their strongest suit.

In comes Yiyoung, the bubbly and affable leader. Confident in his presenting abilities and social skills, he goes out to SJ Corporation, ready to sell them their game. While preparing for the presentation, in walks Director Kang Daehyung, and he is everything Yiyoung could want in a man and more. But, unfortunately, he is also the man who has the final say on whether Yiyoung’s game is worth picking or not. Now full of nerves, Yiyoung fears the worst for the presentation but ends up starting strong. As luck would have it, though, his computer starts going through an update in the middle of the presentation. With time out and the leaders frustrated, Yiyoung is excused from the meeting with no hope of being chosen.

Disheartened, Yiyoung is prepared to call it quits and beg for forgiveness, but a sudden stroke of desperation sends him scrambling to fix his mistake for his team members. He writes up a proposal with a link to the game, sneaks it into Director Kang’s , discovers from his calendar where Director Kang will be that evening, then “coincidentally” runs into him at the bar, where he begs for another chance. Director Kang, suspicious of Yiyoung’s intentions, throws out some bait to scare him off: sleep with me, then I’ll consider your game proposal. Much to the director’s surprise, Yiyoung takes the bait. But just how far is Yiyoung willing to go for his friends? And will he be able to face the director again after their night of passion?

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Manhwa Review | Cherry Blossoms After Winter by Bamwoo

Title: Cherry Blossoms After Winter

Haebom and Taesung were best friends when they were children. Their mothers were best friends, and they spent much of their childhood together. Unfortunately, after a terrible car accident, Haebom lost both of his parents. Taesung’s mother takes in Haebom immediately and treats him as if he were her own son. Haebom, of course, sees this as a silver lining in a terrible situation and expects to grow closer to Taesung, but overhears Taesung declaring to his mother, “I don’t want Haebom to be my brother.” Stunned by the realization that Taesung may not want him around, Haebom gradually distances himself and does his best not to be a burden on his adopted family.

Ten years later, Haebom and Taesung might as well be strangers. Unfortunately, much of Haebom’s bright disposition has also faded along with their relationship, and he has become a loner. He draws the attention of some school bullies and is forced to be their lackey. Taesung is, much to Haebom’s relief, unaware of most of this since they have never been in class together… until now. In their final year of , Taesung and Haebom are now in the same class together. Still doing his best not to be a burden, Haebom does his best to hide the bullying from Taesung, but it isn’t long before Taesung catches on. Much to Haebom’s surprise, Taesung ends up stepping in and protecting him.

Why, though? Doesn’t Taesung hate him?

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Manga Review | Learning to Love at Your Feet by Atono Matsuri

Title: Learning to Love at Your Feet

In this world, there are secondary genders and sex characteristics known as dynamics. As part of dynamics, there are doms, subs, switches, and normals. Doms are those who wish to control, praise, and punish. Subs are those who want to be controlled, earn praise, and be punished. There are exceedingly rare switches, and they can take the role of either a dom or sub during play. Then, there are normals, those who aren’t inclined or in need of any dom/sub play. Kippei is a sub but would like nothing more than to be anything else.

Kippei has lived his life trying everything he can to avoid the fact that he is a sub. He’s relied on medications to keep his needs at bay, but unfortunately, the time has come. He’s developed a resistance to the meds, so now he needs to find a partner. He’s not too keen on hunting for one organically, so he signs up for a government-run matchmaking service. What are the odds that the person he is matched with is his coworker Sota? With his secondary sex exposed, Kippei agrees to establish a partnership with Sota in exchange for his discretion.

Over time, Kippei begins to learn the joys of being a sub, but as he grows closer to Sota, he wonders if Sota sees him only as a sub or as something more.

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Manhwa Review | A Man of Virtue by GGANG-E

Title: A Man of Virtue

Jinwoo works with his greatest enemy, Sangtae. Their rivalry began back in , where Jinwoo used to dominate academically. However, when Sangtae transfers to Jinwoo’s school, it isn’t long before Jinwoo roots himself firmly in Jinwoo’s spot, leaving Jinwoo permanently in second place. While this is frustrating, Jinwoo isn’t too worried about it. Of course, this won’t last forever. Sangtae is going to go to , and they probably won’t ever see each other again, right? Wrong. As luck would have, Sangtae ends up working in the same company and even in the same department, and just as he did in high school, Sangtae rules the roost, leaving Jinwoo in the dust.

One evening, when Jinwoo is particularly frustrated by Sangtae, Jinwoo drinks excessively. Then, in his drunken stupor, he pukes on a haechi statue, drawing the beast’s ire. The following day, at random, Jinwoo is inundated by dirty fantasies to the point that he can barely function. Unfortunately, amid one of these fantasies, Sangtae catches Jinwoo trying to relieve himself, resulting in further embarrassment and rivalry between the two. Amid their fighting, though, Jinwoo realizes that he only gets the fantasies when he is near Sangtae, leading him to conclude that these are actually Sangtae’s fantasies.

With Sangtae mysteriously at the crux of Jinwoo’s curse, will he be able to team up with his greatest enemy to solve this issue? Or is this just one more reason to avoid Sangtae for the rest of his life?

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Manga Review | Ten Count by Rihito Takarai

Title: Ten Count

Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. He spends every day in fear of being contaminated. The only way he can make it through his day-to-day life is by covering himself completely and avoiding as much human contact as possible. As a result, Shirotani is always in long sleeves and long pants along with a set of gloves to protect his hands. Even with all of the protection, though, the moment he enters his home, he must strip completely and put the contaminated clothes away, then he has to wash his hands as many times as possible until they are chapped and bleeding. This is Shirotani’s routine.

At least it was, until the day his boss narrowly avoided being hit by a car. While parked on the side of the road, the company president received a phone call, which he took just outside the car. While on the phone, he failed to notice a car heading his way. Shirotani, seeing the oncoming vehicle, calls out to the president and reaches out to him, but at the very last second, his aversion to human touch stops him. Thankfully, though, a passerby on a bicycle saves the president. As it turns out, this savior is Kurose, a counselor at a psychiatric clinic, and the moment he sees Shirotani’s gloves, he identifies that Shirotani has germophobia.

Ashamed by his inability to save the president and from Kurose’s urging, Shirotani begins seeking help from Kurose. First, Kurose has Shirotani write down ten things he can’t do due to his obsessive-compulsive disorder – 1 being the easiest to achieve, 10 being near impossible. Then, together, Kurose and Shirotani go through each one and try to overcome them with exposure therapy. However, the line between counselor and patient begins to blur, and soon Shirotani is doing things with Kurose that disgust him, yet he craves it. Does Kurose truly see Shirotani as a patient needing treatment, or is there something more? And if there is more, can Shirotani overcome enough of his aversions to let Kurose in?

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Manga Review | Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku by Fujita

Title: Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku

Narumi and Hirotaka have been friends since childhood when they bonded over their love of nerdy hobbies. For Narumi, she loved and anime. For Hirotaka, his love of video games dominated everything else in his life. However, as their carefree childhood days flew by, Hirotaka soon realized that he cared for Narumi almost as much as his video games. Unfortunately, though, those idyllic days of childhood bliss faded away, and so did Narumi and Hirotaka’s friendship.

As adults, Hirotaka and Narumi end up working at the same . While they don’t immediately kick off as friends again in adulthood, they find solace in each other’s company once they reveal that their previous obsessions have only intensified. Able to be 100% herself with Hirotaka, Narumi spends a lot of her time complaining and confiding in him, whether it be about her fujoshi-related hobbies, work concerns, or even her failing love life. Hirotaka, still infatuated with Narumi, faithfully stands by as her shoulder to cry on. One day, though, listening to another tale of woe from Narumi due to her various love interests leaving her because of her otaku hobby, Hirotaka takes the plunge. He asks Narumi:

Why doesn’t she just date him instead?

And so begins the struggle of love between a closeted fujoshi and a game-obsessed, antisocial otaku. What could go wrong?

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Manhwa Review | ANTI P.T. by Lee Gpiee

Title: ANTI P.T.

Param is a perfect employee. He was a special hire at one of the top companies in Korea, one of the youngest employees to be promoted into his position, and he’s an overall likable guy at work. Life doesn’t get much better than this! Unfortunately, though, Param isn’t as perfect as it would seem. He has a secret he’s kept under wraps for quite a long time. He has a crush on his coworker Taehyun. To top it all off, Param has a terribly sensitive body. It doesn’t take much before he is in a highly awkward situation.

On a day like any other, Param does his best to get through the day without any issues. However, he ends up pinned against his work crush in a crowded elevator. This, of course, results in Param’s typical awkward situation. As soon as he gets the chance, he escapes the elevator and heads to the nearest bathroom to help relieve himself. Along the way, he ends up running into a beefy delinquent. Param is less than polite about the run-in and ends up rubbing the delinquent the wrong way. Unfortunately for Param, he drops his work ID, and when the delinquent follows Param to the restroom to return it, he ends up catching Param in the act.

Thankfully, the chances of ever running into this guy are pretty much nill… right? Wrong. That same day, Param heads down to the company gym to start his new workout routine, only to find that “delinquent” is not actually a delinquent but a personal trainer for the company. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, the personal trainer, Hwi, blackmails Param. Either he signs up for classes with Hwi for double the standard rate, or Hwi tells the entire company how much of a perv Param is. With no other choice, Param agrees, but it isn’t long before these workouts go beyond that standard gym routine.

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Manhwa Review | Undercover Partners by JayJay

Title: Undercover Partners

Kyuho Je is over being a conglomerate family heir. He is looking for any way possible to get out from under his family while maintaining his lifestyle for himself. He finds the answer to all his problems through a money-laundering expert by the codename “Smurf,” who, in the real world, is known as Kangha Nam. Once Kyuho catches Kangha, he extorts him into entering a contract. Kangha will help Kyuho launder money from Jeho corporation, his family’s corporation, while acting as Kyuho’s lover. Kangha isn’t all that willing to go along with it at first, but when Kyuho offers to compensate him at any price Kangha sees fit, the offer is just too good to be true.

Kyuho gets to work on his plan immediately. He gets Kangha on at work as his secretary and begins setting the stage for their very fake but very public . Kangha charges for every touch, every event, and every favor, which grows his nest egg exponentially. However, as time goes on and they spend more and more time in these compromising scenarios, it becomes much harder to distinguish what emotions are real and which are just part of the act. While Kyuho and Kangha try to identify the legitimacy of their feelings and relationship, the looming threat of their illegal schemes being discovered is ready to ruin everything.

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Manhwa Review | Alien in My Wardrobe by BINGO

Title: Alien in My Wardrobe

Haesung Park is your average corporate professional. He goes to work, works hard, goes home, and goes to sleep, a regular routine for an average guy… at least, it would be if Haesung didn’t also spend his days fantasizing about his sunbae at work, Shiwon. Shiwon is kind and reliable and one of the reasons Haesung can do his best at work. However, in Haesung’s fantasies, Shiwon is dominant and cruel, which is exactly what Haesung wants. Haesung is secretly into , so he tries not to get close to anyone. Who could ever accept someone with such weird tastes?

Never fear. The heavens answer him with a man who conveniently crashes onto Haesung’s balcony. He’s tall, dark, and handsome, not to mention a jerk, which aligns perfectly with Haesung’s BDSM fantasies. However, he isn’t just any man. He is an alien from a species whose ultimate goal is to overtake humanity and eventually the Earth because their planet is dying. While Lotus, the alien, doesn’t intend to make Haesung his main research subject, Haesung mistakenly links up to Lotus’s research.

Beggars can’t be choosers, though, so Lotus is just fine with using Haesung as his research subject. Haesung, however, is not as gungho with the situation. So, Haesung strikes a deal: Lotus can stay with him and research to his heart’s content… if Lotus will help him fulfill his BDSM fantasies. Much to Haesung’s surprise, Lotus accepts. So begins the odd partnership between an alien and a human. What could go wrong?

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Manga Review | Sweat and Soap by Kintetsu Yamada

Title: Sweat and Soap

Asako works at a toiletry manufacturing company in the finance department, which is convenient since she struggles with something that makes life pretty tricky: sweat. Asako sweats much more than average, so she has to be extra hygienic to avoid smelling out in public. Even with her above-average hygiene habits, though, Asako still finds herself stressing over her smell. As a child, she was relentlessly bullied for sweating, and that trauma has carried over into her adulthood. So, her days are spent in constant anxiety and fear over getting too close to those around her and becoming the laughingstock of her peers due to her hygiene.

Her fears come to a head when the lead product developer Kotaro Natori at work approaches her in the lobby because of her smell. He has an unnaturally strong sense of smell because he develops the soaps their company produces, and Asako’s scent is particularly strong to him. However, he doesn’t dislike her smell at all. Instead, he is inspired by it, and he desperately needs Asako’s odor to inspire him for the upcoming Winter line of soaps he is preparing to present. Though Asako wants to do anything but let Kotaro smell her all day, for the company’s sake, she agrees to let Kotaro smell her at the daily. It’s not long, though, before Kotaro is drawn to Asako for more than just her smell, and even Asako is beginning to enjoy these sniff sessions a bit more than she expected.

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